
Kenjutsu and Saeko

Chapter 14

Kenjutsu and Saeko

In my studies department, I decided to take a year break before going to high school. My parents obviously refused though my father first asked for one reason. I gave them a few.

First: I already knew everything. Further, I could easily get top scores anytime by preparing in the last 2-3 weeks.

Second: It's not like I will need a job in the future. We were already rich. In fact, even my grandchildren wouldn't have to work considering how many properties we had and how much our earning was.

Third: I wanted to practice for the Under 17 tournament that would be happening in Tokyo considering, I only had 9 months then to prepare for it at that time.

Last but certainly not least: I wanted to concentrate on Kenjutsu seeing as that old man had finally deemed me 'good'.

There was also another secret reason which I did not tell them. I wanted to be in the same class as Saeko and Yuuki. If I had continued, I would have graduated from high school. I would have been in some college when the tragedy would have stricken me.

In the end, they had to acquiesce to my demands. Thankfully, I was not going to be the oldest even if I dropped for a year as my birthday was just before the start of school years. I would be just a few months older than the rest of the class.

In the training department, I decided to take a break from the Military Training camp as I was already quite busy with the Kenjutsu practice.

There, I was flying through the challenges.

Yamamoto decided to start teaching me, after 10 months of my joining.

In those months, he let me join the Kendo practice, instead. Unfortunately, Saeko did not practice with the other students. Either Yamamoto or his assistant, Kabuto, trained her from what I heard from other disciples. Most of my initial training was done by Kabuto too, seeing as the old man was usually out of the city and sometimes overseas. I think I even forgot that I was paying for Yamamoto to teach me.

In those months, I went from a total amateur to one of the best. In the end, only Kabuto was able to keep up with me. I have to give it to him, he was quite good. But I was also bridging the gap quickly. I still remember that day.


It had been 8 months since I joined here. The tension with Zoey was affecting my practice but seeing as I was already one of the best, I wasn't worried.

Both, Kabuto and me, were going at each other like crazy. This was our 3rd spar of the day. We both usually have 4-5 spars a day so we still had 2 more to go.

Then, out of nowhere, the old man came and coughed. We both stopped our attacks midway. Seeing him there, I was quite surprised. I didn't even know he was home. On our questioning look, he asked me to spar with him. Thankfully, most of the students were gone by that time. Most of them usually watch the 1st and 2nd spar but by the 3rd most go back to their home. Even then, they watch it in total silence.

I quickly made my way to his personal Dojo. In the meantime, Kabuto sent everyone away and came himself to watch, probably, and to enjoy seeing me get beat up.

We took our positions with shinai in our hands.

He didn't attack and simply waited. Initially, I was also wary, so I too waited, ready for his attack, though his amused expression was irritating me.

But the attack never came. Knowing he could get bored quickly, I started the attack. I didn't want to miss the chance by being, vary.

Feinting on the left, I went for his right, but, he was already dodging my attack. It was like he knew how I would attack. No matter what I did, he dodged or in some cases blocked. I was going all out from the start so I was breathing a little too hard after a few minutes but he wasn't even sweating. It was like he was totally calm.

Seeing that, I started attacking with more vigor. This continued for some more minutes when suddenly, he attacked.

It was over before I could even do a thing. His shinai was at my throat while mine was still on the way to attack him. I didn't even saw him attack.

I had to say Yamamoto was truly a monster. I already watched some of his fights on the internet, but the real-life experience was something else. Being at the end of his sword was terrifying. If that had been a real sword, I would have been trembling in fear. Even then, I gave my all and lost.

I gave him a small smile which he returned though his eyes were saying something else. It was like he was making me see that I was just a big frog in a small pond and the distance between me and him was still long.

I understood his intentions. He did this, so I would lose my arrogant attitude. I would say he was wrong but truthfully, I had become a little arrogant after my nonstop winning in martial arts, kendo, and sports.

"So what did you do wrong?" He asked out of the blue, bringing me back to the real world.

"I went against you," I said dryly.

Kabuto tried to contain his laughter but couldn't. On the other hand, Yamamoto smirked.

"Cheeky little brat. Well, that too but other than that" He asked once again.

"I was overconfident. When I saw that nothing was happening, I became reckless. I should have continued that way. Instead, I started overreaching and dropped my defense for attacking" I said

He nodded and said "Well at least you have the wisdom to see your mistakes. Very well you may go. Sun is getting down and you are still young to be out in the night"

I nodded and gave a bow of respect.

