1 New People

I crept through the broken glass door of the old dollar general, gun up. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Of course nothing nowadays is ordinary. Everything is different since the rotvirus. I have to focus on staying alive and away from people.

"Xandi, come on," I whisper. She doesn't reply, of course, but she follows. "Look for cans or boxs that aren't crushed," I say. She doesn't know but we are running out of food and its really hard to find.

In the back of the store we find some cans that look fine. We pack them quickly into our bags. As we finish, I hear a clatter towards the front. A shelf has definitely fallen over.

I push Xandi behind me, and we creep towards the door in the front of the store. I have my gun out and ready. We turn the corner of the final aisle, and come face to face with a person.

I whip my gun up to the things face. He already has a gun pointed at us.

"Oh, shit. They got guns now," I exhale. I search him for any signs of Rotvirus. He has dark hair swept to the side. He has high cheekbones and no sign of a beard. His eyes are a natural gray. And he would obviously best me in a hand to hand fight... No rot.

He drops his gun down. Obviously, he has come to the same conclusion.

"Its dangerous in this town." He says.

"Yeah, like the whole damn world isn't dangerous." I drop my gun away from his face but not away from his chest.

"Thats not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean," i snap at him, "I don't have all the time in the world."

"I mean that there are bodyhunters in this town." he replied. I back away from him. Xandi isn't behind me. I pull my gun up.

"Where's Xandi, and why the fuck would you care? Are you a bodyhunter?"I ask, "Back away slowly, or I will shoot you."

He backs away and I move past him towards the door. I need to find Xandi but where could she be?
