
Chapter 68 The Marauder's Map

After dinner, Eisen arrived at the Charms classroom to discuss an enhanced version of Apparition with Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick. Since it was Wednesday and there was an astronomy class that evening, the discussion wasn't too in-depth. They simply confirmed the theory and set the general direction for the next phase of research.

Right from the start, Eisen encountered a significant problem. While Transfiguration can be used on food to summon it from one place to another, when applied to humans, it involves altering parts of the human body. Although it doesn't directly transform the body, it affects specific deformed parts. Only by applying these transformations to humans, in combination with Apparition, could Eisen achieve his goal.

Unfortunately, due to his reluctance to study Animagus transformations, Eisen had little experience with human body deformation. At the suggestion of Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, Eisen would need to conduct in-depth research into this subject if he wanted to develop an enhanced version of Apparition, even if he chose not to become an Animagus.

Thus, the temporary research team took on an additional task: to teach Eisen the more advanced principles of human body deformation.

During the evening's astronomy class, Eisen kept his explanations light. Understanding the students' capabilities, he briefly revisited knowledge from the previous school year while discussing planetary orbits. Perhaps because they had grown accustomed to his teaching style, the students remained attentive, making the class easier for him.

Early the next morning, after practicing spells and Transfiguration as usual, Eisen began considering human body deformation. After an hour and a half of study, just as he was about to head to the Great Hall for breakfast, Fred and George approached him.

"Fred, George, what's up?" Eisen was amused to see the two enter the room and close the door, looking suspiciously secretive.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, we've brought something very interesting—" Fred began.

"It's like the professor's mirror—" George added, both speaking in turn, their behavior sneaky as if they feared being caught.

Fred pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket and showed it to Eisen.

Eisen had long heard of the Marauder's Map. But when the twins mentioned its abilities, Eisen understood what they were thinking.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" Fred declared, tapping the parchment with his wand. The blank parchment transformed into a detailed map of Hogwarts, showing the names of everyone inside, constantly moving to indicate their location.

Watching the Marauder's Map closely, Eisen saw that while some aspects were less detailed than his own observation mirror, in other ways, the map was superior. It could display people's real names. For example, while Eisen's observation mirror could show people and objects within Hogwarts, it couldn't differentiate between real and fake identities—like Ron's pet rat, Scabbers. Even if Eisen had looked at it through the observation mirror, he wouldn't have detected anything unusual. But the Marauder's Map displayed the rat's true identity as Peter Pettigrew.

This ability to identify people's real names was a clear advantage the map had over his observation mirror.

However, Eisen was more curious about how Fred and George had figured out the spell to activate the map. He knew they had found it in Filch's office, but guessing such an intricate spell seemed unlikely. It was more probable they had uncovered some clues during their time at Hogwarts.

Despite the map's usefulness in helping Fred and George roam the school unnoticed by Filch, Eisen couldn't help but marvel at the brothers' knack for mischief.

"A very impressive map—did you make it?" Eisen asked, even though he knew the answer. His own name appeared on the map, standing still alongside Fred and George.

"Oh no, we found it in Filch's office," the twins admitted, revealing the map's origin.

"I see, and I assume Dumbledore's name appears in the headmaster's office?"

"Yes, he often paces around," George replied with a shrug.

Fred waved his wand, saying, "Mischief managed," and the map returned to its blank state. The two then looked expectantly at Eisen.

"So, you're hoping to trade the Marauder's Map for the secret of how to make the observation mirror?" Eisen asked, recalling how Fred and George had behaved on the train earlier in the year. He could almost predict why they were there.

"Observation mirror?" The twins exchanged confused glances.

"That's right!" Eisen smiled and produced the observation mirror from his storage ring.

Fred and George's eyes lit up with excitement, though they also looked a bit embarrassed.

"However, I can't teach you how to make it," Eisen said seriously as he put the mirror away. "If I did, who's to say you wouldn't use it to spy on the girls' dormitories or the bathrooms?"

The twins' initial disappointment quickly turned into shock at Eisen's accusation.

They stared blankly at him, their expressions gradually shifting to something more mischievous.

"What are you two thinking?" Eisen asked, sensing trouble.

"It's nothing—really," Fred stammered.

"Yes, nothing at all, Professor Eisen. We'd better get going," George added, as they made a hasty retreat.

"Hold on!" Eisen called after them.

"Why the long faces? Here, take these with you," Eisen said, handing each of them a card marked with a magical insignia in the shape of an infinity symbol.

"What's this?" Fred asked, inspecting the card.

"It's a protective charm. Don't worry—just keep it. Ron has one, too," Eisen replied, without elaborating.

"Wow, this is pretty cool!"

"Thanks, Professor Eisen! Goodbye!" The twins grinned, waved, and left happily.

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