
Food and level

Hit by light from outside, my eyes opened.

I yawned and stretched my stiff body.

After sleeping, my wounds have closed and scabbed.

As expected of a beast, albeit still a cub, I have quite the recovery ability.

But, although my wounds have closed, my HP still not recovering.

My stamina only recovered to half after a whole night sleep.

Well, I did almost use up all my stamina yesterday And my stomach rumbled incessantly.

I guess I would recover after eating something.

Now that I thought about it, I hadn't eaten anything from yesterday.

Today, I got to search for food, or else I'm gonna starve.

But first, I need to allocate my points.

Name : unnamed

Species : Fire Kitten (Common)

Type : Beast

Sex : Male

Rank : 01

LV : 005/100

HP: 10/25

MP : 05/05

STM : 20/40

ATK : 3

DEF : 3

MGC : 1

MND : 2

DEX : 1

AGL : 7

Points : 14

Active Skills :

Appraise LV01

Fire Breath LV01

Fire Clad LV01

Passive Skills :

Languages comprehension LVMAX

Pyrokinesis LV01

Dominate LV01

Resistance Skills :

Heat Nullification LVMAX

Title :


Harem seeker

Oh~ I'm level 5!

That was fast.

Was the rat that I defeated yesterday actually pretty strong? Or was it that I'm just too weak, so I leveled up faster?

No matter, my level increasing fast was a good thing. With this, my road to OPness didn't look so hazardous anymore.

Yosh, the target for today was to search for food and try to level up as much as possible!

To did that, I need to allocate my stats carefully.

Hmm... What to do with this 14 points?

my first thought was to upgrade my def first, as long as I could endure my enemy attack, I should be able to burn them to ash with pyrokinesis.

Okay then, let's use 7 points for def!

Now, what I'm going to choose for the offense? Physical or magic?

Let's go with physical since I didn't have magic and my magic stat was lower than my atk stat, I should go for physical attack. And I personally liked the image of beating my enemy with raw power than magic.

Then for the other 7 points, I used 2 for atk, to make my attack stronger.

3 for agl, so I could dodge more easily.

1 each for dex and HP, dex for aim and HP for making me a better tank.

Yosh, My stats were looking better!

Name : unnamed

Species : Fire Kitten (Common)

Type : Beast

Sex : Male

Rank : 01

LV : 005/100

HP : 10/30

MP : 05/05

STM : 20/40

ATK : 5

DEF : 10

MGC : 1

MND : 2

DEX : 2

AGL : 10

Points : 0

Active Skills :

Appraise LV01

Fire Breath LV01

Fire Clad LV01

Passive Skills :

Languages comprehension LVMAX

Pyrokinesis LV01

Dominate LV01

Resistance Skills :

Heat Nullification LVMAX

Title :


Harem seeker

With this, I'm sure I could beat that rat a lot easier.

As for the spider, If I could dodge it's web attack and burned it's nest with it along, it should end as a victory for me.

Finishing my stats distribution, I head out from the hole while paying attention at my surrounding.

I need to be wary at all time to survive here, I didn't want to die without knowing what hit me.

I strolled the woods, I tried not to make any noise as I walked and I walked near bushes so I could hide anytime.

After an hour of walking, I found an apple tree.

Albeit hard and falling a few times, I managed to climb the tree and obtained an apple.

Before I took a bite, I appraised the apple. Just to make sure what I ate was a real apple or something else.

The result was an apple, the same as the rat and spider, only its name appeared. I need to raise my appraising skill level.

After eating a couple of apples, My stomach felt full. And my stamina fully recovered too, but my HP still hasn't recovered.

With a full stomach, I went down the tree and walked to search for enemy.

In my walk, I appraised everything I could see, whether it's a stone or leaf. Thankfully the appraise skill didn't use MP or stamina, so I could use it without care.

After appraising things about a hundred or so times, my appraise skill leveled up!

"Appraise skill leveled up!"

"You can now see description for things you appraise."

I tried appraising a rock and beneath the name, there was a string of words.


Just a normal rock.

Yosh, it worked!

I appraise the bushes in front of me.


Just a normal bush.

I saw a herb-like plant in front of a tree, usually, a plant that grew near a tree was either useful or poisonous. I appraised the plant, hoping for healing herb.

Kousu herb

A herb with healing properties. Can be eaten raw, crushed and rub it on wounds, or used as potion ingredients for maximal effect. Very bitter.


I ate the herb but I almost spit it back out because of the extreme bitterness.

I endured it and finally swallow it.

The bitterness and the grassy smell still lingers in my mouth, I opened my stats and found that I recovered 5 points of HP.

What the hell!? It only recovered 5 points!

You mean I have to eat that herb five more times to be at full health?!

I crushed the other kousu herb and rubbed it to my wound, but my HP didn't recover.

So, the only way is to eat it?

