
is it my end?

a loud bang . it was the final thing he heard before darkness.

pain. it was the last thing he felt before he went numb.

cold .laying thare. the silence never sounded so loud.

he opened his eyes to see a bright room. white walls with glowing blue flowers and green vines going up them.

the boy stood up but felt dissy. altho he manniged to stand it was a challenge.

" whare... whare am I?" the boys shaken voice said as his eyes darted in all directions.

"HUH!?!. Ali!" the boy screamed as he saw his little sister laying in front of a big cender block . " Ali?! wake u-" he stopped mid sentence. his sisters head was covered in blood. it made him sick. he fell to his knees and threw up. but he threw up blood. he noticed something as he looked down . a gunshot wound to his chest. " what the fuck?!?" he jumped in fear as he started to panic

he tried to shake his sister. but she dissaperd .

when the boy stood up again he now was at home. his parents was never rich but thay wasn't poor either. thay was a normal middle class family. his life was perfect. to perfect. he always looked like his mother who was quite beautiful. she always drew attention when thay all went out to eat or to the store. and his father wasn't to bad of a looker either. but he took his mothers side and his sister was a spitting image of her . bolth was twins to. bolth had light golden brown hair witch he kept cut short while his sister kept to her neck . bolth had unbelievably soft skin and eyes like emeralds . to alot of people thay was a perfect family. but .why. now why was he here. whare is his sister . how can he find her?.

thoughts shot around his mind to quick for him to answer