
Seduce? That's a strong word

After thoroughly taking care of my body and putting on a tight-fitted short black gown which did a good job in complementing my fair skin, I eagerly called Damien.

After the third ring he picked up and told me to come to the second floor and that the room that faced the stairway directly is his office, I should just come in there.

And walking majestically like I was on a runway, I made my way to the second floor. I encountered some of the pack members who bowed to me in respect, making my heart flutter knowing their respect is a result of me being their Luna.

According to what Damien told me yesternight, Luna is like a queen and she rules alongside the Alpha, having almost the same authority over the pack members as he has.

I couldn't help the happiness that erupted inside of me as they all couldn't look me in the eye as they walked past me. It made me feel like a Queen.

Getting to the second floor, I spotted Damien's office almost immediately and walked towards it, noticing that his door has a knob unlike mine, I opened the door and entered

Seeing him in semi-official wear is one hell of a turn-on. I couldn't take my eyes off him and couldn't speak up either

"I'm sorry, gimme a moment," he said breaking the silence without looking at me

"Yeah sure," I said before looking around taking in his office which is painted in black and blue and filled with mostly black furniture, and trying to shake off the butterflies inside of me.

"Nice office" I complemented

"Thanks, my sister designed it," he said proudly as he kept signing the documents on the table


"Yes," he said looking up and the expression on his face made me smirk

I knew my outfit would surely affect him, no guy can escape my charm and he's not an exception

"Where is she?" I asked swaying my hips to where he is and acting like I don't know I'm affecting him

"She's on her way here" he replied after shaking his head as if shaking off an illusion and I couldn't help but smile.

"When are we going to see the pack's doctor?" I asked as I got closer to his table

"Soon?" he replied and I raised my eyebrows

"Is that a question?" I asked as I sat directly next to his hand on the desk and that made his eyes bulge in surprise?

I don't really know if it's surprising or not since his eyes held many emotions at once I couldn't place my hand on which

"What are you signing?" I asked as I placed my hands on his shoulder

Holy heaven, fuck me if I don't know what I'm doing, I'm getting turned on by just looking at him and I'm acting on my arousal, but I can't stop myself either

"Dami..." Claire started cutting whatever reply he has as she barged into the room before stopping after she saw me and my position

"Oh wow," she said and I raised my eyebrow in curiosity

"If I didn't know better I'd say you're seducing my brother" she smirked and I gladly smirked back

"Seduce? That's a strong word" I said looking back at Damien who's face is now read and void of emotions

"Well, that's what it looks like to me," she said as she moved closer to us

"Well I know nothing about that" I replied standing up from the desk and moving towards the sofa

I don't like it when Damien's face is void of emotions, it makes me feel like I don't matter or my words has no effect on him and that is a great turn off which requires one hell of an anger management

"Don't worry about his face, he's currently having an internal battle with his wolf" she said as she took in my facial expression before taking her seat beside me

I noticed she got to my side quicker than normal and I remembered the same thing also happened with Damien the first time I saw him.

"Was that you using a wolf super speed thing to get to my side?" I asked and she laughed

"Yes, does it bother you?"

"Not really," I said nonchalantly "just make sure you don't do it around me anymore, it's intimidating"

"But I thought you just it doesn't matter!" she exclaimed

"Yes and that's why I said not to do it again"


"I'm sorry about my attitude to you and your friends yesterday," I said after some passing seconds of me and Damien exchanging glances every now and then while he continues writing on some papers

"Wow, didn't take you as the type to apologize for being a bitch" Claire replied with a smug smile

"Well I'm not, I just felt like apologizing, the situation I was in yesterday was too overwhelming for me to really act maturely"

"Is this you admitting you weren't acting mature yesterday?" she asked with a stupid glint in her eyes and I heard Damien's stifled laugh

"Well no" I said standing up

"I think that's what I heard"

"Well it's not"

"It..." she started before I cut her off

"For goodness sake, Damien, would you just please look up from your goddamned table and pay attention to me, for fucks sake you were the one who told me to come here as if you were ready to go so what's the fucking delay!" I said angrily as I stood directly opposite his table

"I'm so sorry," he said as he stood up from his chair and packed his files hurriedly "I got slightly carried away" he smiled

"And what the heck have you been writing?" I huffed remembering he never replied to me

"It's nothing really, just some agreements and stuffs," he said as he made his way towards me

"I'm sorry," he said hugging me tightly and I couldn't help but sink into him as a deep pit of heat broke inside of me

"Ewwww, if you'll please stop, this is greatly disturbing to the eyes," Claire said scrunching her face in disgust

"Well the door is just right there," I said playfully glaring at her

"Who would have thought you'd be like this with your attitude yesterday" she retorted and I smiled thinking about yesterday.

Well she's not wrong, who would have thought I'd give in to my emotions and let them direct me instead of my common sense, at least, my emotions are making me happy so I guess it's the best option for now

"Claire" Damien warned and I stuck out my tongue at her

"Whatever" she replied and walking out of his office and holding my hand while following behind her is Damien as he smiled lovingly at me

Somehow I was sure this is the safest place. I could be, right beside him




Some kinda shitty chapter which may seem irrelevant but is.

Thanks for reading and supporting

Today was a busy day and it threatened my inspirational self but I made sure I conquered my body which demands sleep badly.

Love y'all so much

*flying kisses*
