

Opening my eye's the first thing I see is am inside a coffin. I put my hand on the lid and push it hard not anticipating for it to fly off and hit the ceiling hard. 'right I have supernatural strength now I have to be careful 'I thought with a wary smile.

Sitting up I looked around seeing the place is filled with wolfsbane and vervain. "wow they went the extra mile to keep me here and is that a mountain ash barrier around the coffin " I said a bit surprised.

'I think all of this is to keep werewolves and vampires, if there are any left, from awakening me 'I thought with a smirk because from the memories I just got wolfsbane and vervain don't affect me physically and I did push through a mountain ash barrier with a bit of effort.

"So my name in this world is Astrid Mikelson. It seems my origin story is like that of the originals except I had only one sibling that died like Henrik which resulted in me being bitten by a wolf with red eyes that same night. The change happened before I transitioned to vampire making me a hybrid. " I said going through my new memories. I got out of the coffin and stood before the barrier putting my right hand on it I pushed putting a bit of strength into it.

A few seconds later it broke with a smile I walked out of it 'I always wanted to try that ever since I saw Scott do it in season 3.'

Walking up to the stone door I punched it breaking it to pieces. As I walked out I took in a breath of fresh air. ' it feels nice to be free.'

Concentrating on my hearing I vamp speed towards a town that's not far from here. I get there in a second and search for a clothes store compel the worker to forget I put on a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket blue jeans and black air force ones.

After that, I went on a hunt for a meal finding a drunk guy in an alleyway I drink from him and compel him to forget he ever saw me.

'completion is super convenient.'I thought with a smirk after compelling myself a free motorcycle. I revved up my new motorcycle and started my journey to beacon hills.

(pic here)
