
How to Cultivate a Game

Fu Shi, the legendary Game Master who turned the tables against the heavens is now back! But his return comes with a twist. The one inside Fu Shi now is a bit different from what it used to be... Instead of the legendary cultivator, what is inside him now is a Game Designer possessing a manic obsession with making MMORPG games. "Hmm... I don't have my tools now. How am I supposed to create my masterpiece? It looks like I have to make do with what I have." #sandbox #gamer administrator #sect building #monsters #kingdoms #empires *** CULTIVATION REALMS [The Four Earthly Attributes] Martial Tempering(1st stage)—> Mind Enlightenment(2nd stage)—> Will Reinforcement(3rd stage)—> Spirit Mystery(4th stage) [The Three Cosmic Elements] Soul Recognition(5th stage)—> Essence Gathering(6th stage)—> Bloodline Refinement(7th stage) [The Trinity Celestial Paths] Heart Path(8th stage)—> World Path(9th stage)—> Endless Path(10th stage) [The Godly Vessel] Perfect Immortal(11th stage) *** Author's words This is inspired by GOG Daily updates are 7:00 am at GMT +8.

Alfir · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Get Nuked

The fake Buddha temple is reduced to smithereens. With a single burst of his power, Ban Yongrui destroys every bit of structure from the wood, granite, and even his own subordinates. He channels all of the souls of his dead subordinates in his spirit using them as nourishment for his cultivation.

He separates the four demon elders who are also his disciples. If he finds an opportunity, he might be able to resurrect them. Suddenly, he feels a weak presence descending from the clouds.

From his intricate sensing powers, he can see a mysterious force surrounding the old man that suddenly appears. However, contrary to the mysterious force the sudden arrival is wielding, the old man levitating just above him doesn't seem to possess any cultivation at all which seems weird.

"Was it you who was using that weird sound transmission?"

In the ruins of battle, I descend from behind the clouds. Ban Yongrui is wary of me, and it is evident to the 'Vajra Bones of Evil' that is still floating behind him. It is tempting me a lot to summon something similar… But that would be just too much messing around.

I have to take him seriously.

"You really have no respect for your elders…"

I provoke him. I want to see what he is capable of. With my barrier superpower, I am confident in my defense. With my abundance of quintessence, I don't believe I won't be able to escape this Ban Yongrui if he proves to be too challenging.

Ban Yongrui is more cautious than I thought as instead of testing me, he starts inquiring about my origins. "This little cultivator doesn't dare disrespect you. I just simply wish to know where you come from. Your cultivation is quite profound, I am afraid that I am just a junior to you."

The sect master of Bones Devouring Sect is strangely respectful of me. He might be misjudging my strength. I present a lot of unknowns after all.

Sigh… This Ban Yongrui is too kind. I am letting him make the first move, yet he insists I must do it. I usher my Telekinesis and with a thought, I trap him in my pure kinetic power spending tens of quintessence per second to fuel my superpower.

Ban Yongrui feels the space around him constricting, and with a burst of his own qi, he frees himself with the help of the gigantic amalgamation of bones behind him.

I feel the air burst, and chills hit my skin. I keep my calm as I enshroud myself with my barrier superpower as if it is my clothes. It envelops my skin warmly protecting me from the qi elements. I sense the decaying elements strongly from Ban Yongrui's cultivation together with some minor elements like earth, bones, and ash.

"I wish to settle this amicably." Ban Yongrui continues his chatter. "I don't mean to intrude in the Biron Kingdom's affairs. If I have offended you, I hope we can settle this matter much more peacefully."

"I decline. We have an irreconcilable grudge." Tell him directly.

Hearing this, Ban Yongrui bolts off in a streak of light eager to escape. I cannot let him escape. If he does escape and reach the 11th stage, he might become an annoyance for me in the future.

I use fifty thousand of my quintessence to cast a barrier that covers our surroundings from hundreds of miles. Ban Yongrui who thinks to himself he has escaped me meets a sudden impediment in his path.

With the power of Teleportation, I instantaneously arrive at Ban Yongrui's flank. I summon my light saber and with the power of lightning tribulations, I slash at him. Ban Yongrui barely reacts as he sacrifices his avatar. Appearing several hundred meters from me, I gaze at his fearful eyes.

Ban Yongrui has disbelief all over his face. "Impossible! How can you wield these heavenly lightning tribulations!? What is that weapon artifact!?"

