
Howling Love

Howling love is a story channeled right from my own life. Kyle's grief over losing his family is a mirror reflection of my grief over losing my most beloved brother. This is my life story under the guise of fiction. As Kyle began searching his way out of darkness, I did too. When I got to the end of this amazing tale, I realized It was just the beginning. Kyle had a longer journey ahead and the only secret to success was love... Join me and let's all dive in to this exciting journey. A lovely journey where betrayal, hatred, vengeance ,passion and murder reigns but there is victory at last.

Lyzel_zellie · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

~Chapter 2~


"Wow dude, check out that Range Rover. Isn't it awesome? I wonder who the owner is," Liam told Matty.

"Cut it out dude, it belongs to my girlfriend Amelia," Matty answered. Just then Kyle and Amelia got out and began walking to class.Matty went after them and asked to speak to Amelia. Matty stood next to Amelia's locker. He then held her wanting to hug her but Amelia got angry and pushed him against the wall. Students gathered around them to see what was going on. Kyle asked them to leave for it was not their business, so they went away.

"Baby, please listen to me. Let me explain what is going on," Matty pleaded. Amelia told him to keep his explanation to himself.

"Don't call me that anymore. I can read in between the lines Matty, it's over between us," Amelia said bitterly as she gave back the ring he had bought her.

"Please don't do this to me, I love you so much. You are my life and I can't live without you ,'' Matty said to Amelia on his knees holding her hands.

''I can't live without you too but I'd rather mend a broken heart than suffocate in a toxic relationship. This is final Matty, good bye, ''Amelia said and walked out on him. Kyle asked him to stay away from Amelia.

Amelia spent the day alone and kept avoiding Matty. She went to the wall where they had been written as couple of the year and erased it. In class, the teacher kept calling for her attention since she was absent-minded. She kept wondering whether she had made the right choice. She had second thoughts about leaving Matty.

When the day's lessons were over ,she went to the car and waited for Kyle. Kyle didn't waste any time since he knew that his sister needed him. He bid his friends goodbye and joined Amelia .They stopped at the ice cream parlor and bought some ice cream. Kyle made jokes to cheer Amelia up but she was still sad.

They got home and found their mother .She realized how unhappy Amelia was so she asked to speak to her in private. They went to Amelia's room and locked the door. Mrs. Lucy told her to sit next to her.

'' Oh, what is wrong my sweet angel. It's time for some girl talk and I won't take no for an answer, '' Mrs Lucy said. Amelia had always told her mother all the troubles so she decided to open up.

''Mum, I just broke up with my boyfriend Matty. I love him so much and I want him back but I saw him with a new girl. He insisted that he gets to explain himself but I pushed him away. I now miss him so much but I'm not sure I can give him another chance,'' Amelia explained.

''I really think that the guy has a genuine reason to why he was with her. I think you should give him a chance baby girl. Think about it, okay? Don't be sad anymore. Everything will be fine, ''Mrs. Lucy said with certainty.

''Hey Kyle, there is someone who wants to talk to you. I asked him to come in but he insisted that you go outside, ''Nicki told Kyle.

''Okay ,I'll go and check who it is. Thanks for telling me Nicki ,''Kyle answered.He went to have a look at who wanted to talk. He thought it was one of his friends but to his utter surprise, it was Matty Mcevin.

''What is it you want from us ,you moron? I asked you to stay away or do you want me to cause a scene here? Just leave before I hurt you ,''Kyle said with furry.

''Kyle you can just beat me up to death if you want, but please listen to me first. I love your sister so much and I'm not willing to lose her. Just put yourself in my position, dude. Give me a chance , please, ''Matty answered pitifully. Kyle felt that Matty was really sincere. He agreed to give him a chance to explain.

Matty told Kyle that the girl she was with was his cousin. They had arrived from San Diego and she asked him to take her around. She is a professional dancer, which is why he took her for the Jam session. She was going to stay over at Matty's place for two weeks.Kyle now understood Matty's situation and apologized for misinterpreting him and embarrassing him.

