
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


"Ahhhhhh!!!" shouted Emily out loud.

Before she could react, the zombie lunged at the brat and knocked her to the ground several meters to the right of the entrance.

I was only shocked for a few seconds, but after her scream I reacted quickly and left the store.

The brat came out a few seconds after me.

When I came out I could see that the zombie was biting the brat's right shoulder and I could also see a lot of blood coming out of it.

I quickly put the bat down, pulled out the Weekend, took a deep breath, and shot the zombie in the back.


"Raaarghhhh" the zombie complained after receiving the shots, then got up and ran towards Ken.

At that moment I could realize something.

'It's too fast' I thought in shock when I saw the zombie 1 meter from me.

The brat is about 20 meters from me, and yet this zombie traveled that distance in less than a second.

Seeing him so close, instinctively I moved a little to the left.

The AB+ brushed my right shoulder lightly and kept going.

"Tch, damn that hurt" I said while holding my shoulder in pain.

After continuing with its onslaught, the AB+ collided with a car and was stunned for a few seconds.

'Think damn it, what is this guy's weakness?' I thought with a bit of annoyance and fear.

Kyle can't help me, now he himself must be helping the brat.

This zombie is very fast, but I was still able to dodge it, why?

'His body is disproportionate to him' I thought in realization.

His legs are too heavy and strong for the rest of his body and he can't control his direction as he runs.

He's only going in a straight line and apparently can't stop either.

If his body were stronger he would have dislocated or even ripped my arm off.

Based on these data, I was able to formulate a 'plan'.

After a few seconds the zombie prepared again to run towards me.

I saved the Weekend into my pants and held the bat tightly as if I was playing baseball.

My shoulder hurts a bit and I've only played baseball once, so I'm not quite sure what the pose is like when batting.

But the zombie is already running towards me and there is no time to complain.

When the zombie was six feet from me, I jerked my body around and hit his head with the bat.


The zombie stopped abruptly due to the impact, this also caused him to kick me in the stomach due to the momentum he had, and then fall to the ground unconscious.

"*Cof**Cof* Damn it, why doesn't something ever come out completely right?" I said in a complaint mode while holding my stomach and leaning on the floor.

The kick wasn't very strong, since that wasn't the zombie's goal, but it still hurt a lot.

Those legs look like they are made of steel.

After trying to catch my breath for a few minutes, I looked at the unconscious zombie in front of me.

The blow was very strong, but I still didn't break his skull so I doubt he's dead.

I got up slowly while holding my stomach and used the bat for support to get to the brats.

Upon arrival I realized that the brat used his shirt to stop the bleeding.

After stopping the bleeding, the brat noticed my presence.

"H-hey man, are you okay?, And where is the zombie?" Kyle asked with concern and fear.

"The zombie is there possibly in a coma" I said while pointing to the zombie on the ground.

"As for me, well, apparently I'm not the protagonist, because he beat me to death" I said trying to ease the atmosphere a bit.

"O-oh I see" Kyle said a little more relaxed.

"How many bites does she have?" I asked in a serious tone.

"I-I can only count t-two, s-she'll be fine right?" Kyle asked hopefully.

"Let me check" I said as I slowly approached the brat.

"O-ok" Kyle said very concerned.

Being close I could see that the brat fainted due to the shock of the moment and the onslaught of the zombie.

She has a bite on his right forearm and one on her shoulder.

Seeing that there are only two I calmed down a bit, since it takes more than two bites to turn you into a zombie, but then I realized something.

'Wait, didn't the zombie ram her from the left side?' I thought confused.

Looking closer I could tell that the brat's left side was bleeding.

'Shit' I thought as I noticed a large bite mark on the left side of her stomach.

"Hey brat, do you know what her blood type is?" I asked with a little hope.

"W-what did you find?" Kyle asked afraid of knowing the answer.

"Do you know her blood type or not?" I asked with a bit of annoyance.

"S-she told me she was A+" Kyle said thoughtfully.

'Damn' I thought sadly.

"I'm very sorry brat, but she no longer has salvation" I said with a sad and helpless voice.

"W-what?" was the only thing Kyle could say.