
Hollywood RE:CODED

Don't be too serious while reading this fic. New Cover Credited to LordValmar. ~~~ A man suffering from pancreatic cancer lay in his bed weakly. Believe that he will never survive, he made a wish on his birth/deathday to become the best filmmaker and become rich on his next life if there is. A normal boy, who wanted live a genuine life, carrying a mysterious past and future. Suddenly they woke up in the one body and one mind in year 1980. Watch him as he becomes the greatest filmmaker and the King of Hollywood ~~~ PS: I only own my OC's and I own nothing any of the copyright, name, and products that I mentioned in my story. Any similarities are inevitable because I use real person, event, and trademarks and just hope I won't get sued in this non-commercial fiction. ~~~ Support me on patreon : https://www.patreon.com/bukanorang Type directlly on your browser for further chapters. or You can donate me on paypal.me/igdtj Any donation meaningful for me. Any suggestion or discussion, find me in: Discord https://discord.gg/HRQFNjFEr6

BukanOrang · สมจริง
129 Chs

Chp 103 : On The Floor

Timeline: late September.

As for the Oprah chapter has ended on chp 102, sorry if some people was not satisfied, still, Enjoy!!


Storing some of his textbooks from the previous class into his locker, Al then took the history book for the next period while grunting in pain.

It has been a month since the dancing lesson with Anne Fletcher.

If someone saw him walking, they would be laughing on their asses right now.

In the previous week, his muscle was strained due to failed attempt at lifting Ione in their dance movements, and to protect Ione from fall, he became a cushion at her fall.

The doctor said it shall be healed by this day but he still could feel the soreness in his arms, legs, and arse.

As for his dance instructor, Anne Fletcher, of course, he knew her from the previous life. She would be the director of that famous dance film <Step Up>.

She got great potential and has a bright future ahead of her, and it was not too late for him to befriend her and help her career. That way she would be a loyal friend to him.

As for the dance lesson, he thought with his physique, dancing should be easy. He was wrong, totally wrong. He was as stiff as board and tough as nails on his movements.

When he danced together, he discovered he had two left feet.

Also, Anne complained to him that he was too buff and should reduce his muscle mass to let him easier to dance.

Well, it's not his fault. Previously during his 2 months of shooting, the training drill continued and he got a lot of protein diet. Making his muscle mass grew exponentially.

He blamed Christiane, Vi's mother; for cooking such delicious food that rich in protein and fat.

He reduced his protein intake and changed his diet by eating vegan food. He was crying on his tears now, Uncle Roger would be so mad at him if he was born earlier.

But ignoring what myth said, him being a vegan for a while was not as bad as it seemed.

Also for the filming preparation of <Dirty Dancing>, it was a kind of a hurricane. But since Mary has handled it all being the executive producer.

At first, Eleanor Bergstein had planned it all, from the choreography, dancer, script, director, cast. Everything was written as she was wished for.

The director Ernile Ardolino almost rejected their offer. Commenting that they should change the leading actor into a person who had experience as a dancer, not a celebrity who was a beginner like him.

He said he didn't want to change a stand-in dancer like in his previous film and complicated things further.

Eleanor almost got convinced by him to change the role but when Al showed her the fruit of his training, she banished all the thoughts.

Al was grateful to not only his brainpower increase but also his muscle memories. It made him easier to remember the dance moves, even the complicated ones.

Al was able to perform hard dance moves in his practice dance with Ione.

Emile who was superstitious at him first started to warm up at him.

Al showed his enthusiasm to maintain his role, unlike his disinterest in the first time when he was offered the role by Eleanor.

Why the change of mind? Well, it was before Ione was cast. Now that she was the female lead, he somehow didn't want anyone to get close to her. It was selfish of him and he didn't know why he did that.

It has been months since the new terms started. He was now a Junior High School student and tomorrow night was again a Homecoming Party.

The Homecoming organizer has put so many decorations in the school hall, even his locker was not neglected by pamphlets and stickers about the homecoming party.

He planned to stay inside the house and maybe watch some movies with Robin and his siblings. Toby and Laura just got a date and they came to their first homecoming party they ever attend, so he was happy for them both.

As for today was the first period and once again maybe because of fate, these 5 best friends had once again chosen the same subject this year, with exception of him choosing a home economic class over the gym class.

He was standing still in front of his locker musing at his own thoughts until a girl with blonde curls greeted him and opening her locker on his left.

"Hi, Edward." She said.

"Oh, hi Barbara." After he said that, he paused for a moment. He looked at her while raising one of his eyebrows.

Al was confused when she greeted him because, for two years, she has never said hello or even acknowledged his presence. They were in a different type of group.

