
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

Up For Eggs

Me and Nicholas soon entered the forest to search for pork. I didn't really remember much about this part of the exams. Plus, I've been in this world for 12 years now. I really wish I had written down my thoughts before I got this old. But catching some pigs should be easy enough to do, I thought to myself.

Then, I remembered something important about this portion of the exams. "Hey, Nicholas, come here real quick," I called out.

"You called, boss?" Nicholas responded happily.

"Do you have any cooking research on your computer or your database at all?" I asked.

"Of course, boss. I was expecting we might have to cook in a survival setting, you know?" he replied.

"Alright, good. I want you to use your data brokers to tell us about any herbs that could be found in these woods. This is going to help us pass the exam," I instructed.

"You got it, boss. Give me five minutes," Nicholas said as he started typing away on his laptop.

After a short wait, Nicholas turned to me with a look of accomplishment. "Alright, here it is. They said there are a couple of spices you could find in the Biska Woods. There's a spice called Phoenix Pepper. It says the pepper is so hot that it burns your taste buds, but then, once settled, it returns the taste buds almost in seconds, making the food taste extremely savory."

"So where is it supposed to be located?" I asked.

"It's to the east, boss. If we head east, there should be a nest of red-beak chickens that feed on the pepper," Nicholas informed me.

"Anything else we should know about the chickens?" I inquired.

"The only thing we should know is that the chickens run in packs and they can shoot fire, sir," Nicholas answered.

"Alright, good to know. Once we take care of these chickens and get the Phoenix Pepper, we'll catch up with the others," I said.

"Alright then, boss. I'll lead the way," Nicholas replied confidently.

We made our way east through the dense forest. The air was thick with the scent of vegetation and the sounds of wildlife. As we moved deeper into the woods, the trees grew taller and the underbrush thicker. It wasn't long before we encountered the red-beak chickens.

True to Nicholas's information, they were gathered around a cluster of vibrant red peppers. The chickens were larger than I expected, with feathers that shimmered like flames and beaks that glowed a fiery red.

"Alright, Nicholas, stay back. I'll handle this," I said, preparing to use my Nen.

Activating my aura, I focused on Gyo to enhance my vision and see the subtle flows of energy around the chickens. Their fiery nature made them formidable, but with careful observation, I could see their patterns and movements.

As one of the chickens noticed us, it squawked and launched a small fireball in our direction. I dodged quickly, rolling to the side and closing the distance between us. Using my short sword, I deflected another fireball and struck at the chicken, aiming for its neck. With a swift, precise cut, I brought it down.

The rest of the pack reacted aggressively, but I was ready. Using my enhanced speed and agility, I moved through the flock, dodging their fiery attacks and striking with precision. Nicholas watched in awe, staying clear of the fight.

After a few intense minutes, the last of the chickens lay defeated. I gathered the Phoenix Peppers, their heat radiating through my gloves.

"We've got the peppers. Now, let's find some pork," I said, catching my breath.

Nicholas nodded, clearly impressed. "You're amazing, boss. With these peppers, our dish will be unbeatable."

We continued our search for wild pigs, using the Phoenix Peppers as a key ingredient for our dish. It wasn't long before we found a group of wild boars grazing in a clearing. They were large and muscular, perfect for our needs.

Using the same strategy as before, I approached the boars carefully. With precise strikes, I managed to bring down two of them, ensuring we had enough meat for our dish. Nicholas helped me gather the boars and the peppers, and we made our way back to the exam site.

Upon returning, we saw the other applicants preparing their dishes. The air was filled with the aroma of various ingredients and the sound of sizzling pans. We quickly set up our cooking station and got to work.

Nicholas used his knowledge of spices and cooking techniques to assist me. We seasoned the pork with the Phoenix Peppers, adding other herbs and spices we found in the forest. The aroma was intoxicating, a mix of savory and spicy that made our mouths water.

As we cooked, I noticed other examinees glancing over, clearly curious about the intense scent coming from our station.

Finally, the dish was ready. We presented our roasted pork with Phoenix Pepper to the gourmet cooks. The giant man and the beautiful woman took a bite, their eyes widening in surprise and delight.

"This is incredible!" the giant man exclaimed. "The spice, the flavor… it's perfect."

The woman nodded in agreement. "You've certainly passed our test. This dish is exceptional."

With their approval, we knew we had passed the second phase of the exam. Nicholas and I exchanged a triumphant glance. We had done it, thanks to our teamwork and strategic use of resources.

But that thought was interrupted when the other examinees started bringing their plates up. They came in droves, each one with full pigs that were just scorched under the flames. Each dish looked like it lacked dedication, with some poorly decorated and others presented as is. Even though the big remaining hunter ate all the dishes brought up, the female examiner looked at them with disgust and chose not to try any that she felt dissatisfied with.