Just as I started walking away, he said "Oh! One more thing, I have finally decided to train you" I turned to look at him if he was pulling my leg but his serious face made me realize he was serious, though his next words were a bit downer "But, you will have to defeat Kabuto first in your spars".

I nodded, determination seeping into my bones. I nodded and went away

Flashback ends

It took me somewhat less than 2 months to defeat Kabuto, in which my exams came and went away. In truth, I already defeated him by the end of the 1st month, but Kabuto refused to admit it. He said it was just a fluke. So, I had to defeat him in all the 5 spars of the day continuously, to prove my point. I think he only agreed because he was tired of getting beat up in front of his other students.

At last, Yamamoto finally decided to teach me.

I have to say he was a wonderful teacher. He quickly realized that I learn far better by sparring. We were sparring by the 2nd month after he taught me all the basics. I wasn't a fan of getting beat up but I knew, I was progressing, so, I didn't whine and just stood up again and again until he told me to stop.

If I hadn't taken a break from school, I am not sure if I could have continued. Every day, I would go home black and blue. There were some parts of my body, which, I never thought that they could ache. Still, it helped me in the end. After all these months, I could now give him a run for his money.

One thing I noticed was sometimes, he would become suddenly fast like out of nowhere. Still, it wasn't my place to enquire so I kept my mouth shut and just kept going.

I also met Saeko at last, just a few months back. Sure, I saw her a few times while my kendo training was going on, but it was all from afar, not face to face. Even while practicing Kenjutsu with Yamamoto, I rarely saw her.

Saeko looked even hotter in real life up close.


I was sparring with Yamamoto in his private Dojo when Saeko came in with a phone. Seeing that, we both stopped as nobody, not even Kabuto would disturb the sparring if it isn't important.

"Father, there is a call for you and Kabuto says it's urgent" I heard her speak.

"Excuse me, I will be back in a minute," Yamamoto said taking the phone from her and went out of the room.

Now we were both alone and it was getting awkward. I decided to introduce myself. Although I was already with Shizune, I really wanted to tap that. Moreover, I think she also wanted to introduce herself otherwise she wouldn't have waited and simply left the room when Yamamoto went away.

"Hello, my name is Saito Sakazuki. It's nice to meet you" I said boldly.

"I know your name. Father mentioned you quite some times. My name is Saeko Busujima" She said in return.

"Nothing bad, I hope," I said with a small smile. She just smirked in return.

I already knew her because of my otherworldly knowledge. I also knew she will become one of the deadliest members of Takashi's group. But I wanted her in my group and she had a hot body too, so I did the only thing I could do at that time to keep her interest. I also did not want to get back to the awkward silence.

"Saeko-San, I don't mean to presume, but I think you would know kendo considering who your father is," I said.

"Yes, I am quite proficient at kendo. Are you asking for a spar?" She asked with an amused smirk while arching her eyebrow.

"What if I am?" I asked her in return, a smirk forming on my face.

After that, there was no wordplay. She took a shinai and got into the stance. We both moved at the same time. While I knew she wasn't giving her all, I have to say she was really good at this. She should be considering she must have been learning this from a young age.

Still, even I wasn't going all out. So, I decided to take it up a notch. She, in turn, took it to a higher level. Little by little, we turned it up a notch. In the end, we were approximately going all out. I know she held back due to her sadism, while I just held back a little more because I didn't want to embarrass her.

Even then, if someone saw us, they would think we were trying to kill each other.

We were going at it for a few minutes when I decided to….

Suddenly we both heard clapping. We both stopped and turned to see Yamamoto clapping with a smile on his face.

"Wonderful. I see that you both decided to introduce each other in warrior way" He said with amusement.

I cocked to look at him like crazy whenever he says something like this. On the other hand, I noticed that Saeko got pink on her cheeks. I was confused but then I remembered that she gets turned on by fighting so I shook my head and dropped the matter.

"It was a good match. Maybe we should spar some other time" I was taken out of my thoughts when she said that. I looked in her direction to see her placing the shinai in the box.

"Sure, I am usually free whenever your old man is away. At least this way, I would be able to keep my skills sharp" I hastily added the last part when I saw Yamamoto narrow his eyes. There was also some sort of pressure on me, just like when I first met him. Just as it came, it went away.

