
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

A promise

The next day, Halley woke up in the same mood as yesterday, plus she still follows me all day.

There has to be some way to help her with her current state, but I have no idea how.

Anyway, she doesn't bother me when she follows me, it's not like I have a lot of things to do, I just sit somewhere and Halley stays by my side.

What do people do when they feel sad?

I have experienced it like everyone else, but it's very occasionally and disappears as fast as it arrives.

I always see misfortunes coming before they arrive, I don't have anyone close and I don't have expectations of anything either.

The few times that I feel sad have to do with that feeling deep inside me that asks for someone's company.

But it only appears once a year and disappears a day later.

Honestly, sometimes I would like to be a normal person, feel what they feel, see the world as they see it and not be so indifferent.

But that's the way I am and I honestly don't mind.

I guess I'm missing the point, how do I help Halley?

I think I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work.

I guess I don't lose anything by trying.

"Halley" I said getting her attention.

"What's up Mr. Ken?" Halley asked without energy.

I definitely have to help her, I can't keep seeing her like this.

"I want to make a promise" I said with determination.

"A promise?" Halley said with a little curiosity.

"That's right, Halley, I Ken River promise to do everything in my power and beyond so that you are happy and can continue to be happy even when I'm not there" I said as I extended my pinky towards her.

After a few seconds Halley took my finger with her little finger in shock, to which I smirked showing my teeth.

"No matter what problem is in my way, I will always find a way to come back to you when you need me and get you out of whatever problem you are in" I said with total determination.

"Because I owe it to your mom and because I love you Halley" I said calmly.

Halley shed a few tears, then hugged me tightly with what I could tell is a small, almost imperceptible smile.

Apparently it did work, anyway I was planning to do all of the above even if it wasn't a promise.

Halley held me for a few minutes, then released me and stood by my side with a little less sadness.

It's the best I can get for now, the rest of it will depend on her and the time that passes.

Well I guess I can play around with my phone, I have nothing better to do.

Who would say that all the emulators and games I download would serve in an apocalypse?

After playing for a few minutes, Halley also became interested in the game and now she is distracted with it.

Yup, she's much better now, I hope she can put this bad experience behind her.

This was much more difficult than I thought, but it is over and I can have my mind at peace again.

The best thing is to stay one more day to make sure Halley is in the best possible shape.

If it were up to me I would stay here, but when June comes the temperature will be enough for any zombie to survive anywhere in the state, so we better get going.

The rest of the day was normal, Halley seemed a little more animated, so I just have to wait.

She was still close to me the whole time, but at least she seems to be getting better.

At lunchtime I taught Halley how to cook which helped distract her a bit from her sadness.

"Now tell me, what is the secret to frying something?" I asked waiting for her answer.

"Hmm, do it on a low flame so it doesn't burn on the outside and be raw on the inside" Halley said after thinking for a moment.

"Your answer is ..." I said with an indifferent look to add drama.

Halley looked a bit worried and unsure, but she kept her answer.

"Correct!!" I said as I raised my arms with a smile.

"Well done Halley, I'm proud of you" I said as I shed a tiny tear of pride.

At this, Halley grinned like she used to do a few days ago.

It was worth teaching her to cook a bit, at least right now she seems very happy.

After lunch, the day passed normally and Halley was able to separate from me a bit.

She still seems a bit sad, but it is much better than yesterday.

The old man only showed up at lunchtime, apparently he didn't want to interfere with Halley in this state.

And so the day ended, although I had to sit next to Halley while she sleeps, but this time I did get some sleep.

I can already see the back pain coming from sleeping sitting up, but meh details.