
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


Right after hitting the main character, the zombie ran towards us in a lunge form, to which all the soldiers and I dispersed.

But the zombie focused on one of them and was able to grab him.

"Ahhhhhh!!" the soldier yelled before being bitten and crushed by the zombie.

I wanted to throw up like last time, but this is not the time for that.

"Open fire!" Emma said as she shot the zombie.

At her order all soldiers fired immediately, but it had no effect.

And a few seconds later, the soldier was completely dead.

"You two, find soldier Max and then we retreat!" Emma said pointing to Max's girlfriends.

The protagonist's cattle quickly complied with her order and went to where he flew away.

"Hey sergeant, can I give you some advice?, Aim for the legs" I said while still staring at the AB-.

"This time, I will trust you engineer" Emma said approvingly.

After making sure that the soldier was dead, the zombie turned to see us and then ran towards us again.

But this time, his target was me.

I reacted quickly and shot both knees of the zombie, causing him to lose his balance and direction a bit.

But this time, I took his momentum and direction into account and moved to the right, narrowly dodging him.

"Attention soldier, shoot the legs!" Emma said to the soldier next to her.

Following this, a hail of bullets fell on the zombie's legs causing them to be completely destroyed and the zombie to fall to the ground.

"Stop the fire!, It seems your idea worked engineer" said Emma with a grateful tone.

"It is the job of an engineer to solve any problem" I said with smile of eyes.

I definitely would have died that night if the zombie had listened to me, this is a bittersweet feeling.

This means that I couldn't have saved Halley's mother in any way, which gives me a bit of peace, since there was nothing I could do, but it makes me feel useless for that very reason.

Anyway, after a few minutes the girlfriends of the protagonist returned with this in very bad condition, full of blood and walking slowly.

'Looks like he won't have a second season' I thought, mentally laughing.

Ok, he got what he deserved, I don't hate him anymore, but I will never like him.

The girlfriends of the main character brought his shotgun too, and this one is full of bites and he lost the mask that covered his mouth, so he should be 100% infected, but he is the main character so ...

"Don't worry, soldier Max has O- blood and he's immune to the virus" Emma said calmly.

Obviously it could not be missing.

"We'd better get out of here, some zombies noticed our presence, we'll come back later for the body of the fallen soldier" Emma said in a gloomy tone.

"Yes, sergeant!" all the soldiers said in sync.

After that, we walked for three hours slowly due to the state of the protagonist, in addition to taking several breaks.

There are 30 minutes to go and there is something that has been bothering me for a long time, so I decided to ask the boss.

"Hey sergeant, why haven't they created a vaccine from O- blood?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Don't tell me you also know about medicine" said Emma quite surprised.

"Not really, it's just pure logic, my memory is very weak and only with logic can I remember things" I said while scratching the back of my neck with a bit of pity.

"I see" Emma said laughing a little.

"I'm not an expert, but from what I've heard, apparently it's not possible, there's something they haven't discovered yet about O blood-" Emma said seriously.

This is strange, if the O- blood makes them immune to the virus there should be some way to transmit that immunity to other people, why haven't they done it?

Well, What I know?, after all I'm just an engineer, but I can think of several hypotheses for this.

First, it may be that the exact number of genetic differences that a person with O- blood has is specifically needed.

Second, some kind of change may be needed not yet discovered by the investigators, which is what the sergeant said, but I doubt it.

Third, it may be that the virus specifically infects the blood itself and there is no way to save yourself unless you have adequate blood.

The ones that convince me the most are the first and third, which are almost the same, but I still feel like I could think of something better.

'Come on, don't be lazy and think of something good' I thought as I complained to myself.

Right at that moment, an idea suddenly hit me and made me stay completely still.

"Is something wrong engineer?" Emma asked in a confused tone.

Shit, I know, most likely blood O- is not immune to the virus and is only slightly more resistant.

That means-.

"RAAAAAAARRRRGHH!!!!" yelled Max completely angry.