''I'll try to fix things with Amelia. I'll call you to the mall so that you'll talk things through. Just give me a little time and everything will be okay, ''Kyle told Matty. He thanked Kyle for listening and drove off. Kyle went back to the house. Amelia asked him who he was with outside and he lied it was a wrong pizza delivery.

'' Sis, can we go out for pizza this Saturday ? There is a friend i want to introduce to you," Kyle asked.

''Yeah sure bro, I'll be free this Saturday so it's a date, she answered excitedly. Kyle texted Matty and told them to meet at the Pizzeria in the mega mall.

Amelia and Kyle were all dressed up to go to the mall so they got into the car and headed there. A security cop approached Amelia and gave her a bouquet of red roses. He then ushered them into the Pizzeria. The theme of the Pizzeria was red hearts and the waiters were also dressed in red and black. On the wall, the lights read '' I love you, Amelia''. Some love music was played as Amelia took a seat.

"Thank you so much Kyle but I didn't expect all this. It is amazing ''Amelia said. Kyle told her that it was not from him. He stood up and opened the door and Matty got in. Amelia was surprised.

''It was my friend who did all this for you because he loves you and he explained everything so please listen to him,'' Kyle said to Amelia. Matty got to where Amelia was and knelt on one knee. He explained everything to her and she burst into tears. Matty took out a ring and took her hand.

''Amelia do you take me back as your one true love? '' Matty asked. Amelia agreed and stood up and put the ring on her and embraced her. She was so happy for having her love back. Matty was also overwhelmed with joy for getting back with Amelia. They both thanked Kyle for helping out.


''We are toast today Kyle, we are half an hour late to school. We will land in detention, Ms. Rachel will surely kill us, ''Amelia told Kyle as they got out of their car. They tried to get in unnoticed but they met Ms. Rachel. She asked them to wait outside the detention room. To their surprise, there were a lot of students waiting to go to the detention room

Ms. Rachel came later and opened the door and asked them to take their seats. She brought a box and asked for all their cellphones. She told them that detention would be over after three hours, so they should make themselves comfortable. She then left the room and locked it from the outside.

''Oh no, we are going to miss the audition of the Weezers,'' a girl said sadly. Kyle didn't know what it was about. Amelia told him that it was an annual celebration to mark the end of the year. She told Kyle that it was the best event since some celebrities would come as special guests and they would perform. It seemed awesome to Kyle . He wished to attend it.

Kyle got tired and decided to take a nap. He was woken up by hearing some telekinetic power. His psychic powers told him that there was one of his kind there. He stood up and used Telepathy to everyone's mind. He then met the gaze of some girl who was sitting in the corner alone. He tried to read through her thoughts but he couldn't.

''You are of my kind, right? What brings you to this place ?''Kyle asked the girl telepathically. She just stared at Kyle blankly but Kyle could see fear in her eyes. He went to Amelia and told her . When he wanted to point out the girl for his sister to see, he found that she was gone. Amelia told Kyle that maybe he had just missed home.

The three hours were finally over and Ms. Rachel came back. She lent their phones back and released them.

''Hey, the auditions were so awesome, too bad you missed them but thank God this year they are allowing everyone to attend,'' Eileen told Kyle . Russell and the rest joined them.

''Guys, guess what? I bought VIP tickets for y'all but there is a condition. I bought each ticket for two so you have to bring someone along, ''Theo said. Everyone had a date except for Kyle and Eileen. They asked Kyle to make a move and ask Eileen out.

''We'll leave you two alone but we'll be back soon, ''Theo said as they walked away. Kyle was quite shy and so was Eileen. However, he gathered courage and asked her out. Eileen agreed to be his first date. The two then parted ways. Kyle then joined Russel, Theo, and Ralph while Eileen joined Ciara and Jade. They all started making plans on what to wear.

''Kyle asked me out so he is my date, ''Eileen said happily.

''My date is Ralph, ''Ciara added.

''Mine is nonother than Russell, ''Jade also added.

Theodore had asked his girlfriend Mia to be his date. They were so excited that they would be now seniors.

*** WEEZERS***

The day was finally there. Everyone was dressed to kill and was eager to get started. After a speech from the hosts, the party began. Kyle and Amelia hugged their mother and Kieran goodbye. Kieran wanted to go with them but he was told it was only for high school students. Their mother told them to take care and have fun.

