
The first mech

In a lab with the background filled with machines and stuff was a scientist currently working and typing away on a computer. The computer was connected to a robot like machine in the back, only it was giant bigger than even tye largest of vehicles as it was standing at a staggering 50 meters high. It was a mech.

The scientist was trying his best at making the mech as easy to use for the pilot by adding artificial intelligence to it.

There were other people in the room as well, who were working on multiple parts of the mech. It was so large that they required ladders to climb on it's parts for research and development.

"Hey Mark , we only have 5 days to go. Is your work finished?" Shouted a man who was sitting on a shoulder of the mech and tinkering on the parts.

"Don't worry James, the work is all done and dusted. I am just doing some final touches to make it as user friendly as possible." Shouted back the man at the computer, Mark.

"Do you think this mega robot will help us in the war?" Another man who was working on it's legs asked Mark.

"First of all it is called a 'Mech' not a mega robot. And for your question it is not something we care, anyway I believe the mech can turn the tide of the war."Replied Mark indifferently.

Mark continued to work and think of the war. Though he said they didn't care, his family were out there fighting in this battle of attrition. It was a war among different extraterrestrial races. It was a war among aliens.

It was the year 3045 and humans had already moved out of earth. The solar system was currently like mobile base of the humans. The Dyson swarm had been completed around the sun and it was producing a butt-load of energy.

Humans had also developed a Stellar engine known a the Caplan thruster to move the sun wherever they want in the galaxy.

But after about 20 years of the formation of the stellar engine an unexpected thing happened. When the solar system was passing by a different solar system some humans along with high-quality machines were sent there to investigate and colonize the system.

There humans upon landing on one of the habitable planets found life in the form of microbes.

And upon research something surprising had been found...
