
Hot Doctor Uncle To My Hot Hubby

Veer is the last son of Sharma's Family,He is a Doctor,He is soon going to be 35 but he is not married till now because his bride ran away in his marriage,so he decided not to marry anyone forever and ever. But he doesn't know his own elder sister's daughter Tanya who has a crush on him from childhood is going to marry him and become his sexy wifey and Tanya is studying in 1st year art major and her age is only 19. Will age be an obstacle between them? Will they have a happy marry life? Will they two love eachother? To know answers for this question read this story lovelies.

Shivpriya777 · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

6.I Love You(⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)

Author's pov:

Next Day Veer woke up hearing his alarm,he stretched his body sitting up and saw that Tanya was still sleeping on the floor and her saree wrapped around her arms.

He rolled his eyes and walked inside the bathroom to get freshened up

Tanya slowly started to wake up,she felt her muscles are sore and little numb because of sleeping on the floor.

She carresed It with her palm and held the end of the table to get up.

She got up and tied her hair to a bun

She can hear the water running sounds from the bathroom.

So she opened her door and walked towards her own room to get freshen up.


After bathing Tanya wore a saree and now she is packing her clothes along with her cousins helping her to move on to her husband's place.

"Tanya finally got married to the man she lusted over for years"

Aditya said wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

Tanya giggled and continued packing her things.

Tanya hugged Aditya and Hrithik

"bye Tanya ,come and visit us often"Hrithik said sniffling.

Tanya nodded her head with glossy eyes and moved towards her father and hugged him tightly.

"love you appa"Tanya said sniffling .

"love you too bub,call me if something happened immediately,

Appa will be there ASAP"

Suraj said and pecked her forehead.

Tanya hugged her mother and grandmother also.

Veer touched his mother's feet for blessing and walked out of the house with his suitcase not even saying a word to anyone.

Tanya bid goodbye to everyone sniffling and sat inside the car.

The drive to Veer's house was silent except Tanya's sniffling sound.

"Can you fucking stop your crocodile tears"Veer shouted angrily.

Tanya's heart dropped to hear Veer's loud shouting suddenly and she flinched badly.

She calmed herself,wiped her tears and looked outside leaning on the window.

Veer stopped the car in the parking lot,he got out of the car and slammed the door hardly

Tanya got out of the car, Veer opened the trunk and took his suitcase and walked without saying anything.

Tanya took one of her luggage and followed Veer,she can take other afterwards and go to the apartment only if she knows the floor and Veer's place,she knows Veer will not help her,

Because he is mad at her *pout*

Veer walked towards the lift with his bag, Tanya followed him with her bag.

Veer pressed the 10 floor.

Tanya noted it for her future use.

Veer walked towards his apartment like always that neighbour slut stand on the door step.

Veer didn't even spared a glance at her like always and walked towards his room.

His neighbour looked at Tanya with a frown,she gritted her teeth

Seeing the Mangal Sutra around Tanya's neck and the sindhoor on her forehead.

And ofcourse Tanya noticed her gaze on her husband and the look she gave to her.

Tanya smirked at her playing with her saree teasingly, indirectly telling her that she will not have Veer no matter what.

Veer atleast left the door open for Tanya.

Veer walked inside his room and threw his suitcase on the bed and gripped his hair in anger.

Tanya walked inside the house smiling.

She pouted when she remembered that she has to get her remaining luggages.

"Hubby,can you give me your car keys I have to take my other luggages"Tanya asked entering Veer's room with a smile.

Veer looked up,glared at her,

Sped walked towards her and gripped her wrist bruisingly and dragged her.

Tanya didn't shout or cry in pain

She just bit her lips with glossy eyes

Enduring the pain.

Veer left her hand harshly in the middle of the hall.

"look here don't fucking call me with those names,

I am not your husband

Or I am not your uncle anymore

Because you mean nothing to me from today,

And you are just a fucking maid here,do house chores and have your food.

Plus you are not allowed to go to college anymore, because this is my House and my rules,if you want to go then you can sign these divorce papers and go

And I will not fucking care"

Veer said glaring at Tanya and threw the divorce papers at the coffee table.

Tanya's heart clenched in pain, looking at the divorce papers.


Veer shouted.

Tanya wiped her glossy eyes and nodded her head.

