
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter Eight

*****ALBERTO POV*****

I finally did it.. I told Fernando what really happened to me... To be honest, I'm really scared in my heart.. Fernan is the only guy that I took as my friend; BEST friend at that.. I don't want him to find me irritating and decides to leave me.. I just can't bear it.. "fernan" my voice sounded so soft, almost like a whisper but he seemed to have heard me and replied gently "hmm?" .. I gulped as I forced the question out of my mouth "fernan.. d..do you find me irritating now?... Are you gonna l..leave me?" I raised my head up, looking at him straight in the eyes.. Fernan chuckled and patted my head "why would you think that?... Of course not, I don't find you irritating at all and I'm definitely not planning on leaving you... We'll be best friends forever" he smiled at me and I suddenly felt warm inside.. I smiled back and hugged him happily "thanks" he hugged me back, slightly patting my back "welcome " he broke the hug and checked the time on the alarm clock "whoa it's still 6:30am?!... Hmm that's weird.. i could've sworn that it was 6:30 like.. 10 minutes ago" I frowned a little "here.. lemme see that" I collected the alarm clock and started hitting it "sometimes this alarm clock malfunctions" I finally fixed it and my eyes widened in shock as I saw the time "7:40!!!" Oh shit! I threw the alarm clock on the bed and ran to the bathroom.. I removed my clothes carelessly but quickly; grabbed my toothbrush; applied some toothpaste on it and rushed into the shower, turning it on while brushing my teeth... I suddenly heard brushing sounds; I tilted my head to the side and saw fernan  naked while also brushing his teeth with my new spare toothbrush... The atmosphere was somewhat awkward for me as my face flushed red in shyness and somewhat embarassment...

******Fernando POV****

I watched al with the corner of my eye as his face turned red all of a sudden.. Gosh he looks so cute and adorable!! It's taking all the strength in me to restrain myself from pushing him against the wall while kissing him all over... I composed myself and brushed quickly, rinsed my mouth, kept the toothbrush.. I grabbed a spare sponge, rubbed some bathing soap on it and started scrubbing my body quickly, very eager to leave the bathroom for two good reasons : 1. I'm already running late to school.. and 2. I'm afraid that if I waste more time here while stealing glances at Alberto's tempting body.. I might not be able to control myself... I bathed as fast as I could and walked out of the bathroom quickly.. I held my chest and breathed in relief as I walked towards Alberto's closet, searching for what to wear.. I'm 25cm taller than Alberto... I could have ordered some clothes but I don't have enough time to wait for it to get delivered.... I finally found a black shirt that fits me perfectly with a pair of blue jean trouser.. I hurriedly put the clothing on... I turned and sighted Alberto all dressed up too... What the heck?.. how did he dress up so fast?!!.. I pushed my thoughts aside we both grabbed our backpack and ran out of the house; not caring about eating breakfast...

We arrived at school by 08:11am... We ran as fast as our legs could carry us to the classroom... We opened the door and all eyes turned to us including our history teacher.. "why are you coming to school by this time?" Our history teacher frowned a little while he stared hard at us; expecting a good explanation "umm.. well.. you see sir... We umm.. we slept in .. yeah we slept in " I scratched the back of my head nervously "it's not our fault sir... We promise never to do it again" Alberto suddenly cut in. "Hmm I'll give you grace for today.. Next time I won't have mercy" He eyed us and gestured for us to come up and present our speech...

*****Alberto's POV******

Me and fernan were gestured to come up and present our speech.. I won't lie tho.. I'm a little nervous.. What if our speech isn't enough to please our history teacher and get us an A+ .. I sighed heavily as me and fernan walked in front of the class "Good day my fellow students.. I'm Alberto and this is my partner, Fernando" I cleared my throat "Today we'll be giving a little speech on the history of Africa"...*Skip skip*

*10 minutes later*

"Ok class, it's time to call the results" our history teacher stood up and walked in front of the class, holding a small book. He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat "we'll start from the poorest scores.. Tim and Francis, I'm not very impressed on your speech on the history of Egypt.. you could have done better than that.. you both got 25%" I heard Tim and Francis groaning annoyed in the back but I didn't bother to look.. I was so anxious to know what me and fernan got on our speech.. The history  teacher called a bunch of results until, eventually, it got to our turn.. "Fernando and Alberto" I looked up, my heart skipped a beat out the nervousness I'm feeling.. What if we didn't do well.. I gulped at nothing and waited to hear what we got "You both... Got 100%" my eyes widened in shock.. Hun..hundred percent?!! We got a hundred percent!! "AL we did it.. we got first place!" Fernan yelled happily and hugged me tight. The history teacher smiled "yes you both got first place.. although I'm not that you both came late to class today.. you both give a speech that really surprised and impressed me.. it took me back to my teen days back then in Africa.. it was so sad but I'm glad that that's all in the past now.. you both should keep the good works up" The history teacher gave us a thumbs up. I grinned widely "we promise we will sir " He nodded and faced the class "Alright that's all for today class.. until next time.. I bid you good day class" He said, taking his briefcase and left the class.. "AL i thank God that all our suffering and research yielded a good result.. I'm proud of US" fernan said, but he said the "US" in a rather intimate way.. I shoved my thoughts aside and smiled "yes it did.. I'm so happy right now". Just then, the school bell rang, indicating that it was lunch time. Fernan stood up "C'mon AL, Lets go have lunch.. I'm buying" I nodded and stood up as well "hmm ok, let's go" I said as me and fernan walked out of the classroom and headed straight to the cafeteria..