'What the hell was that?' I screamed in my mind. I know it couldn't be because of me referring to him as 'old man' as I have said that a dozen times. I first accidentally said that a few months back. I only mentioned that in my mind but that day it came out. Fortunately, he didn't get angry, instead, he laughed, so I kept referring to him that way.

Saeko cocked her eyebrow at the casual mention of his father. In the end, she nodded and went away but there was definite sway in her hips. My eyes were glued to her back.

A sharp cough made me turn.

Seeing his angry expression, I paled.

I whimpered while Yamamoto cracked his knuckles.

Flashback ends

That day, he was more brutal than all other days. I know I shouldn't have flirted with her daughter when he was just a few feet away from me, but, I couldn't help it. She is just too hot. You know, you see a girl and instantly feel attracted to her. That same thing was happening to me.

Saeko has long, straight, and shiny purple hair along with a triangular fringe at the front that barely touches the ridge of her nose, blue eyes, and sizable breasts. Her breasts are not yet fully matured but I would say they are easily C cup.

She is quite tall for a Japanese girl and her relatively long limbs contribute leverage to her powerful sword swings. She is just 2 inches smaller than me. One of Saeko's most attractive physical features is her lips, which have a shiny pink appearance.

Damn those lips. they were always inviting. I wanted to know whether she had pink lips naturally or she applied something. And when she takes deep breaths after a long spar, they are begging to be kissed. The dress sometimes clings to her body due to all the sweat which only showcases her assets and increases her sexiness. Only due to the iron will, I have been able to control my lust and not just have my way with her. I am quite horny after every spar with her. At least it helps that Shizune is always ready to relieve stress. She is especially confused when I ask her to meet me every time, I come back from Dojo.

Anyway, in the last few months, we both have become good friends. Whenever Yamamoto is out of town, (and he is out of town, a lot) I usually practiced Kendo with Kabuto but after that meeting, I started practicing with Saeko instead. Initially, Kabuto chaperoned us and I was angry at that as I couldn't talk to her much freely. I could see that even Saeko was a little miffed by that, so I devised a plan.

I start coming when it was time for the students to come. This way, Kabuto was usually busy with them. When I applied the plan, I saw his helpless and frustrated face and I couldn't help but smirk.

From then, we could freely express ourselves.

One thing I have noticed is that she usually holds back even in the face of defeat. I wasn't going to mention her sadism but I was very frustrated at her holding back. I even egged her on, so she could go all out but she stubbornly held back.

I wanted to confront her but I decided not to. We were friends for just some months and I didn't want to jeopardize my friendship with her. Moreover, the date of the tournament was getting closer so I wasn't able to spar for a long time.

In the last months, we have become quite good friends. I also learned that I was her first friend. Her friends don't usually last for long. If that wasn't some plot for her future crush, I don't what is?

Still, I know I already have a hot girlfriend in the form of Shizune with Miku and Asami vying for my attention. But even then, I was dying to tap Saeko. I don't know why it was but it was the truth.

Maybe they all are right. 'Men really are unfaithful and horny creatures'.

All this hard thinking is making me tired and sleepy. It is good considering, it is already 2:00 A.M, and, I have to wake up by 6, in the morning.

I apologize for so many flashbacks. Initially, I was going to do the last 3 flashbacks in the previous chapter but when I edited the story, it fitted here more, as I noticed that the last 3-4 chapters rarely mentioned any Kenjutsu or Saeko despite being so much passing of time.

Here are the ages of MC and other characters so that the timeline doesn't confuse you.

Saito Sakazuki:

15 years 4 months+: MC got his 1st girlfriend (August 2015)

16 years+: MC already passed junior high. He decided to take a year off. He also broke up with his 1st girlfriend after a big fight on his birthday. He also started dating Shizune. Master Busujima also started teaching him personally.

16 years 6 months+: Met Saeko for the first time.

16 years 9 months+: At the end of the chapter.

Saya Takagi:

13 years 9 months: At the end of the chapter.

Miku Yuuki:

15 years 11 months+: At the end of the chapter.


17 years 4.5 months+: Starts dating Saito.

18 years 1.5 months+: At the end of the chapter.

Asami Nakaoka:

16 years 11 months+: Brokedown in front of Saito.

17 years 4 months+: At the end of the chapter.

Saeko Busujima:

16 years 4 months+: Met Saito for the first time.

16 years 7 months+: At the end of the chapter.