Kurapika's dish was a little different compared to the rest. He had cut the pork into many slices and added other vegetation from the forest as spices. The female gourmet hunter finally tried a dish, seeing that it was somewhat satisfactory to eat. However, her face soon turned to disgust. "The flavor of the meat is raw and disgusting," she said.

"Alright. Seeing that the last applicant has just put in his dish and was also denied passing, this exam is over," Menchi declared. "Only two of you passed my exam and will move on to the next phase. #15 and #183, you're exempt from further tests. The rest of you can go home; you've failed. There's no next phase for you."

… Satotz POV …

Just as I feared, she reverted back to her bad habits as usual. This won't do, Satotz thought from atop a tree, observing everything unfold. I've got to call the chairman.

"Yes, we have a problem," Satotz said into his phone. "There are only two applicants left for the test. The other applicants don't seem to think it's fair, saying that they met the criteria of bringing pork and actually cooking it. So what should I do, Sir?"

Chairman's POV …

"Well, it sounds like quite the problem. I guess I will have to make an appearance to settle this once and for all. She won't listen to you anyway. I'll be there shortly," the chairman said before ending the call.

As we made our way back to the exam site, we were met with loud cries of dissatisfaction.

"Nobody passed," one applicant said aloud.

"Does she actually mean what she just said? That none of us but two passed? Isn't that a little too outrageous?" another applicant questioned.

"Is the exam over then?" another asked.

"You've got to be kidding me. That doesn't seem fair at all," yet another added.

As this was going on, a loud boom was heard as someone destroyed the equipment. "This is unacceptable! Do you hear me? I won't accept this farce!" an examinee shouted.

Menchi responded, "Say what you want, but you all still failed. Well, all but two."

Examinee Todo retorted, "You shut your damn trap. You asked for pork and we gave it to you. We risked our lives to catch enough food for you."

Menchi fired back, "Your challenge was to prepare a pork dish that both examiners would find delicious, not just one. He might have said yes to all your dishes, but I surely did not. And to be honest, none of you even came close to succeeding but two. You all did pretty much the same exact thing as the rest of the applicants. You had no original ideas. And your cooking was bland. Those of you who tried to decorate did so half-heartedly. It's clear to me that none of you took this exam seriously."

Hanzo interjected, "Yeah, but come on, it's pork. No matter how you cook it, it's still just gonna be pork."

"No matter how you cook it, it's still just pork," Menchi echoed mockingly. "You want to say that one more time?" she threatened, grabbing Hanzo by his clothing and shoving him back and forth.

Buhara, the giant man, watched Menchi's temper flare. "I really wish you'd chill out once in a while," he muttered to himself. "But I guess it's no surprise. She's the only chef in the world with taste buds that demanding."

Menchi continued, "So as I was saying, not a single one of you had the guts to create something new."

One applicant, Todo, shouted, "Hold on a minute, lady. I'm not here to be a gourmet cook, but a hunter!"

The crowd chimed in agreement, "Yeah, tell her, Todo!"

"My goal is to become a black-lister hunter. No stupid gourmet hunter is gonna tell me I can't," Todo proclaimed.

"Well, that's too bad because that stupid gourmet hunter is your examiner. And what I say goes. Better luck next year, fatso," Menchi said.

"Yeah, what did you say to me? Don't mess with me, lady. I'll send you packing!" Todo charged towards Menchi at full speed, anger burning in his eyes.

Just when he was within range, Buhara intervened, sending Todo flying with one swipe of his hand. Using Gyo, I saw that Buhara used a bit of his Nen to pack more of a punch.

Menchi protested, "Please don't interfere in my affairs."

Buhara defended his actions, "Well, you were looking pretty angry. I'm pretty sure you would've broken a couple of his bones if I didn't step in."

"Probably, but let's get this straight. We gourmet hunters face ferocious beasts for the finest ingredients. Every hunter is proficient in at least some martial arts, and those who won't focus and experiment with new things disqualify themselves from becoming hunters," Menchi asserted.

Suddenly, a buzzing noise could be heard above. It reminded me of a helicopter from my world. Everyone looked up to see what was making the noise.

A loud voice boomed from the sky, "Examiner Menchi! You can't just pass two applicants and tell the others they failed. That won't be enough for what we have planned."

As everyone looked at the blimp in the sky, one applicant noticed the symbol of the Hunter Association on its side. "Hey, that blimp is from the Hunter Association," he pointed out.

Just as he finished speaking, a black dot descended from the sky, growing larger and larger. Soon, it became clear that it was a humanoid form. It crashed into the ground, causing dust to fly everywhere.

As the dust settled, a man with a long goatee and traditional martial artist clothes, white with blue stripes, stood there.

"Wait, who is that?" one of the applicants asked.

Menchi corrected him, "That's the head of the exam committee. He's responsible for the Hunter Exam itself. That's Chairman Netero."

Netero responded, "Possible, yes, but I'm only the executor. Now I'm here to solve this kind of problem. Examiner Menchi."

