
Chapter 1

It's 9 in the morning, and Yoongi's asleep in his bed. That is, until Hoseok bursts through the door, screaming, "YOONGI WAKE UP, JIN HYUNG NEEDS YOU DOWNSTAIRS!" Yoongi flinches as the younger turns on the lights, partially blinding him momentarily. "OKAY! Calm down, I'll be there in a minute." He rolls over and listens as Hobi trots across the hallway and goes down the stairs. Yoongi's about to fall back asleep peacefully, when Taehyung and Jungkook run into the room with their action figures, making lots of noise. The older tries to ignore it when Jimin climbs onto his bed. "Downstairs. Now. You have to help clean. Jin hyung said." Yoongi sighs before finally saying, "GO! Let me get a freaking shirt on, jeez." He swears under his breath as he gets down from his bed, grabs a shirt off of the floor, and reluctantly makes his way down the steps. He storms into the kitchen and aggressively grabs a broom, then starts sweeping angrily.

"Yah, calm down Yoongi!" Seokjin says from the other side of the kitchen. The younger just grumbles in response and keeps sweeping like before. Taehyung walks into the kitchen and stands directly in the way of where he's going. "Move," Yoongi says as he shoves his way through. "Hey!" Tae yelped in response. "Yoongi," Namjoon calls from the table, looking over his computer screen, "That was unnecessary." Yoongi rolls his eyes and goes back to what he was doing, and muttered under his breath, "And it's unnecessary for him to be in the way." Namjoon gives him a sharp glare, before going back to his laptop. Yoongi accidentally knocks stuff over with the handle of the broom and lets out a loud growl before turning around harshly and putting it back up. "Stop," Namjoon said sternly. "I didn't even mean to, calm down," Yoongi shot back. "It wouldn't have happened if you didn't have an attitude," Namjoon replied, getting frustrated with the older one. "I don't care!" Yoongi yelled, slamming the broom down on the floor,

"YOONGI," Jin yelled, turning from the oven to face the younger one. "You don't talk to Joon like that. You don't talk to anybody like that. And when you threw down the broom, Jungkook was walking into the living room - you could've hit him in the head!" Yoongi turned to go pick up the broom, replying, "But unfortunately, I didn't." Jin set down the tray of cinnamon rolls he was holding and completely turned towards Yoongi. "YAH, PUT THAT DOWN AND LISTEN TO ME!" Yoongi dropped the broom, before responding, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Jin quickly replied, "I WANT DONGSAENGS THAT LISTEN TO AND RESPECT THEIR HYUNGS!!" He paused for a moment before continuing, "Go in the living room and vacuum, I trust you to do it more than I trust Tae."

Yoongi stomped off into the living room and turned on the vacuum. He went around the room with the vacuum, then pulled out the hose and started sucking up the crumbs that the vacuum missed around the furniture. Jin walked in, and said, "You need to use the actual vacuum, just move the chair out of the way." Yoongi sighed as he put the hose back in the vacuum and folded up the chair, muttering "Just let me do it how I wanna do it, let me get it done myself." When Yoongi stood up, he was almost face to face with his hyung. "YOU NEED TO STOP WITH THE ATTITUDE AND LISTEN, APOLOGIZE LIKE YOU MEAN IT." Yoongi was silent for a few moments, before he replied, "I'm SO sOrRy." Jin was fuming at that point, he replied, "THAT'S IT, NO PHONE FOR ANOTHER MONTH." Jin stormed out of the living room, fists clenched, as the younger went back to vacuuming.