
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter twelve


||||||||||||||||| Rodrigo POV |||||||||||||||||||.|||

"Well, you might not know but.... I'm the kind of person that has an eye for beautiful things" I grinned as Alberto stared at me silently, his facial expression unreadable.

Suddenly he spoke up "That still doesn't explain the reason for your weird stares and actions" his luscious slightly red lips twitched as he frowned a little.

"maybe that's because.... I've taken a liking to you" I smirked as Alberto's facial expression change slowly from frown to shocked. Gosh I just love his facial expressions, everything is just so cute!.

Suddenly he bursts out laughing. Huh? did I say something funny? why's he laughing? I got really confused.

"you're funny Mr Torillo; Making a joke like that.. Comedy should be your second occupation haha" Alberto said amidst laughter.

Oh so that's why he's laughing. I smirked and lean in closer "do I look like I'm joking?"

Suddenly he stopped laughing and stared at me "wait you weren't jok- "

"How about we have some wine mhmm" I cut him short as I grabbed the wine and opened it, pouring it into the two glass cups and handing Alberto one.

"No thanks" He politely rejected, waving his hands.

"ah come on, one little glass won't hurt" I grinned, pushing the wine glass to Alberto's front.

Alberto stared at the wine for some time and then look up to meet my eyes, I could see hesitance in his eyes. Why would he feel that way tho? it's just alcohol! Or maybe he's-

My eyes widened at the discovery. Alberto picks up the wine glass to drink the wine "Wait! don't do it!" I hurried stopped him.

"Why?" he furrowed a brow.

"you don't have high tolerance to alcohol" I calmly stated.

"How..did you- "

"I saw it in your eyes. you don't have to drink it if you don't want to" I cut him short yet again.

Alberto scoffed "So what if I don't have high tolerance to alcohol huh? .. it's just wine and as you said *one little drink won't hurt* "

I sighed in defeat "fine! do whatever you want.. don't say I didn't warn you".

Alberto shrugged and brought the wine glass to his lip. He seemed hesitant. I wanted to stop him again but he just gulped the entire wine in his glass! . His lips twitched as he slightly frowned, his face flushed slightly red.

His expression soon change to normal. He stared down at his wine glass and grinned "hmm not bad... it's.. kinda sweet"

I smirked, taking a small sip of the wine "see! I told ya.. but be careful tho, it might taste sweet but the alcoholic level is quite high"

"yeah whatever" He rolled his eyes, shrugged and extended his wine glass towards me. I stared at the wine glass and then at him, somewhat surprised "huh? want more?"

He nodded. I just shrugged and granted his request. He gulped it down and asked for more. I pondered for a bit, thinking if it's a good idea to keep giving him wine since his tolerance isn't high. But! I just shrugged and gave him the whole bottle. His crystal blue eyes twinkled in delight as he gladly accepted the bottle and poured himself more wine. I slowly sipped mine as I watched Alberto's every movement. His face was getting more flushed, his eyes were getting misty and his luscious slightly red lips were getting more redder. i gulped at his current appearance, it was so damn tempting.

He suddenly licked his lips. I gulped hard, my throat felt itchy. It took all the will power in me not to push him down and attack those tempting lips. I averted my gaze somewhere else, slowly sipping my wine, trying to regain my composure.

***** 5_minutes_later (in the French guy's voice in sponge bob)*****

Alberto laid on the coach, swaying his hands and giggling "♪♪Brilla, brilla, pequeña estrella, cómo me pregunto qué eres (Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are) ♪♪" He sang sheepishly. I chuckled. I just don't know which side of Alberto I love more, his sober side or his drunken side.

"I feel funny" Alberto said, giggling. He suddenly sat up "Hey do you think I'm pretty?" He pouted, his slightly blushed cheeks bulging; coupled with those sparkly crystal blue eyes and long eyelashes, he looked like a kitten.

Ahhh! tan lindo!! ( ahhh! so cute!!) .. It is highly illegal to be this adorable! Altamente ilegal!! ( Highly illegal!! ).

I chuckled and stood up "alright come on, time to get you home" I approached him and tried to grab him but he slapped my hand off "Don't touch me you pervert!" He frowned.

"I'm not a pervert, I'm just tryna take you home, you're drunk!" I sighed.

"No I'm not!" Alberto whined.

"Yes you are! Now get up your drunken ass butt you drunken ass kitty cat and let's get you home!" I sneered and grabbed him, pulling him up.

"Ah!" Alberto yelped by the sudden pull and quickly wrapped his hands around my neck as I securely wrapped my hands around his waist to steady his balance and then.. We locked gaze.

I've never been so lost staring at anything than I am now, staring at Alberto. His face is flawless, so smooth and beautiful; coupled with the slight redness caused by the alcohol, it seemed to have intensify his beauty. His crystal blue eyes were sparkly and calm, reminds me of a calm blue lake. The more I look at them, the more I get drawn in.