"Yes, sir," Menchi replied.

Netero continued, "This concerns their ability to take on a challenge. And I don't mean one they already know of. Do you truly believe their attitude in front of the trial justifies such severity?"

"Well, when you put it that way, I guess not. But the facts are the facts. They lack respect for gourmet hunters, the arts and crafts of cooking. The extent of their knowledge permitted them to know the recipes. Their attitude got my blood boiling. I lost my temper," Menchi admitted.

"Do you understand why you failed the mission ordered to you?" Netero asked.

"Yes, I do, sir. I'm sorry. When it's a question about cooking, I tend to forget my role. I feel there's a dream I didn't achieve. I let my dysfunctional attitude affect my judgment. I'm asking you to declare this test to never have happened," Menchi requested.

Before Netero could respond, I intervened. "Wait, Miss Examiner, you said we passed, remember? It wouldn't be fair to make us do the test all over again, would it?"

Netero nodded. "Well, they should be exempt from what we're going to do next. They did pass, even with you as the examiner."

"Okay. For the rest of you, I have an idea. You're going to continue this specific phase of the exam. But as compensation, you will have to take another test. Examiner Menchi, are you up for the challenge?" Netero asked.

"It'll be easier for the contestants to accept your decision," he added.

"I understand, sir. I accept the terms," Menchi replied.

"To make it easier on you all, this time we're doing boiled eggs," Menchi announced.

"Mr. Chairman, can you give us a ride to this mountain?" she asked, pointing north.

Netero retorted, "I see. That shouldn't be a problem. All applicants, please follow me to the blimp."

Each of the applicants boarded the blimp one after the other. Soon, the blimp took off, ascending quickly. We watched the ground disappear as we flew north until we reached a mountain.

The blimp landed near a gash in the mountain. Me and Nicholas got off to see what the test was going to be. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't just a gash but a deep, straight hole leading downwards, as if the mountain was cut in half by a giant sword.

"Okay, applicants, we're going to go over the edge and collect our rewards. Don't worry. There's a very deep river underneath, so if you fall, you won't be hurt much. But do worry, the current is very strong, so try not to fall in unless you want to be washed away a dozen miles from here. Alright, follow me," Menchi instructed as she jumped off the mountain.

Seeing her jump, I was a little surprised. I didn't remember this part of the exam clearly, but it seemed a little extreme. Luckily for me and Nicholas, we didn't have to do that.

Netero made a statement, "It's here on the mountain that lives a tarantula eagle. Menchi must want you guys to get the eggs that the tarantula eagle leaves on its webbing."

I didn't quite understand what Netero was talking about, so I got closer to the edge to see what he meant. Soon, I saw Menchi descending through the air. She grabbed hold of the webbing and hung upside down to gather the eggs one by one. Then she climbed back up.

"As you saw, I have the egg. Now all you have to do is boil it, and you will finish the exam," Menchi said.

Killua and Gon exclaimed loudly, "That was so cool! I can't wait to try it." The four main characters in their group took the first dive off the mountain cliff.

Nicholas was a little scared but relieved that we didn't have to be a part of this portion of the test. I tried to calm him down.

We were soon called by Netero. "Hey, you two, come over here. You must have been great cooks to pass Menchi's test. I commend you for your good work."

"You know, I won't stop you if you want to be a part of the test. It'll be a fun experience," Netero added.

"Yeah, I'm not really interested in doing it if I don't have to. It's an interesting way of doing things, but I'm not interested in becoming a gourmet hunter," I replied.

"I see. Well, you never know what life will bring you, young one. How about you, #183?" Netero asked.

"The same thing," Nicholas said. "I'm not interested in being a gourmet hunter at all. I'm more of a blacklist hunter, you know?"

"I see you have big dreams. Then I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the exam," Netero said.

Soon, everyone had captured the eggs they wanted and returned to the top of the mountain. They boiled their eggs in a pot of water large enough to fit all the eggs and cooked them for a few minutes. Menchi also put regular eggs from chickens into the pot.

When they were finished, she gave each applicant one of both eggs. "Okay, now that you have your eggs, I want you to compare the regular egg to the tarantula eagle egg. Oh, and you two," she said, pointing to me and Nicholas, "here's your chance to taste the tarantula eagle egg."

As I took a bite, the flavor was out of this world. The taste was savory, greasy, yet sweet. Other applicants had similar expressions, some even exclaiming loudly about how great it tasted.

"That's right," Menchi said. "I made you understand the joys of discovering new, exotic foods. That's what we gourmet hunters do. We risk our lives for it."

"So with that, those who participated in this portion of the exam have passed, which means all of you qualify. I wish you luck in your next exam. That goes for all of you, of course."

With the second phase completed, we were one step closer to becoming true hunters.

With the exam out of the way, 44 hunters were left for the third phase of the Hunter exam.