
Chapter 43


Three hours. Three ing hours we are shopping for and I tell you these were the worst hours of my life so far. Why? Because I am being dragged here and there store to store with tons of shopping bags in my hands. If I was not that ill before then now I am feeling like collapsing on my bed and sleep for at least seven years. Oh how I miss my that comfy cloud bed. Only if I could go back now. You guys must be thinking Jeongguk is with me so he must be helping me. HAHAHA do you guys really think that that person will help me? Do you? Let me tell you what he actually did. He just dragged me everywhere without telling me what we were exactly shopping for and while shopping whenever I tried to give any advice that dickhead just brushed me off like I didn't exist and just handed me half of his shopping bags to carry. Such a lovely person right? "Hey why are you standing here like this?" He came to me completing rest of his shopping while I was just standing near the counter waiting for this horrible day to finish already. "Why? Have any problem with that?" I said completely irritated and fed up by now. He raised his eyebrow then shrugged and went to the counter to pay the bill. After some minutes of waiting he came back. "Oh you must be tired right? I will take this bag so you won't have to carry much load" and he took the LIGHTEST bag from my hand and I gave him 'Are you serious?' look "What?" He asked. I rolled my eyes "So kind of you Jeongguk. You have such a 'BIG' heart." I said sarcastically. "Of course. I do hate you with my last breath but that doesn't mean I am not a good person. If you ever need my help you can ask me I will try to consider your request." He replied cockily. If only I was not tired already then I would have strangled him to death right then and there. We both went out of the mall with him walking ahead of me. How can someone have such energy level? "Where are we going now?" I asked. My voice already got strained by staying without food and water for hours. "To eat something. I don't know about you but my stomach is already screaming for food." My eyes lit up and my stomach growled at the mention of food. "I am hungry too" I admitted. "Yeah? Then pay for yours. I am not going to pay for you." I glared at him shooting daggers at the back of his head. "I was not even asking you " He didn't reply which I was thankful of as I don't want to hear his voice anymore. After minutes of walking which completely drained my energy we entered a pizza shop. The spicy smell of different kind of pizzas entering through my nose making my mouth watery and my stomach growling. He went to a table in a corner and sat there with me following behind. I almost moaned from finally able to sit. A waitress came to our table and after thinking a lot we ordered two different pizzas. After finishing them, to my surprise he paid for both of them. We had four pizzas being packed for the two who are already at the site. "Now only one thing is left." He said after we left the pizza shop. "What?" I asked. I was feeling energetic after filling my stomach up. "Cake." he replied and then we both went to a bakery where we ordered Jimin's favorite cake which to our luck will be ready by tomorrow. Then he asked for a taxi and we both sat down and he gave the driver the address of the place where we will be celebrating Jimin's birthday. I was excited to go there as I haven't seen it yet. I didn't realize when I drifted to sleep in the taxi until Hobi hyung woke me up. My eyes fell on Hobi hyung who was carrying all the shopping bags which were with me before and was shaking me to wake me up. Then my eyes drifted to Jeongguk who was paying to driver. I scowled at him for not even waking me up and just went out leaving me behind. If Hobi hyung was not here then he probably would have sent me with the driver. I came out of the taxi and closed the door behind me. My eyes widen at the view behind Hobi hyung. We were in the middle of some forest and there was an abandoned cottage. It was so beautiful. I have to say that Jeongguk did a great job but I won't admit it in front of him to not feed his ego anymore. But seriously Jimin will be so surprised. "We three have almost cleaned it and now you guys came then till tonight we will even finish the decoration." Hobi hyung spoke and I turned to him confused "Three?" "Yeah. Me Suga hyung and Joon. They both are still inside, cleaning." A tingling feeling arose within my body at his name and all the memories of last night came back which I almost forgot. I suddenly started to feel nervous at the idea of facing him again. I can't. No, I don't want to. I don't know how he will react. How I WILL react. I don't want to embarrass myself anymore in front of me. Last night was enough of that. "What happen? Are you OK?" Hobi hyung asked. "Yeah, just feeling a little tired." Well that was not a complete lie. "I know and don't worry you don't need to do anything if you are not feeling well. Just sit somewhere and take rest. There are even couches inside you can sleep there if you want to." He said and I smiled at him thankfully. After that we three went inside and I must say it was looking so beautiful. The place was well cleaned and some couches and chairs were well settled. There were dim lightings everywhere making the place look more dreamily mesmerizing. Then my eyes fell on a couch or rather someone sleeping on the couch. How can someone look this beautiful by just sleeping? His hairs were disheveled and were sticking to his forehead. His white shirt had some spots of dirt on it and I wonder why the hell did he wear something white when he knew he was coming here to clean? Well whatever but that shirt was looking amazing on him. The sleeves were folded revealing his hands before his elbows. Top three buttons of his shirt were opened from where his chest was peeking out making me feel slightly hot and I gulped at the sight. His shirt has came out of his black jeans which looked like being tucked in before. His arms were crossed over his chest and his lips were slightly parted. His overall look was giving me a y vibe and a desire to touch him surged through my body but I held myself back. "He was so tired so he went to take a nap" Hobi hyung spoke and I realized that I have been staring at Yunki hyung for long. I blushed in embarrassment and averted my eyes back to Hobi hyung. "He did the least work among us and now he has been sleeping for two hours." Namjoon hyung spoke standing beside Hobi hyung. He was carrying the most dirt on his clothes among the three of them. His blue t shirt looked like as it has never been washed in years. His hairs just like others messy and sticking to his forehead. One of the finger of his rubber gloves has torn apart must because of his power of destruction. His grey jeans were folded above his ankles and his shoes were full of dirt. Hobi hyung was no different then the two. I wonder how much of cleaning they did to end up like this. I was relieved that I was with Jeongguk. Walking without food and water on street sounds better than cleaning and getting all dirty. "Hey guys I have brought pizzas and cold drinks for you. You guys should eat first." Jeongguk's came inside while holding four pizzas boxes one upon another in one hand while cans of cold drinks in a polybag in other. "What? Pizza?" came Yunki hyung's voice who finally awoke. "Look our sleeping beauty is hungry now." teased Hobi hyung and Yunki hyung just raised his middle finger in reply without looking at him and snatched a pizza box from Jeongguk before he could even keep them on the table in front of the couch on which Yunki hyung was sleeping and now sitting. I laughed at his reaction resulting him to lift his head and look at me. Our eyes finally met making me halt my laughing and gulped with nervousness and embarrassment. He was just looking in my eyes without any emotion on his face. I cleared my throat to remove my awkwardness but he didn't stop staring at me until Hobi hyung sat beside him while snatching the box of pizza from his hand.
