
How to Survive as a Cannon Fodder

Jade Smith finds herself unexpectedly transported into the world of a cliché-filled novel she once scoffed at. Trapped within the pages of "Twilight's Embrace," Jade must navigate the treacherous pitfalls of being a cannon fodder character.

popo9074 · แฟนตาซี
238 Chs

What are you doing here?

The conversation was abruptly interrupted, thankfully, by the returning waiter.

"Ladies, is there a problem?" he inquired, his gaze sweeping over us with a practiced concern.

"Yes, there's a problem. This woman refuses to leave," I declared, pointing an accusing finger at Amelia.

Raven nodded in agreement, her eyes dark with annoyance, while Amelia maintained a stoic facade. Then, with a deliberate slowness, she rummaged through her bag and produced a thick wad of bills.

"Here, take this and leave us be," Amelia commanded, thrusting the bundle of cash towards the waiter.

But the waiter didn't take the bait. His hand never moved to accept the bribe.

"Security! Security! Come immediately and apprehend this woman; she's harassing our esteemed patrons," he bellowed, signaling to the guards with urgency.

Amelia's composure shattered, surprise etched across her features. Within seconds, the security guards burst through the door, their presence commanding as they seized Amelia.

"Release me at once! You have no idea who I am," she protested, struggling against their iron grip.

Amelia's attempts to break free were futile as the security guards maintained a firm grip on her arms. Despite her protests, they escorted her out of the restaurant, her voice fading into the distance as she continued to shout indignantly.

As the commotion settled and the atmosphere returned to its tranquil state, Raven and I exchanged a glance, a mixture of relief and amusement evident in our eyes.

The server, visibly flustered by the incident, approached our table with an apologetic smile. "I'm terribly sorry for the disturbance, ladies. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" he asked, his tone sincere.

I shook my head, offering him a reassuring smile. "No, thank you. We appreciate your prompt action," I replied, grateful for his intervention.

With a nod of gratitude, the server returned to his duties, leaving Raven and me to resume our meal in peace.

"That girl is even crazier than I thought. How dare she interrupt our meal?" I said, my voice laced with anger.

Raven laughed, a sound that seemed to dance with the shadows around us. "Are you sure she only disturbed our meal and nothing more?" Raven asked, her gaze piercing into mine.

Her question sent a blush creeping across my cheeks, and I averted my eyes, confused by the sudden rush of embarrassment and the rapid beating of my heart under the intensity of her stare.

[Host, your heart rate appears to be abnormal. Please be cautious.]

The system's warning only deepened my blush, sending a wave of panic through me. I didn't understand what was happening or why my body was reacting this way.

"Excuse me for a moment, Raven. I need to go to the restroom," I said hastily, rising from my seat and heading to the restroom without waiting for her response.

Once inside, I rushed to a sink, turned on the tap, and splashed cold water on my face, hoping to quell the storm of emotions raging within me.

The cool water provided some relief, soothing my flushed cheeks and racing heart. Leaning against the sink, I took a few deep breaths, trying to steady my nerves and make sense of the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me.

What was happening to me? Why did Raven's gaze affect me so deeply? These questions echoed in my mind as I struggled to find answers.

After a few moments, I composed myself and straightened up, determined to face whatever was happening head-on. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, taking in the flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled appearance.

Pulling myself together, I resolved to return to our table and confront whatever awaited me there. With a final deep breath, I exited the restroom and made my way back to where Raven was waiting.

As I approached our table, I noticed Raven watching me with a concerned expression, her eyes searching mine for any sign of distress. I offered her a small smile, silently reassuring her that I was okay.

"Are you alright?" Raven asked softly as I took my seat opposite her.

I nodded, mustering up a semblance of composure. "Yes, I'm fine. Just needed a moment," I replied, hoping my voice sounded steadier than I felt.

Raven studied me for a moment longer before nodding, accepting my response. We resumed our meal, the previous interruption momentarily forgotten as we focused on enjoying each other's company.

But deep down, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that lingered within me, a nagging sense that something had shifted between Raven and me, something that demanded further exploration and understanding.

We finished our meal in a subdued atmosphere, the previous altercation with Amelia lingering in the back of my mind. Despite the lingering tension, we settled the bill and made our way out of the restaurant. The bustling street greeted us as we stepped outside, the noise of passing cars and chatter of pedestrians filling the air.

As we walked back to the high school, the familiar sound of the bell rang out, signaling the start of our next class. We quickened our pace, eager not to be late, and soon found ourselves back in the classroom, ready to tackle the next lesson.

The mathematics class passed by quickly, and soon it was time for Raven and me to part ways as we headed to our respective extracurricular activities. I, as the captain of the Magical Fencing Club, made my way to the club room, while Raven headed to the Archery Club.

However, as I entered the club room, I was dismayed to find Amelia already there, her presence casting a shadow over the room. Irritation flared within me as I approached her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice tinged with annoyance.

Amelia shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, just thought I'd try something new. I've decided to join this club," she replied, her tone dripping with insincerity. "I've had enough of my old club."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, struggling to contain my frustration at her blatant attempt to infiltrate my space. "Well, I suppose that's your decision," I replied tersely, turning away to prepare for practice.

As I busied myself with organizing equipment, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Amelia's presence brought. It seemed that no matter where I went, she always found a way to insert herself into my life, her constant interference becoming increasingly tiresome.