
The royal announcement

"princess Kate ,queen Elizabeth" said the hinshmen "thx peter". as they walked to the enormous castle, he saw the press, fans, even other princesses, princes, and queens. "calm down fellow beings I have an announcement my daughter is pregnant by a soon to be prince of England" she whispered and said "sh nobody has to know we are not going to embarrass this family" as everyone clapped and cheered the both of them wished that none of the pregnancy ever happened.

"Wow" Jake said as he walked inside the castle, "I can't wait to see my room" "your room" said the queen "you have to share with your fiance. he stood there in shock as she gave him that "I'm sorry" face.as they got to the room. "thx mom" said the princess she smiled at Jake and turned her head. "I can't believe you was a princess this whole time" "are you mad" she asked " mad, wat ever I'm happy not for the money, because this has been a dream come true" they smiled at each other than a man came on the entercom and said "the queen of boldien and king of boldien is here dress up you have 6 minutes. They got dressed they headed for the ball room. "Wait he told her that's... that's my dad that man who is he". "He left my mom when I was 7 I thought he was dead" "How that's the king of boldien noway your a prince" "He is and you can't tell anyone one or else I'll have you both wiped" said the king they were scared not just scared freaked out.