"Understood Hu ..Mr.Veer"

Tanya corrected herself.

Veer knows how much dignity Tanya has towards her studies

That's why he targeted on his studies,so Tanya will get angry

And sign the divorce papers immediately,but looking at Tanya behave like this,it made him more angry and ragefull.

"Can I have your car keys Mr.Veer,I have to take my luggages"Tanya asked in a small broken voice.

Veer threw the car keys on the floor and walked towards his room angrily.

Tanya took little steps towards the car key,with tears flowing from her eyes,she took it and wiped her teary cheeks sniffling.


Tanya finally took all of her luggages to the apartment with so much difficulty and walked inside Veer's room.

Veer is sitting on the bed gripping his head.

He looked up and saw Tanya coming inside with his dark fiery eyes.

Tanya doesn't want Veer to be more angry by sharing his closet also and she doesn't have any courage to ask him.

So she looked at the corner of the room which is clean and empty

She placed her things there and started unpacking.

She looked at her college bag which has her books and stationery,she looked at with glossy eyes and placed it to a side.

She kept her clothes in the bag itself,she only took her things and placed it on the floor, arranging it neatly.

Veer is observing Tanya's every moves,the way Tanya fighting back her moves makes him more angry and pinching his guts

Tanya tied her hair into bun

And walked out of the room to the kitchen after arranging her things.

She opened the fridge and looked at it, she doesn't know to cook that much good,but she knows a little,

So she thought do a dish she knows for lunch and later learn something

Tanya took some vegetables from the fridge

After washing it,she started to cut the vegetables.

'what am I going to do?

Will Veer be forever like this?

Will he change his mind?

Will he love me?

Or else is he going to be like this forever?'

Tanya got immersed in her own thoughts and cut her finger unknowingly,the blood started to ooze out from her finger,which made her eyes became glossy and hiss in pain.

She washed her finger In the sink.

Tanya started to cook ignoring the pain,she got little burns here and there,with a little hope that she will get used to this kind of lifestyle soon,she wants Veer to have a happy life,so it will take some little difficulties to reach his heart, Tanya thought with a little smile.


"Mr.Veer"Tanya called Veer in a small voice looking down feeling so scared and nervous,to even talk to this new Veer.

Veer looked up from his phone

"lunch is ready"Tanya said.

Veer put his phone on charge and walked past Tanya to the dining table.

Tanya kept the plate on the table

Before Veer.

Veer's ears perked up hearing the jiggling sound,the hip chain

Tanya started to serve the dish one by one, Veer's eyes roamed on the bare milky waist with the jiggling hip chain.

Veer's pupils move the way it jiggles and makes sounds clinking together and sticking on the bare milky waist.

Tanya's long hair brushed on Veer's shoulder as she was serving food standing closer to Veer.

Veer unknowingly inhaled the sweet scent coming from the hair.

Tanya served and moved a little away,which made Veer broke out of his trance and shook his head from the fuzzy feeling.

Veer took the food in the spoon

And chewed it, Tanya is looking at Veer's face fiddling her fingers nervously.

"Is this you call Food Tanya?"

Veer asked dropping the spoon on the plate, looked up and glared at her.

Tanya looked down and tears welled up in her eyes.

"i.am..s.orryy"Tanya said through her cries stuttering.

Veer pushed the plate,which

Flew and hit the wall and the whole rice spread on the floor.

Tanya flinched from the loud sound, Veer stood up and gripped her cheeks harshly and painfully.

"you didn't even know how to cook Tanya,then where you got the fucking audacity to get married?

Huh?"Veer shouted still gripping Tanya's jaw painfully.

Tanya didn't answer just looked at Veer with glossy eyes,not crying or scared anymore,just staring at her with tears flowing from her eyes.

"I love you"Tanya said looking at Veer's dark and fiery eyes.

Veer's grip on her cheeks loosened he looked at Tanya's soft glossy almond eyes,which has so much confidence and determination,he can clearly see the truth and love in her eyes,but his heart has no place for love and family,he got hurt enough,all he can remember the pain and betrayal he felt in the name of love.

....To Be Continued

Hello lovelies hope you guys enjoyed reading vote share comment to keep me writing bye love you guys so MUCH 😍🤩🤭😌😅❤️🥺🥲😂🧐😚💯😘😍🥰😑