
Why disturb my sleep ? For some Takagi household ?

`Finally ... They have let me go ... Only thing that I wanted ... was a rest'

Says man with short red hair and eyes. He is currently in abandoned warehouse. On his body many holes from bullets can be seen, and under him appeared a large in size, crimson pool of blood. He was one of best assassins in the world. But what was surprising is that he didn't want to be one. He was forced to become one. His parents got taken as hostages, and he was forced to kill for them to be free. But what was unimaginable for boy, was that his parents were the ones who wanted him to kill. In the end, after knowing the truth, he killed them, the 'Kidnapers', and everyone that were in his way. His parents were even cursing him for killing them ! But now that he finally got his peace, his peace would be eternal one.

`Now that I think about it ... I have rarely got any sleep because of being worried by my parents. If I will get next life I want to just sleep.'

"And all I wanted ... was just ... a rest."

Said man with what was lasting in his lungs, as he did one last breath and his consciousness started to dip away.

`So ... This ... Is ... My ... ... End'

Thought man as he lost consciousness and died. Later that night police got called because of shooting sounds in one of warehouses. There they found 23 bodies. 22 had only one cartridge either in their hearts, brains or lungs. Only one had about 37 holes caused by guns. Later man got identified as Kuro Akumu, nickname 'One shot'. Case got handled and in the end 22 bodies were treated as victims of his last job. Victims got proper burial, while assassins body got cutted in parts and thrown to dogs as their food.


Currently, It was night for every citizen in Japan. On edge of Tokonosu city, we can see a mansion. This mansion looks like abandoned one. The only thing that says that it isn't abandoned was turned on light in corridors. In one of the rooms, we can see a boy currently sleeping on bed. Boy seemed to be 8 years old, he has short red hair and bags under his eyes. He was wearing loose white shirt and pants. A sleepy boy was named Kuro Akumu, and is what you would call young master. Yes, he got reincarnated as heir of Akumu family, highly influential family on par with Takagi family, only that parents of Kuro live in Countryside in their mansion, while Kuro pleaded them to let him stay in this mansion near the city. Kuro's childhood could be described with one word, boring. If not for anime and manga, he would be bored to death. When he reached 8 years old, he requested from his dad, to learn how to use weapons. His dad, clearly amazed and proud of his son manly decision, openly supported the idea of making him learn how to use weapon. When his father asked what weapon does he want to learn, he looked around and noticed very good weapon for himself. Two steel bars. When he told his father that he wanted to learn how to wield steel bars his father first started laughing at him, but seeing his unmoved face, he started his training. He also wanted to learn how to use guns, and this made his dad sure that it was his son.


Going back to our sleepyhead, today he was taking extra amount of sleep. Why you ask ? Because tomorrow he will be meeting Takagi family, to accompany his parents and to meet Takagi's daughter. His parents say that she has to much IQ for her age, and she is bored with relationships with kids her age. So her and his parents stumbled upon idea of making them see each other, because both of them are intelligent. So he was taking extra amount of sleep, to be able to not sleep on their meeting.


Morning ! One of greatest enemies of Kuro. And morning meant tone thing.

"Young Master Kuro~ Time to wake up !"

Said ever so cheerful maid named Okane. She was personal maid of Kuro. She got long green hair, golden eyes and big assets. With that hourglass figure of hers, any normal men would be in heaven. Of course we are talking about NORMAL mans, and Kuro isn't any normal.

"Okane, give me half hour longer."

"Fufufufu I can't do that. Your parents will be here in two hours, and straight from here you will go to Takagis mansion. There you will be meeting another woman, so you need to look like an angel"

"Please ?"

Kuro activated his special attack !

"...*sigh* Okay, WE will have 10 minutes."

It was very effective !

"...We ?"


Says Okane as she sat on his bed and got him on her lap, while his head was under her mountains. He didn't do anything, and just got back to sleep.

After those 10 minutes they got up. THEY, because Okane had to carry Kuro in princes position, because her young master was still asleep and she didn't want to end such beautiful view.

After ten minutes Kuro woke up and got bath, breakfast and dressed up. Now he was waiting for his parents to arrive, and didn't know what to do.

"Okane, can I sleep while waiting ?"

"Yes young master. I will wake you up when your parents will arrive."

Kuro noded at her and gone back to sleep.


