
Chapter 78


Our shift has over a while ago and now we both were walking out side by side but I am still not talking to him. I cannot forget what he did before. How could he just agree to go somewhere with her? I turned to look at him. He looked so calm walking beside me. How lucky I am to look at him like this. From this close. When will you love me hyung? Why don't you understand that I cannot stop loving you no matter how much I try? I sighed heavily and looked in front. "W-why did you say yes?" "Huh? What?" "That girl. Why you said that you will take her on lunch tomorrow?" I tried my best to appear calm but my voice was betraying my jealousy. "You could have said no." I mumbled "I already promised her few days ago." I bit my lip to stop my tears from falling. "W-Why? Do you l-like her?" I fidgeted my fingers. "If by like you mean in a romantic way then no. You know I cannot like a girl in that way." "W-What other way you like her t-then?" I heard him heaving a sigh and he stopped making me stop too along with him and that's when I noticed we reached near his parked car. He turned around and pushed his hands in his both the pockets of coat. "I don't like her that way but she is my friend. She have helped me many times and I think I at least owe her this. But it's not a date like you are thinking." "Maybe not for you. But it was clear that she likes you. She will definitely try to win you." "But that would be fruitless." "Don't go" I pleaded him. "Taehyung stop please." he said while pinching the bridge of his nose making me cry finally. "Fine! Do whatever you want!" I stomped my foot and jogged to passenger door and sat inside. Few seconds later he sat inside too and start driving. Whole time we both were silent and I was just looking out of the window to avoid looking at him but deep down I was hoping him to speak to me, to try to coax me but he didn't making me more disappointed. As soon as we reached, I immediately stepped out and headed to my room before banging shut my room's door in order to make him sure that I am angry and then fell on my bed and soon my tears started streaming down. Suddenly I heard a loud thunder making me froze. Then I saw a lightning bolt from my window making me shiver. I quickly removed my shoes and covered myself from the duvet completely and started silently praying for this to over. The grumbles and growls became frequent making me cold sweat. I bit my lower lip maybe too tight that I could taste metallic taste but I couldn't care less at the moment. I heard another thunderbolt and I flinched. My grip on the duvet tighten in terror. "E-Eommaa" I choked. The flashes of memory started appearing in front of my eyes making me broke into tears. I hiccupped and shivered with fear. "Eomma!!" I cried a bit louder but got no reply in return. After crying for god knows what and when the scary sounds disappeared, my eyelids started to feel heavy and soon I drifted off.


The sounds of thunder flew away my sleepiness and I was just laying awake on bed. Personally I hate this. I like to have peaceful environment but right now it's opposite. I sighed and decided to walk out in hall and watch something on T.V to make myself tired enough to fall asleep. As soon as I stepped out, I heard a muffled cry. I stopped in my track and turned to look at Taehyung's door. Did I hear correct? Maybe I was just imagining things. I shrugged and started walking but I again heard a cry but this time louder like he is in pain so I got alarmed and ran towards his door. I knocked few times but didn't get any reply so I just opened the door and my eyes feel on Taehyung whose eyes were close indicating he was sleeping but his hands were clutching sheets and he was mumbling 'eomma' repeatedly. I rushed to him and found that he was seeing a nightmare. There were small droplets on his forehead and his skin was lightly pale. There was even a little amount of dried blood on his lips. I shook him lightly to wake him up but he didn't. "Taehyung? Wake up it's just a dream" I shook him more a bit rougher this time. His eyes shot opened and it looked like he was having difficulties while breathing. When his eyes fell on me he broke into loud sobs and sat up before hugging me tightly. I hugged him back without any hesitation and started stroking his hairs and back. "It's OK everything is OK. It was just a nightmare. You are safe now." I tried to console him but he was just repeating one word, 'eomma' making me confuse but I continued stroking him. When he finally calmed down a little, I made him lay back again and got up to leave but he grabbed my wrist and I stopped. His red and teary eyes met mine. "D-don't leave p-please..stay h-here..please" I sighed but complied due to his vulnerable situation and laid beside him. He immediately snuggled closer to me with his arm around my waist and his head on my chest. I tensed at first but soon relaxed. I hesitantly wrapped one of my arm around his waist and with another hand started stroking his hairs. I soon heard his light snores and even breaths but I didn't stop stroking his hairs until I drifted too.
