Leo Marfont, true king of Plaenia, has recently reclaimed the throne of his mother's country after it was usurped from his grandparents. Coraline Blackhall has been raised and trained by her grandfather, the Usurper himself, to inherit his crown on the occasion of his death. She has convinced herself her seduction of him was only for her to be seated as the Queen she was meant to be. He has convinced himself that he has brought peace to his kingdom by bringing her and her people to his side. They're both hiding from the true feelings behind those lies. They're both afraid of what they might mean, because neither knows if they can survive it.
Leo felt strange in those soft clothes. They were fine things, soft and decorated with the best jewellery he could afford as a king. He had to say, Raignald Blackhall knew what to do to make a country wealthier, and his administration left Plaenia in a good financial position, even during a war. But Leonard never really felt like a king, and switching his clothes wouldn't do anything to change that. His mother should have been the one doing this, dressing up for her coronation, waiting for the moment she was prepared for during her childhood and life when her parents were alive and on the throne. He never met them but heard stories, and the saddest one was the one he remembered the most.
She was just a young princess when she had gone on her first diplomatic trip, and Raignald Blackhall chose that exact day to invade the castle where she'd lived for many years and killed her parents with his own hands. People said he'd also been responsible for the storm that reached town that night, causing half of the capital to be destroyed, be it by magic or whatever power the man had. For over thirty years she lived on the run with his father, at himself at some point, but had died just months before her dreams of seeing home again were fulfilled. So now, Leo was here: he'd taken Plaenia back to the Royal House of Marfont, avenged his family's name and set peace on the land once again.
"You look fancy," his father noticed, crossing his arms in front of his chest, standing behind him. "Everything is ready."
His parents were an odd pair. Edgar and Florence couldn't be more different: She was a princess - a Queen after her parents passed away -, educated and used to a life of riches and privileges. He was a pirate who stole and smuggled things around for the right price if they were morally correct in his eyes. As he said, an odd pair, and they absolutely knew it.
Even he was dressed up in a completely different fashion this morning because it wasn't exactly a random day. After long talks with the people in his council, his allies and friends, and Edgar, he was getting married to Coraline Blackhall, once heir to the usurper and a woman who'd been haunting his imagination since he first laid eyes upon her.
"We can cancel it," his father pointed out. "You are King. You can do whatever you want, you can marry whoever you want. Why worry about her? She barely had any claim on her own with her grandfather being dead, she doesn't have allies, she doesn't have an army… She's just a random woman at this point. The Dunchs can find her a match, and she would be far from Plaenia in a hot minute."
Leo shook his head. Blackhall wasn't very well-liked, but he never gave them clear reasons to rebel while in the throne, which meant he had no real record of anyone defending him, and he didn't want to risk a rebellion putting Coraline on the throne. And, of course, she was of a good family, when it came to her mother's side. The Dunchs were their allies, and he was even named after her - good - grandfather, an Earl. Furthermore, she was already trained to rule the country, was intelligent and a good fighter.
The fact that he was smitten by her was just a detail.
"You know I can't," he rolled his eyes. "We don't need another war, and she's the best match for me in this country. I need a wife and heirs as soon as possible."
Edgar shrugged, knowing not to press him further.
"She's also the daughter of the man your mum almost married," he noted.
Leo sighed, the memory of his mother was still painful. He didn't think he'd ever think she wouldn't be here for a day so big as his wedding.
"What would everyone think if they saw us today?"
The whole trigger to Palpatine starting the war was because his grandparents refused to give his mother's hand in marriage to his only son, one he had hunted down killed himself when he found out he had married the young Lady Dunch and had a child with her, Coraline.
His father didn't answer, and they both turned to the door when someone knocked on it. It was time, then.
"Come in."
Ferrant stepped into the room and reverenced him, something he still wasn't used to, and the doors of the room were widely open.
"The procession is ready, your majesty," he declared.
Leo breathed in once again.
"What about my bride?"
"She's waiting for the moment she's to leave for the Abbey."
A servant stepped by his side, then, offering him his crown and Leonard picked it up, setting it on his head. It was heavy and it dug in his skin sometimes, but he wanted it to be like this. Being a king wasn't a gift or comfort, it was a job, he was serving his people, and no power came without consequences, and it shouldn't be comfortable.
"We shall go, then."
Leo considered his union with Coraline Blackhall the most important step of the first year of his reign. He was the one true heir of Plaenia, his direct ancestors had been the founders of the land, and Raignald Blackhall was the first monarch that didn't belong to the Marfont House and the last. His granddaughter was a beautiful young woman, but marrying her was more than that. Having her as his Queen would shut down any rebels who would try to depose him and put her in his place. It would also make him look merciful, taking in the last heir of his enemy and giving her such a gift of reigning by his side.
The streets were beautifully decorated and the people seemed their happiest now. Since he came and defeated Blackhall, things were better. He had extinguished useless taxes that were used to pay for mercenaries, freed people who were arrested for supporting his cause, and unmade changes that displeased the people. Now they sang, danced and partied, celebrating his health and success.
The Bishop who was in front of him now in the abbey was the same one who had officiated his parents' marriage in exile and christened him when he was just a baby, an old man, sure, but the most loyal of his subjects.
Coraline walked in his direction holding blue hydrangeas that matched her long blue and purple wedding dress. Her long hair was twisted and built into bride braids, something her maids were certainly involved with. The first-ever time he'd seen and interacted with her - the day she offered him her loyalty in a breathtaking way - her hair was all down like an uncultured woman, and he was happy to see how that had changed. She was to be his queen, and that meant following the Plaenian's traditions closely.
"Lady Coraline," he looked upon her eyes, offering her a hand.
Lady Coraline. Not princess, not any more. She came to him as a Lady. and he would make her a Queen.
"Your Majesty," she curtsied, not looking away.
Leo took her hand, swallowing down when a warm shiver ran up his spine and taking in a deep breath, already drowning in her scent.
"Your majesty," the Bishop looked at him, then at her. "Milady. People of Plaenia, We're here to celebrate the union…"