
Fox Studio

"Mister, the fox studio is here. The total fare is 8 dollars." The Indian driver parked the cab at the entrance of the studio.

Mateo took eight dollars from his wallet and paid the fare. But looking at his almost weightless wallet, he had the urge to cry. Now he has not much money left. If this continued, then he might have to spend his poorest Christmas this time. No, this can't go on. He has to do something.

He got out of the car and looked at the Fox studio in front of him.

Twenty Century fox is currently preparing for the first X-men movie. With a budget of 75 million dollars, it is definitely considered a big blockbuster. The selection of all the actors will be very strict, but they will try to cast unknown actors in the roles. It is easier to make the movie connect with the audience if the actors paying the IP roles are unfamiliar faces.

Mateo got this opportunity to audition only because Caa is the one operating this project.The actors, directors, photographers and all the other technical staff belonging to CAA would be preferred first. This is the usual operation of CAA. They provide the complete packaging services from pre to post production of a project. And maybe this is also the reason why Caa is still the number one agency in hollywood, despite the departure of two of its co-founders.

He was here to audition for the role of Cyclops, or even Ice man Bobby will do it. Knowing that this movie would be a hit and will spawn many sequels, playing any one of the characters in the IP can keep his career alive for the next many years.

"This is your non-disclosure agreement. After you sign it, you will be given the script. Nothing related to the script and audition can be leaked outside." A middle-aged guard stepped forward and smoothly handed him the non-disclosure agreement.

Mateo took the agreement and read it briefly. After confirming that there was nothing wrong it, he signed his name on the contract. It is the rule of big movies to have non-disclosure agreement signed before the auditions and even the official filming. In this way, chances of script getting leaked can be prevented. And it can also mantain the secrecy of auditioning process, which sometimes might not be glorious.

After he signed the non-disclosure agreement, he was taken to the waiting hall and given the audition script.

There were many actors already present in the hall from the age of 15 to 30. After all, these small but prominent roles in big blockbusters are the dream of every unknown actor.

He quickly sat down on the chair, opened the script and began to memorize the lines. Except for being handsome and being the boy friend of Rogue, Ice man Bobby's role in this movie is not big. Maybe it will improving in the next parts.

Half an hour later, a person walked out of the conference room. He glanced at the registration book in his hand: "Is Mateo Walker here? It's your turn next."

"l am coming."

Mateo hurriedly followed behind the man, opened the door and saw that there were five or six people sitting in the conference room, and one of them was holding a small camera on the opposite side.

These people didn't care who came in at all, and each looked indifferent, as if they owed them millions.

The man on the left side flipped through Mateo's resume and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "You have been on the break for a whole year?"

Compared to the other blank newbie actors, the resume of this boy is quite good. He has worked in some well known quality works, and fits the image of Ice man quite well. The only problem is his resume of the past year which is blank.

Mateo replied without being intimidated: "I was busy with my studies, so I couldn't work."

The real reason was that he didn't work because he couldn't get a role in a big project, and as for those small projects, he simply didn't work in them himself. He was too overconfident the whole past year thinking that he would soon get famous because of his future knowledge, but reality gave him a hard slap. Even if he knows about some of the successful works, there is no gurantee that those directors and producers would definitely cast him. This is the reason why his financial situation is so tight now and he can't even afford proper Christmas presents.

Anyway, he wasn't going to tell the truth. He might be a little slow, but is not a fool to tell the people present about his idiotic behaviour.

Paul had previously notified the photos and identities of these people who were auditioning in advance. In the middle is the producer of the film Lauren Shuler Donner, on the left is the casting director and second producer Ralph Winter, and on his right is the director Brian Singer. On the far side is the representative of the Screen Actors Union, who is responsible for overseeing the corresponding situation of this audition.

Producer Ralph Winter nodded: "Okay, you can start acting."


P.S. Should MC be a part of X-men?

>> If there are any other movies you want him to act in, then you can suggest.