No way! I had to search a way to negate that bitterness, eating it five more times would wilt my tongue!

I walked again, but I'm not searching for enemies but for water.

I needed water, I really wanted it right now, to erased the bad taste in my mouth.

It's been two hours since my search for water, I haven't found any water source but I did found edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Hore mushroom

Edible. A bit spicy.

Luug mushroom

Poisonous. Caused paralysis if eaten

Ugo mushroom

Poisonous. Caused poisoning if eaten.

I'm truly grateful that my appraise skill level up.

If not, I'm going to have a really hard time.

As I walked, I heard a scream from ahead of me.

I went toward the scream, but I went slowly and carefully so I could back out at any moment I felt danger.

As I near the scream source, I heard the sound of water.

I grew excited but I still wary, because many danger could be found near and in water. Not to mention, I just heard a scream.

I found a river but I also found a bunch of rat from yesterday, I hid inside bushes and looked at the rats. I appraised one.

Forest Rat

Big omnivore rats that lived in the forest. Lived and hunt in groups. High reproductive ability. Edible.

There were five of them, and they were crowding something.

When I got a good look at what they were crowding, I almost yell.

The rats were eating a human.

I could only see the boots and legs because the five rats were crowding his body.

As the rats were busy eating, it was my chance to ambush them.

For the corpse, I knew this was not something to say but, thank you for distracting them. I'll at least took revenge for you, by killing them.

A plan formed in my mind.

I ran out from the bushes and activate [Fire Clad].

The rats were too preoccupied on their meal, they didn't notice me.

I rammed one of the rats, only then the rats noticed me, but it was too late.

I used [Fire Breath] and managed to hit two of the rats near me.

Three rats were rolling in the ground with their body on fire.

I ignored the other two, they won't dare attack me while I activated [Fire Clad], they won't risk getting burned.

I ran to the one I rammed, I turned it to ash using [Fire Breath]. I did the same for one of the two rats rolling on the ground.

For the last rat, I gouged its throat with my fangs. I need to bit multiple times because of my small size.

The blood on my mouth and fangs were burned by the fire on my body and left black marks.

The rats that I bit were letting out smokes from it's hollowed throat.

I looked at the two still living rats, I growled menacingly to intimidate them.

"You have learned [Intimidation]!"

My body covered by fire, my fangs stained by black marks from the blood as I stood on top of a Forest Rat corpse. Behind me were two more Forest Rats corpses.

The two alive Forest Rats growled back at me, but they slowly retreated and finally ran while leaving words.

"Strong, run."

"Run, avoid."

When the two rats disappeared from my sight, I deactivated [Fire Clad] and went to the shallow river with slow steps.

I voraciously gulped down the water after checking the river with appraise skill.

After satisfying my thirst, I rolled around the water to clean my body and face.

My plan worked.

Taking on five rats were dangerous, so I need to intimidate them to leave.

That was why I took out three rats while leaving two alive. To intimidate the last two.

For now, three rats were my limit. The stamina used for my ability was no joke.

The battle just now already exhausted 25 points of my stamina.

Thankfully my intimidation worked.

If not, then I'm in for a tough battle.

I checked my status, after resting a bit.

I heard the level up announcement in my head after killing those three rats.

Name : unnamed

Species : Fire Kitten (Common)

Type : Beast

Sex : Male

Rank : 01

LV : 013/100

HP : 15/30

MP : 05/05

STM : 15/40

ATK : 5

DEF : 10

MGC : 1

MND : 2

DEX : 2

AGL : 10

Points : 24

Active Skills :

Appraise LV02

Fire Breath LV01

Fire Clad LV01

Intimidation LV01

Passive Skills :

Languages comprehension LVMAX

Pyrokinesis LV01

Dominate LV01

Resistance Skills :

Heat Nullification LVMAX

Title :


Harem seeker

Wow, level 13! I really leveled up quick!

24 points to use for stats upgrade. Hmm, how to distribute it?

I used 10 points for stamina, more stamina means I could use more ability.

4 points for HP, for more HP.

3 points for MND, to defend against magic attack.

3 points for DEX, for more accuracy.

And lastly, 4 points for ATK, for more raw power.

Hahahahahaha! I'm still far from being OP, but I'm getting there!

Name : unnamed

Species : Fire Kitten (Common)

Type : Beast

Sex : Male

Rank : 01

LV : 013/100

HP : 15/50

MP : 05/05

STM : 15/90

ATK : 9

DEF : 10

MGC : 1

MND : 5

DEX : 5

AGL : 10

Points : 0

Active Skills :

Appraise LV02

Fire Breath LV01

Fire Clad LV01

Intimidation LV01

Passive Skills :

Languages comprehension LVMAX

Pyrokinesis LV01

Dominate LV01

Resistance Skills :

Heat Nullification LVMAX

Title :


Harem seeker
