
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

Kurapika vs. Dice

The atmosphere was tense as Kurapika and Dice stepped forward for their match. The other contestants watched with bated breath, knowing that this duel could go either way. The referee signaled the start of the match.

Kurapika stood poised with his bokken swords, wooden training weapons that he wielded with deadly precision. Dice, on the other hand, smirked confidently as she twisted her sash belt, transforming it into a solid whip. The weapon gleamed under the lights, revealing its deadly potential.

Dice was the first to strike. With a flick of her wrist, her whip lashed out toward Kurapika. He dodged swiftly, his movements fluid and graceful. He retaliated with a quick slash of his bokken, aiming for her midsection. Dice twisted away, her whip snapping back to block his attack.

"You're quick," Dice said, her voice filled with admiration and amusement. "But let's see how you handle this!"

She launched a series of rapid attacks, her whip striking out in a blur. Kurapika parried each blow with his bokken, the wooden swords moving almost faster than the eye could see. The sound of wood against solid whip echoed through the arena.

Kurapika studied Dice's movements, looking for any openings. He noticed a slight hesitation in her attacks, a pattern he could exploit. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance between them, slashing upward with one bokken while thrusting the other toward her stomach.

Dice barely managed to twist out of the way, the tip of his bokken grazing her side. She countered with a low sweep of her whip, aiming for his legs. Kurapika leaped into the air, flipping over her head and landing gracefully behind her. He spun around, his bokken whistling through the air as he aimed a strike at her back.

But Dice was ready. She pivoted on her heel, her whip coiling around his bokken and yanking it from his grasp. Kurapika's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't falter. Using his remaining bokken, he pressed his attack, forcing Dice to take a step back.

"Impressive," Dice admitted, a hint of respect in her voice. "But you'll need more than that to beat me."

With a fierce cry, she lashed out with her whip, aiming for Kurapika's face. He ducked, feeling the rush of air as the whip passed inches above his head. He lunged forward, his bokken striking out in a series of rapid thrusts and slashes. Dice blocked and dodged, but Kurapika's relentless assault began to wear her down.

Finally, Kurapika saw his opening. Dice overextended herself with a wild swing of her whip, leaving her side exposed. Seizing the moment, he drove the tip of his bokken into her ribs, sending her sprawling to the ground.

Dice gritted her teeth, pain shooting through her side. She struggled to her feet, her whip ready for another strike. But Kurapika was already on her, his bokken a blur of motion. He struck with precision and control, forcing Dice to defend with all her strength.

As the duel continued, it became clear that both combatants were evenly matched. Dice's agility and flexibility allowed her to evade many of Kurapika's attacks, while his speed and technique kept him one step ahead of her whip.

They exchanged blows, each one landing with a resounding crack. Sweat poured down their faces, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. The audience watched in awe, the intensity of the fight captivating their attention.

Kurapika knew he had to end the fight soon. He couldn't afford to let it drag on any longer. With a determined glint in his eye, he feigned a lunge to the left, drawing Dice's whip in that direction. At the last second, he spun to the right, bringing his bokken down in a powerful overhead strike.

Dice tried to block, but she was a fraction too slow. The bokken connected with her shoulder, sending her crashing to the ground. Kurapika stood over her, his bokken poised for the final blow.

"Do you yield?" he asked, his voice calm and steady.

Dice looked up at him, her expression a mix of frustration and respect. She knew she had been bested. With a reluctant nod, she dropped her whip and raised her hands in surrender.

"I yield," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The referee stepped forward, raising Kurapika's hand in victory. "The winner is Kurapika!"

The Leorio erupted in cheers, the tension in the arena finally breaking. Kurapika helped Dice to her feet, offering her a respectful nod.

"That was a good fight," he said.

Dice managed a small smile. "Yeah, it was. You're a tough opponent, Kurapika. wish me luck for rest of the exam."

Kurapika nodded, grateful for the compliment. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had proven himself in this duel, but he knew that the final round of the Hunter Exam was far from over. There were still many Applicants ahead.

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