
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
340 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Amazing Talent.

As the time approached nine o'clock.

The entire classroom was filled with first-year wizards, and as their first class, everyone had excited and apprehensive expressions on their faces.

Lou En even saw two roommates who were going to be late at the very end of the class. The two had dark circles under their eyes and looked like they had not slept all night.

What time did they play the game?

Lou En couldn't help but wonder.

Looking around the classroom, it was no surprise that I didn't see the familiar figure.

Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley.

If nothing else, these two have already had an accident at this time.

The time has come to class, but Professor McGonagall is still carefully observing the situation of the little wizard in the room, and has not changed back to the body of his classroom.

As the highest-level metamorphosis among the metamorphosis spells, f*ck Gus is obviously not something that little wizards like them can see.

Everyone thought the professor was late for the first class, so the room became a mess for a while.

At this moment, the closed classroom door was opened again, and everyone focused their attention on the two figures who opened the door.

There were not many people in the entire classroom, but at this moment, their eyes were all gathered together.

"Come on Harry, we're going to be late!"

The sound of panting came anxiously, and then, Ronald with red hair ran in with a book in his arms. When he saw that there was no one on the podium, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like the professor is late too!"

And Harry, who followed behind, was also relieved. After all, being late for the first class was undoubtedly a provocation in the eyes of the professor.

And now that the professors are late, it is good news for them.

Lou En turned his head and glanced, the tabby cat that was lying on the podium had disappeared, replaced by an elderly lady wearing a dark green robe, it was Professor McGonagall.

"Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, you two are late."

The capable and hoarse voice sounded in the classroom, and the two people who were late for an instant froze.

"Maybe I should turn the two of you into pocket watches so you'll know the time."

"No professor, we just got lost on the stairs."

"Well said, don't say it again next time."

"Two points from Gryffindor!"

Although Professor McGonagall is the dean of Gryffindor, she has never been inclined to any colleges for deductions or bonus points, or, in her eyes, there are no colleges at all.

After hearing that they had been deducted points, the faces of the two of them turned pale instantly. They deducted two points from their academy on the first day of their arrival. There is no doubt that the two of them are now Gryffindor's sinners.

The two of them sat on the corner seats without saying a word, and took out the books to be studied in this class.

Hermione, who was beside Lou En, opened her eyes instantly after hearing that her academy had been deducted two points.

"We were actually deducted points on the first day!?"

She couldn't believe it.

"After all, in recent years, Gryffindor's score has always been the worst one."

Lou En looked at the recent Academy Cups, and the one that won the most was Slytherin, and the second was Ravenkra.

Therefore, the weight of the snake is still very heavy, and he has won six consecutive Academy Cups.

As for Gryffindor, points are often deducted for night travel, disturbance, and mischief.

They were Gryffindors after all.

"Okay, you'll get used to it later."

Lou En so comforted.

However, Hermione, who was immersed in the grief of being deducted points, directly ignored this sentence.

"Okay little wizards, what we're going to learn in this class is the Transfiguration Spell." It seems that there are many little wizards who are surprised by their performance just now, Professor McGonagall explained, "For example, I just learned from the tabby. The magic of the cat returning to its original state is the highest level of Af*ck Gus, but this magic spell is very difficult to learn and has high risks, and you can't touch it now."

"In today's British wizarding world, there are only seven registered Af*ckgs, and there are some unregistered Af*ckgs. They are all dangerous guys."

"Okay, sir, what we're going to learn this time is to turn an object into a creature."

Saying that, Professor McGonagall waved his wand to a button beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the button began to twist in front of everyone, and finally turned into a beetle.

Looking at the beetle flapping its wings, even Lou En's eyes flashed with surprise.

Among the many magical worlds he knew, this magical world was probably the only one that could turn dead things into living things.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous spell you will ever have at Hogwarts. Anyone who tries to be mischievous in my class, I will ask him out and never come back. I warned you. ."

Professor McGonagall glanced at the little wizards who were about to move with wands, and reminded sternly.

After seeing the little wizards gradually calm down, Professor McGonagall started the lecture.

The specific principles of the Transfiguration Spell are very complicated, otherwise there would not be a separate class.

Lou En was listening in a foggy way, but Hermione beside him became more energetic the more he listened, and even made a large page of notes.

The difference between a standard scumbag and a scholar.

The first class only talked about some principles and so on, so there was no substantial experiment.

Professor McGonagall spoke very slowly and at the same time in great detail. By the end of the get out of class, Hermione had taken notes and made three sheets of paper, which were full and beautiful.

"Perhaps I should borrow your notes to read."

Lou En quipped as he tapped the button in his hand with his wand.

Recalling Professor McGonagall's demonstration in class, Lou En mobilized the magic in his body and whispered:

"Transfiguration Spell."


Hermione raised her head arrogantly and turned her head to answer Lou En's words, however, before she could finish speaking, she saw a cloud of smoke suddenly rise from the wand, and her mouth widened in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, a crisp frog croak sounded in the classroom.

Professor McGonagall, who had packed up his textbooks and hadn't left the classroom, was instantly attracted by this scene.

Seeing the emerald green frog jumping on the ground, Professor McGonagall raised his head and glanced at Lou En, who was stunned in place.

Powerful transformation talent.

It's funny, it's the first time she's ever seen someone who can imitate her ability to turn a button into a living thing in the first lesson.

"Lou En Geralt, I remember saying that Transfiguration is not allowed?"*