Barbara was part of the cheerleading squad and although she was not the most beautiful girl in school, she was one of the cutest. Her petite stature, golden locks, blue eyes, and above-average-sized racks made her one of the popular girls in school.

Barbara felt a gaze landed on her and turned her head in his direction and smiled in embarrassment. She knew what she did was not her at all.

"Edward? Is something wrong?" Barbara felt she wanted to slap her face.

"Nothing, it's just we've been meeting at the same location for nearly 2 years and this was the first time you greet me."

Barbara blushed at his comment, "It's not that I don't want to greet you, but you know, we weren't on the same side before and you keep making pranks to football jocks and you know, football and cheerleaders, we are always on the same sides. And us cheerleaders greeting you will make the football team mad at us. They were a bunch of Neanderthal who had tiny egos." She giggled at her jokes.

He also laughed hearing her, "And so, what changes?"

She then approached her mouth to his ears and whispered, "You know that Ione Skye, your friend, was seen going out with Alphonse Brandt in his film's premiere! There was also gossip that said that her father was a famous singer from Britain! So most of the cheerleaders came to her and some befriend her. Maybe we befriend her will bring benefits to us in the future. We also want to be a celebrity you know?"

"So you thought that befriending her, Alphonse Brandt, or maybe her father might help you all in your path as a celebrity?"

She nodded so hard at him and beamed in joy. His guess was right on the spot.

She started to inspect the tall boy in front of her. Now if she took another look at the boy beside her, he was not that bad. Because of the prejudice she had for him, she always looked at him as a rascal nerd.

His wardrobe choice was also so bad. Loose oversized Star Wars tee-shirt, unkempt hairstyle, big round glasses that cover his face, and shorts that reached beyond his knees.

But if she looked at him more, he looked cute. If she could become her fashion advisor, she could at least dressed him up and made him more good-looking.

Well, knowing that there would be a Homecoming dance, maybe she could pry him to take her to the dance, she never dated a nerd before.

Maybe a nerd like him would be very thankful to her for going out with her. At least if he made her embarrassed, she could ditch him in the middle of the dance. That way at least the jocks would have a favor to her.

She was laughing on her mind. The popular girl was going out with the most notorious nerd in school.

Al was staring confused at her giddy face. She was so trapped in her world and forget that they were in the middle of a conversation. She finally snapped back to reality and surprised him.

"Ed? Do you have someone to take for the Homecoming party?"

"No?" He answered in doubt and paused for a while. "Wait, do you want me to take you?"

Before she could say yes, his locker was closed by a strong force, and made a loud bang that surprised them both.

"He already had a date." Came a dreamy feminine voice, but covered with malice.

Barbara looked at the source of the sound and found that it was Robin the Witch. She felt her very gut twisted, her legs started screaming to her brain to run away from here as fast as she could.

When few of the girls want to get close to Ione, there was always Robin who interrupted them or at least made them uncomfortable around Ione.

"I do?"

"Yes you do, he promised Ione to take her to dance, right ED?"

"You do?" Barbara stuttered

"I do?" Robin punched his side, "Yes, yes I did Barbara. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Ed, bye." Then she escaped with tails between her legs, leaving him alone with Robin.

"Okay, spit it out, Roby. What evil plan are you planning?" He asked and hardened his voice.

"What? I did nothing or will not do anything. You hurt me there ED."

"Cut the bullshit, I knew you were planning on something."

"Fine, take Ione to dance, then I can dance with both of you and Ione."

"Why you became so eager to dance, this is homecoming we're talking about and you know we hate party. This year, I will stay at home and then stayed out of trouble, last year was an exception."

"Boo, no fun!" Giving him a thumb down.

He ignored her insult and said, "Besides, I've been busy. At the end of this month, we'll begin the shooting. So I must increase the intensity of the dance training."

"Aha! That's why you should come tomorrow and wreck the Homecoming Party! It was a waste to practice without showing it. You know doing 'dirty dancing'. imagined how much people would be turned on by how both of you doing that?" Her mouth curled upward with evil thoughts ghast past her.

He also smiled, he knew her too well that her plan was so obvious to him. Doing dirty dancing at the homecoming party, let the boys get a hard boner while girls wet themselves.

Robin saw his expression changed knew she had him on her palms. "Okay, pick me up at 6 tomorrow! Ione will also be there with me."

"Hey! You knew I was going to follow your plan!" He accused while pointing his finger at her.

She stuck her tongue out to him. Before she ran off the scene, he grabbed her arms and held her tightly.

"Hey, smartass, in return you must join me in dance class today." He smiled in a manner that Robin pissed at the most.