After one and half hour in distance you can see expensive cabriolet riding towards the door of mansion. From car first we can see muscular man with long red hair and sharp, red eyes. From behind a man we can see petite figure of woman. She has long black hair and blue eyes. They are parents of Kuro.

"Oh Kuro my boy ! How have you been here alone ?"

"I wasn't alone Oka-san. I was with butlers, maids and Okane."

"Fufufufufu, that is great ! Now get on ! We are going towards Takagis mansion. There you will meet Takagis daughter, Saya Takagi. I hope that you will at least try to befriend her before falling asleep."

"Yes mom. Can I sleep Now ?"

"*Sigh* Yes you can sleep Now."

Said Kuro's mother, Nana Akumu with helpless expression.


"Kuro! Kuro ! Wake up ! We are here !"

Heard Kuro as he woke up from his slumber.

"Okay mom."

Said Kuro as he glanced out of the window. What he saw was a big gate of Takagis mansion. Whole mansion was quite big, but he saw bigger ones. Once they got closer, gate has opened and 3 peoples could be seen. One was muscular man with short dark hair. That was probably head of Takagis household, Souichiro Takagi. On his left was a woman with long light purple hair. She was probably wife of Souichiro, Yurok Takagi. And on his right was tiny figure of a girl. Girl had two ponytails of light pink hair and wears glasses as her eyes shines with arrogance. It was Souichiro's daughter. Saya Takagi.


As our car stoped, my dad got off the car, and while later mom walke in his example. I understood that they wanted to make dramatic entrance, so I too slowly got out of my car. I was wearing long, black trench coat with hints of grey and red and black pants. As I got out of car, I wanted to look as cool as I could, so I pulled my head down a bit, and when close enough I raised my head, to show my serious expression and bags under my eyes. My dad peeks at me proudly, confirming that we were trying to look cool.

"Head of Akumu household, Soro Akumu"

Said my dad as he readies his hand in position of handshake.

"Head of Takagi household, Souichiro Takagi"

Says Souichiro as he replies to gesture with shaking my dads hand.

"Hahahahahahaha !"

"Hahahahahahaha !"

Laughed both of them at the same time.

"Long time no see Soro. You surely have some thing to talk about. Let's go to my office to talk about some things"

"Hahaha, Okay"

My dad agrees as he and Souichiro head to his office.

"Well then, you must be Yuriko-San. How about we go to a side and talk some things out ?"

My mom says while looking at me from time to time.

"Okay then Nana-San. Let's have a long and good talk"

Said Yuriko as she staged my mom to their garden.

Now both me and Saya are staring at each other. Saya stared at me as just next kid, that her parents wanted to introduce her to, while I looked at her and thought about how to get out of here and got to sleep.

While we were both staring at each other's like predators, it is her that severs silence.

"So what is your name ?"

She asks while staring at me.

"Kuro. Kuro Akumu."

I said with clearly bored tone. She seemed to caught boredom in my voice as she said.

"So you to don't like that kids with their methods of thinking ?"

"No. I am just to bored around them. They are to easy to read. I can tell what they will be doing in next 5 minutes just by looking at them. They are to boring."

Saya nods at my words and starts thinking about something.

"Are we going to stand here or get inside your mansion ? Because I don't like to stand. It is to tiring."

I said as I started walking towards the mansion. Saya didn't say anything as she quietly followed me.


After about 2 hours of talking with Saya, I finally understood that she was a genius. She was someone in my age that I could hold normal conversation with. I have come to know her closer. And on every end of the topic when I complimented her for her intelligence, she always stood up and said.

"Of course ! I am a genius ! It is only natural for me to be this intelligent !"

She said. She had superiority complex. That was to fix but maybe later. After 4 hours of talking an playing she opened herself up to me because I was only intelligent kid her age that could match her intellect ... That is what she said.

After this four hours we finally started going back home. While I was getting to car I heard a voice.

"Will you come to talk with me again ? It was quite fun talking with someone who could match my intelligence"

She said, as I replied her with small smile and nod. And then we drove away.

"So, son. What were you talking about ?"

"About how intelligent she is"

I said with clear sarcasm, as dad started to laugh.

"Then you have made your first friend, right ?"


I said as I gone back to sleep.


Heya !

It is promoting chapter, for what you can expect about this novel. If this chapter will meet with good response, I will try to make at least one chapter a week. Well, not hold in' ya anymore.

See ya !

