
What Are You Doing Here?

Arriving at a village inn, Kamryn sat down and waited for a waitress to come to her.

"What can I get for you miss?" Kamryn took a look around the place. Noticing the crude decor, bad lighting and the below par guests. She knew that the room and food here were going to be third-rate at best.

"One room and dinner please."

The waitress sized Kamryn up and down before offering her one of their smaller but better rooms. 

"We have a small room open. Meals are included if you stay longer than one day."

"I'll take it, and I'm staying here for five days."

"Okay, this way. Please..."

The waitress show her to the bedroom, where Kamryn was thoroughly surprised by how clean and pleasant it looked.

"Will you take it?" The female waited by the door. 

"Yes. Thank you." Kamryn placed ten coins in the female's hands. "Is there a way to get a bath in here as well?"