Alberto suddenly poked my cheeks and giggled "pretty.. eyes very pretty"

I rolled my eyes as my lips curved up into soft smile "C'mon let's go" I shifted to his side, removing his left hand and left the other wrapped around my neck. Still securely holding his waist, I led him downstairs.

We got downstairs. His co workers were all in pairs, chatting and laughing at whatever they're talking about; probably not my concern. Soon, they all fell silence once they noticed my presence. Their mouth widened in awe as they noticed Alberto's condition.

Suddenly that female worker.. umm.. what's her name again? gena? Gianna? gamma?... Whatever her name is; Approached me, eye widened in shock "OMG Mr Torillo, what happened?"

"No time to explain.. I've got to get him home" I made to turn but then I remembered "Hey, do any of you know his house address?"

"Yes.. it's 24 Guadalupe street" she replied, still glancing at Alberto, trying to figure out what's wrong. She couldn't take it anymore and suddenly approached Alberto "Alberto! what did you do?! why did you drink alcohol? I know you never do that! so why suddenly?!!"

"Ok! enough with your questions. Alberto's not a kid anymore and is free to do whatever he wants. He doesn't owe you any explanation!"

"But.. I'm his friend! I deserve to know" She whined.

Arghh! so childish..

I rolled my eyes "You can question him when he's sober, now don't bother me"

She bit her lip and nodded. I rolled my eyes and took Alberto out of the restaurant and approached my car. I took out my car keys, opened my car and put Alberto in the front seat. Securely fastened his seatbelt, I got over to the driver seat, inserted the key and ignited the car and drove off.

10 minutes later, We arrived at an average looking house or I'd say, Alberto's home. I parked the car and got out, walking over to the other side and got Alberto out, leading him to the house. Alberto has been awfully quiet the entire time, maybe he fell asleep. I took a peak at him and his eyes were closed. Truly he did fall asleep. I rang the doorbell. "Coming!" I heard a female voice yell from inside. 10 seconds later, the door opened, revealing a beautiful woman who I think might be Alberto's mom because I can see the resemblance.

"Huh? who are you and.. *gasps* what happened to mi bebé??!" She asked shocked, grabbing Alberto by the free arm.

"He's just drunk, nothing serious" I shrugged "He'll be fine after a good night rest"

"Drunk?!!.. but my albelito never drinks" She said, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh...well.. umm.. we had this.. party.. at workplace and everyone was drinking.. and Alberto decided to join in.. and.. umm.. he had too much.. so.. yeah" I lied, stuttering for some stupid reason.

"uh huh.. so you're his co worker?" She crossed her arms.

"I'm his friend" I smiled politely.

She nodded and smiled "so mi bebé has other friends too asides Fernando .. that's nice"

Wait! did she just say Fernando? could It be- .. No! it couldn't be him, it can't be. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

"Go upstairs and turn right, you'll find his room.. umm do you need help in taking him upstairs?" She asked.

I shook my head "No ma'am, I can carry him myself. thanks" I smiled and turned, heading upstairs and to his room.

We got inside. I shut the door and carried Alberto towards his bed and laid him on it. I took off his shoes and properly covered him with the duvet. I kissed his forehead and was about to leave when suddenly I felt something grab my hand and pulled me back unaware, making lose my balance and falling on the bed.

I looked up and saw Alberto staring down at me "huh? I thought you were asleep?" I asked surprised. He didn't answer but smirked instead "I got you trapped, I'm in charge now". I smirked "oh really?" I single handedly manoevered him, switching our position.

"Who's trapped now?" I smirked and lean in closer. Alberto frowned and pouted "uh not fair".

I didn't reply. I was just staring at him, taking in his every features. Those beautiful eyes, his oval smooth face, cute pointed nose and of course... those red lips.

I averted my gaze to his lips. I gulped, my throat feel itchy again. I shouldn't do this! I shouldn't do this! for goodness sake he's drunk! no don't.. oh fuck this!!

I lean in and captured his lips. He tasted like strawberries; so sweet and intoxicating. He actually kissed me back, my heart was thumping with excitement. But then again, he's drunk, he probably doesn't know what's going on. I sighed sadly in my mind and broke the kiss. I didn't want to but I had to. Normally, if I want something, I'll just get it without thinking twice. But for some reason, I respect Alberto's dignity and don't want to hurt him or take advantage of him.

I sighed and kissed his forehead "You should sleep now" I came down from the bed and tuck him in properly.

"But.. I.. I .. don't.. want.. to...mhmm" He mumbled and fell asleep. I just stared at his sleeping figure, so peaceful. I stared at those tempting lips. I really want to kiss him again but I don't want it to happen while he's drunk. I want him to be sober and aware of everything, I don't want to him to regret.

I sighed and glanced at him one last time and left. He'll probably not remember anything that happened this night.. but I will..

I smirked and got into my car. I touched my lips again and smiled softly. I don't understand what I'm feeling right now but.. it feels nice.. I smiled and drove off..

Are y'all thinking what I'm thinking hmm?.. I think someone's in love (ʃƪ^3^)..

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Anthonia_Charlescreators' thoughts