A few moments later.

"Shit, I joined ballet when I was a kid but how MY FUCKING ASS IS CRAMPED!!"

"It's dirty dancing?" Al, Anne, and Ione said in unison.

"FUCK!" She screamed while laying down on the vinyl dance floor.


The loud sound of DJ who was playing some disco 80s songs and the student of the Hollywood High School was dancing following their beats.

Al, Ione, and Robin were sitting on the corner of the gym hall, drinking the fruit punch they got from the Homecoming organizer.

"Is it time already? And why the hell I was agreed to one of your pranks?" Ione asked herself again. Al and Robin just smiled at her.

"Soon, I've given the DJ some tips for our song we were having on dance practice, it should be in a few minutes... There they go." He stood up and gave a hand to Ione. Her soft hand wrapped his like a phyton and he led her to the middle of the dance floor filled with couples.

Her body suddenly turned stiff by the time Al held onto her waist. She kept frozen on the spot and stood up with him without doing anything.

"Nervous?" He asked.

"Yes." She whispered.

"Wha? Why? it's not our first time dancing in the crowd."

"I don't know how but this time, I feel so nervous."

"Okay, calm your nerves and follow my lead, okay?"

Al and Ione were just other dancers who adapting themself amid common people who were dancing as a couple.

Then slowly, they showed their skills that they were practicing for a month ago.

Their style turned from swing dance, blues dance, tango, and samba. It was then the bright white floodlight now were shining on their ways.

The middle dance floor suddenly cleared from any souls sans them and the rest of their school mates and even teacher and their board members were entrapped by how exquisite and romantic their dance was.

Al saw that Ione was dancing like a nature sprites dancing on the surface of the lake. She felt like she was as light as feather and floating on the dance floor, he didn't think her feet even touched the floor right now.

He felt the time suddenly stopped and he was on cloud nine, with her dancing in his arms and her hair was flowing in the wind like the softest silk, sometimes caressing his face when she was spinning around him like he was the center of the universe.

It was quite a sight to see as he saw of her dance was so graceful and her appearance was so majestic that made his impression of her changed in an instant. His heartbeat quicken and butterflies fluttering on his stomach.

Like everyone else, he also entrapped by her charms, like there was the ethereal glow on her and she was his for this night, this fairy belonged to him.

The rest of the people inside the gym finally knew who was the person who stole the spotlight tonight. It was Ione, Alphonse's partner on his film premiere.

Then everyone wondered if it was Alphonse who was dancing with her but they were unable to get a crystal view of him due to darkness.

Every girl suddenly became jealous of Ione, even if it was not Alphonse who was dancing with her, her partner for tonight has a great figure from what they saw in the dark.

Even the Homecoming King and Queen, Billy and Tracy turned embarrassed as they were now just common people in the sea of commoners.

The dance slowly turned sensual with their lower parts touching each other as a dance moves and started to look like dried humping.

And at this moment Robin was laughing all of her laughter box wasted for this night.

Their sensual move at least has made the people here turned on. The graceful yet sexy revealing dress Ione wore and his tight suit Al wore were so tantalizing.

It won't be weird if sexy outfits and moves made most of the men had an instant raging boner and forced them to bow their bodies so it won't be seen by anyone else.

Yet they failed miserably. Soon the men saw they were acting the same and laughed it off.

As for the girls, their groin suddenly became damped and wished it was them who has been asked to dance by that mysterious man who danced with their classmate.

Finally, finishing their last move, everyone felt to be flabbergasted by their last move, flinging Ione up high into the sky while he caught her.

When he put Ione down, she turned to kiss him in a sensual way like they had never done before.

"Wow, that was amazing. Never knew if it was so awesome." Ione said.

Al just smiled and nodded at her. He was breathing so hard to capture any air he could muster to regain his stamina.

Then the gym was filled with applause and everyone was back to the dance floor.

The music started to turn into a mellow song as the tired body of Ione was now melting on his body, her head rested on his chest, hearing his rhythmic heartbeat.

He was having complicated feelings for Ione now, and he was so confused. Then another song played, it was "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon, the same song he heard on the day he and Gwen became a thing.

He decided not to think about it and enjoyed the moment.

The dance floor suddenly flooded with the students and teacher who wanted to perform "dirty dancing" but somehow failed as it was turned into a crowd of dry humpers and made the gym hall like it was having orgies.

To Be Continued...

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Special Thanks to my patrons:

Executive Producer 1: Valoui

Executive Producer 2: Oli

Produced by:




Michael S Mifsud

vegard larsson

Micahel E

Donga ten


Emil N