''If you need anything don't hesitate to call me,'' their mother added as they got into the car. Within a short while, they arrived at the venue. They were shocked to see that it was full to capacity.

They got into the building and went separate ways . Kyle met up with Eileen as Amelia met up with Matty. There was a lot of food and drinks. There also were a lot of fun games and music. Amelia knew it was going to be memorable since the school rock band would be performing. Matty was also a member of the Night Owls band.

Amelia was planning to have a sleepover there, for it was Matty's house. Matty introduced everyone to Amelia and they cheered. Matty and Amelia joined a crazy game. The game was about passing a card in a circle to the next person using the mouth . Whoever made the card fall was supposed to kiss the next one. The card was passed well until it reach Matty, he intentionally let go of the card and it fell.

'' Kiss...!Kiss...!Kiss...! '' people cheered them on. Matty leaned forward and embraced Amelia as they kissed . Everyone including Kyle and Eileen gave the two a round of applause. The couple then moved to the drinking competition. Amelia had too much to drink that she climbed the table to dance as Matty and the band performed.

She began stripping so Matty carried her to his deluxe bedroom upstairs. He wanted to leave her but she insisted he stays with her. He gave her a warm cup of milk to make her sober. When Amelia was okay, she took a shower and changed into Matty's T-shirt and sweat pants. Matty also showered and changed into his Pajamas.

Matty texted Kyle and told him he would be spending the night with Amelia. He left Kyle in charge of the party. Suddenly the guests arrived, it was none other than the biggest rock band in New York '' The Oryx '' as they got to the platform, everyone cheered joyfully. The couples stood up and started dancing.

''Let's dance, shall we? ''Kyle asked Eileen as he took her hand. They then started dancing as the music got better . Eileen was quite a good dancer. She looked into Kyle's eyes as they danced . She knew she had found her Mr. Right. Kyle was the most adorable guy she had ever met. She imagined being his girlfriend and smiled at the thoughts. Eileen had fallen for Kyle but she didn't know how to say it.

''Why are you staring into my eyes? do you want to tell me something? Kyle asked curiously.

''Um..... me...yes... I mean no ..... I just wanted to say I like you... I mean I like your eyes, ''Eileen said shyly. Kyle just smiled.

'' I like you too, ''Kyle said shyly. He wanted to tell her more but he couldn't. It was not yet time, he wasn't ready for her reaction. He promised to tell her everything on her sixteenth birthday. The band suddenly stopped and called for attention.

'' This is a special dedication to all the young couples here, I hope you'll enjoy it, ''the Oryx leader announced. They performed their song ' Ice and fire of youth'. It was so amazing and everyone cheered.

In the room, Matty poured his heart out to Amelia, the song had touched him. He told Amelia that he loved her so much. They only had a year remaining in high school. They would soon go their separate ways. Matty was going to study in Australia. The two didn't want to leave each other.

''Our days of youth will soon be over but even to the moon and back, my love will always remain. I promise to come back for you and we'll get married. We will then never have to say goodbye," Matty said cuddling Amelia. Tears ran down both their faces. Amelia promised to wait for him to come back.

When the party was over, the rest went home. Kyle and his friends decided to have a sleepover. Kyle called his mother and told her that he and Amelia were having a sleepover. Mrs. Lucy to take care of Amelia. Kyle's friends went to separate rooms but Kyle wanted to remain at the poolside to look at the stars . Eileen sat next to him by the pool.

''Wow, the sky is so beautiful Kyle. The stars are so lovely aren't they? ''Eileen.

''They are, ''Kyle answered. He then told Eileen that if she saw a shooting star, she should raise her arm and grasp it and place it on her heart then make a wish. Eileen was fascinated by the trick. Kyle ensured her that it worked.

Suddenly, they saw a shooting star. They did the trick and quickly made a wish. Kyle wished for Eileen to be his girlfriend while Eileen wished for Kyle's love. They both had made their wishes silently. It was getting cold outside so they went into one of the bedrooms and slept.