
How to get a badge

Info: The first half is just some blabla but the second half is a normal story

I am a normal person living his life. With normal hobys, friends and work. But i am also reading chinese novels. As i was yesterday reading novels and browsing the app, i discovered a new badge. The badge for writing a fan-fiction for the novel Release The Witch. I was thinking "ok how do i get the badge". One Click on they badge icon and there it was: "Write a fan-fiction with 500 words". Oh thats a lot of words but man lets do it. And if you are thinking how many words has he writen until here. It is exaktly 96 words. And now i could add some trash text like: "orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna" but that is not cool. So i mast think of somethink cool to write but what could that be. And even better some "Release The Witch" fan-fiction stuff. Maybe something with superpowers but this is not the best fan fiction if the male author gets witch power. So to speak female superpower. Supposed i could get a power what would i wish for. The Power to teleport would be cool. One minute befor the appointment a thought would be enough and "zap" i would be there. But teleportation has not enough battle power and is also not ideal to earn money. What would be cool is a all in one power.

Somethink linke a system but there is no system in Release The Witch. I need a good idea. A power to make imagination real. That's it. With this imagination turn real power i could think that this novel writes itself. Ooooo its happening. Thats not me typing. It is writing words magically and also making automatic my grammer and spelling mistakes. I can't belive it. Ok now i most think with coution. One wrong thought could destroy the world. Or it could teleport me in a fantasy world. Oh no what is happening. I can't see. All around me only black and this feeling to break apart. . . . . After a eternity or a secund i don't know. I lost all sense of time it could be a secund or a eternity of black. But now the feeling of time is coming back. I can still not see but i can feel that i lie on grass and i can hear birds. One thing is for sure i am not at home any more. Ok i simple close my eyelid and hope that my contition gets better. Oh what is this. Slowly on my closed eyelid words are appearing:

Name: * * * * * * (censored)

Job: programmer, author

Age : 24 years

Level: 1


- Imagination turn real level: 1

- Game info System level: max

For real i am in a different world with a gamig system. Ok it could be worse. With my power i can go back to my world. Lets do this because this world could be dangerous. What i need now to do is thinking of teleporting home.

Info: Your level is to low to cross worlds!


I started this story to get the badge but in the end i discovered that writing a story makes fun. So if you want me to keep going than leave a comment. It is ok if it is something like "+1", "more" or ...

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