
Death 06 - Water

"Bloody headache" - Theo complained as he entered the garage and saw Tony hammering away at some metal. After that strange trip to some unknown place with that beautiful blonde, he had started drinking again and couldn't even remember how he got home last night. "Can you keep it down" - he asked Tony to slow down the rhythm of the hammer blows.

Tony noticed his brother coming into the garage, he looked like he had a big hangover, he paused for a moment with the hammer to talk to his younger brother. "You should lay off the booze, it's not good for your brain" - he warned his younger brother.

"I'm not as smart as you, so it's no problem... Aaahhh" - Theo laughed, but then groaned as his head hurt even more. "And the drink will help you forget the contempt our father feels, hahaha" - he laughed again, joking. "Damn, this headache really sucks" - he cursed.

"What are you doing?" - Theo asked curiously, wondering what Tony was building now that he wasn't playing with the mechanical arm he was so fond of.

"A sort of exoskeleton, an armour to simplify things for you to understand" - he explained what he was working on.

"Thanks for simplifying it" - Theo smiled crookedly, knowing what an exoskeleton was and feeling a little hurt that his brother thought so little of the intelligence he possessed. "What good will it do?" - He still wasn't satisfied and wanted to know more.

"Military," Tony replied dryly.

"Military? Dad would love to get another contract with them" - Theo sighed, thinking of his greedy father who made a lot of money from the government. "Good luck with that," he wished his older brother.

Theo left the garage and went into the kitchen, he really needed a cup of coffee to relieve his hangover from the previous night.

In the kitchen, his mum and dad were sitting at the table while the servants served the meal.

"Good morning, Mum," he greeted his mother, not even looking at the man who was his father. The man acted as if his existence was nothing, for him Theo was a mistake in the Stark family, in his eyes Tony was the only son he had.

"Morning, darling, breakfast?" - his mother offered, inviting him to join her at the table.

"No Mum, thanks" - Theo didn't want to sit at the table with his father. "I just want a cup of coffee," he said to one of the maids.

And once again there was an awkward silence in the room.

"Here you are, sir" - after a few moments the waitress returned with the cup of coffee.

"Thank you" - Theo took it and tasted the wonderful aroma. "See you later, Mum" - he said goodbye and left with the cup to do his business.

The hangover headache had subsided a little and Theo began to think again. I need to get stronger. He knew his abilities could do a lot for him, but his body was still too weak, he needed to find ways to improve it.

"System, what are my immunities so far?" - he asked, but the system didn't respond. "System? System?" - and still nothing happened, Theo sighed.

"System 456825.6 - he called it by its full name.


There was an answer.

<The host currently has the following immunities>.

<Immunity to conventional electricity>;

<Fall Damage Immunity>;

<Piercing Immunity>;

<Immunity to spatial displacement>;

A good start," he thought, "but still not enough.

Theo made his way to his room and entered the bathroom. "Anything for power," he said to himself as he turned on the bath and let it fill with water.

When the bath was almost overflowing, he turned off the tap, took off his clothes and got in.

He immersed himself in the water, forcing himself to keep his head underwater until he lost his breath and began to drown. His eyesight faded, but Theo fought the urge to get out of the water. And so he died again. 


<Successfully revived>


<Drowning Immunity>.

"Well, one more. I'm on the right track" - Theo said as he was reborn, drowning really wasn't a very nice thing to do.

Theo wasn't as smart as Tony, but he was pretty smart compared to normal people. After some research and sneaking into his father's office at night, he knew that his father was involved with Captain America, the first war hero the country ever had, and if his father was involved, surely he should have researched how to replicate such military success.

This was a good way to improve his weak body, but the point was that this weak body allowed him to die quickly and gain more endurance skills, so he thought he would improve his body naturally and only resort to artificial improvements when necessary.

It would be better for him to invent something to protect himself, or to use something that Tony had already built; this was a more immediate solution for the moment, as he planned to make some nocturnal forays into the city.
