
193 A Borrowed Name

The next morning the girls were woken by a banging on the door.

"Your food!" came a grumbling voice.

Freya was the first to get to her feet and go unlock the door.

"Ugh," she winced in disgust when she saw the tray of greyish white oats in bowls that looked like they weren't fit for serving animals.

The old man who was serving the food placed the tray on the floor and pushed it forward, the girls who were still waking up blinked at him silently.

"Hmm!" the old man grumbled and left.

"I think he expected a thank you," Patrice laughed.

"Thank you?" Freya curled her lip, "For this?"

"I'm starving!" said the blonde curly haired girl, Freya learned that her name was Joyce and she was the daughter of dairy farmers.

"Enjoying your food girls?" Conrad stuck his overly cheerful face in the room.