
Hunting My Bitch Husband

The world had served her the cruellest and bitter taste of life. From the mysterious death of her parents to her awful marriage which slowly ripped her off. All of this made her become a changed woman and she vowed never to love again because she believed that all men were evil. She was called the city bitch, a woman who rampaged the city, tortured men with her body and did cruel things to people. Nothing and no one could stop the hottest slayer in the city who bowed to no one. Digging gold with her pretentious smile that made men succumb to her and women green with jealousy. All these she did in viciousness to take down her lifetime enemy who ripped and turned her world upside down. Plotting her sweet great revenge, storming the city with her cruel and crazy acts, she was suddenly trapped in the web of the same oath she vowed not to break. Finding herself spelling the word LOVE seemed like a curse to her as she felt she will make the same horrible mistake that took the life she once had. Either she ruled and accomplished her revenge, or the city goes to ruin.

PenDora56 · สมัยใหม่
54 Chs

It's Time To Meet An Old Friend.

After escaping early before the police could get to the place where he had encountered the city bitch, Rashuel buried his face in his laptop searching for the information to track the city bitch down, but hours passed, still there was no information he could find.

Rashuel led down his laptop for the fourth time when he could not find anything about the city bitch.

He couldn't help but wonder who she was to claim so much authority over the city and he too was powerless when he saw her.

He had seen the anger in her that he felt a strange fear run down his spine when he stared into her eyes.

Somehow he felt that the woman had a reason for her actions, he understood that she too was after Doctor James.

To find out what more Doctor James had done to other people, he took out Doctor James's phone he had taken away from his pocket when he captured him in the elevator.

As a good hacker too, he was able to unlock the phone.