I cannot really tell either. I actually have perfect-grade artifacts in my stash but none of them can compare to this lightsaber.

I gather the moisture in the air with my superb control of Telekinesis, and with a thought, I freeze him in his place. I draw the power of lightning from the lightsaber. I dare use it directly as a weapon! With my Telekinesis as a guiding force, I aim a bolt of lightning at Ban Yongrui.

Ban Yongrui is not one to go down with a fight though. He summons again a familiar giant of bones, however, this one's nature seems to be quite different from the one he summoned before.

"Vajra Avatar of Decaying Bones!"

I launch my lightning at him only for thick decaying qi to impede it. A giant of pitch-black bones dares resist the lightning tribulation. Ban Yongrui's trump card is very impressive as it is able to resist the lightning bolt. I must change my strategies.

Ban Yongrui's avatar has 13 long arms and shares three twisting faces of pure malice. The faces have anger, sadness, and pity. "Since you wanted to die so badly, then I will let you!"

With purplish black flames dancing on the 13 palms, Ban Yongrui makes an evil chant. His voice is grating, and his aura is menacing. Suddenly, Ban Yongrui's skin starts having wrinkles. He is losing his youth to power his special move. In my Mind's Eye, I can even see the strong souls of the four Demon Elders being drained of their origin.

Ban Yongrui decides to go all out.

As a powerful and respected cultivator, I should reciprocate his feelings by preparing a killer move too. But I am not really so nice to do that. I manipulate the fifty thousand quintessence worth of barrier and shrink it to cage Ban Yongrui.

"Converging Netherflames of Misfortune!" Ban Yongrui cries out.

The flames from the 13 palms meet into a single point. It bursts out with destructive force, however, it suddenly meets a powerful barrier midway. The flames bounce away as a concave barrier cages Ban Yongrui.

I capitalize on this by shrinking the cage further. This results in Ban Yongrui burning himself with his own Netherflames. I expand the barrier once more and see the miserable state of Ban Yongrui. He has burns all over his robes, and it looks like he is on the verge of dying. Even his avatar is now smaller than it was before.

Still, Ban Yongrui's origin as a demonic cultivator is not something I should look down upon. Surely, he still has many tricks on his sleeve. The souls he has been digesting are finally about to end, and with a little bit of push of his own demonic qi, he is able to accelerate the process thus… surprisingly pushing him to the hems of11th stage.

Powerful qi force pulsates from him. I feel dread in my spine. I cannot delay any more. The 11th stage is a powerful realm in which the cultivator has truly achieved immortality that they cannot die as long as no one caused their death.

'Perfect Immortal' is when a cultivator can perpetually exist outside of time. They would gain eternal youth to its core. The only way for them to die is for someone to murder them which is virtually impossible because of their strength.

I should finish this fast!

I feel the energy between heaven and earth converge to Ban Yongrui, and slowly, youth is returning to him. "You leave me no choice!"

Ban Yongrui madly laugh at my words. "What do you mean? You old bag of bones! I don't know what your realm is, but after our several exchanges, I estimate you to be at the peak of the 10th stage, but the 11th stage is a totally different story! Look at my skin, my beautiful self, and my glorious visage! Worship me!"

This Ban Yongrui is too high-strung on his power.

I sigh at his simple-mindedness. My strange dreams of the 'Heavens' and Heaven's Game is something that I am only able to peek through old Fu Shi's memories but it gives me just enough information to know that the 11th stage is not the real peak of cultivation.

I know that there is really no 'true peak' or max level in the cultivation world as every day, cultivators find a way to improve themselves and become stronger.

"Hmmm… It is time I test that…"

I usher my telekinesis. With my index finger outstretched, I imagine the smallest particle in the world splitting in my mind. "Let me show you real power."


I don't have any particular name for this move yet, but I can say… calling it a 'nuke' just feels right. With over just ten thousand quintessence, I drop a nuke at Ban Yongrui.

I teleport outside of my barrier, and at the same time, I try shrinking and condensing the barrier to minimize the damage as much as possible. The barrier shatters at the explosion's might, but thankfully, it is able to withstand it.

Still, my lips twitch at the sight of the forcibly expanding barrier. It feels like the nuke is resisting the shrinking and wants to be as rampant as possible. I am just too happy I am able to corral the shockwaves.