
Hogwarts: beginning with the creation of the One Ring

Traveling through time and becoming a member of the Shelby family, Altaïr originally thought his mission was to restore the glory of the Razor Party and create the glory of the Shelby family. But a sudden owl made him realize that he had arrived in the world of Harry Potter. Since you can't be a godfather, be a devil! Beginning with the creation of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the awakening of the nine spirits of the rings and the resurrection of Sauron... As the two worlds gradually merged and more and more Lord of the Rings characters appeared, the style of the Wizarding World changed. Dumbledore "Give the Philosopher's Stone to Voldemort quickly, we need his power to fight Saruman!" Snape "The great dark lord Sauron, I am willing to give everything, just so that Lily can be resurrected!" Minister of Magic "Nine Ringwraiths have captured Azkaban, go ask for Gandalf the White!" That day night fell and the volcano of the Last Judgment rose from the earth. The Shelby family boy held the One Ring and climbed to the top of the volcano to announce it to the world. The real devil has arrived. Please note that this and the characters are purely fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated. ----------- This story is a translation from Chinese to English so the names may be in their Chinese version just in case.

Malthael_2005 · อื่นๆ
20 Chs

005 Of two guys

Professor McGonagall did not respond, but looked at Altaïr.

"They're my uncles. This is Jimmy and this is Michael. My mother passed away and my father...was imprisoned for some reasons. They are my guardians now."

Altaïr shrugged.

He didn't cheat on McGonagall. In the eyes of wizards, Muggle affairs were just trivial problems. Hogwarts wouldn't even accept the children of Death Eaters, much less a member of a gang from the Muggle world.

"Oh, poor child."

Mag reached out and touched Altaïr's head, then looked at Jimmy and replied:

"I am the vice-principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the professor responsible for teaching Transfiguration."


Jimmy's expression fell for a moment, he frowned and turned away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly. What you said was..."

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Mr. Jimmy, I am the vice-principal of this school and the Transfiguration teacher."

Professor McGonagall obviously knew that it was impossible to convince a Muggle with just a few words, so she stopped talking nonsense and directly became her own Animagus.

You can imagine the shock in Jimmy and Michael's hearts as they watched a great living person turn into a cute tabby cat.

"Oh gee!"

Jimmy swore and Michael hit the brakes.

"Altaïr, this..."

"Obviously, what Professor McGonagall said is true. She is a witch, and I received the Hogwarts admission notice some time ago. I am a little wizard."

Altaïr explained to his two uncles.

"Aren't you always curious about how I survived that murder? Here's why."

After all, Michael and Jimmy were the main members of the Shelby family. After the initial shock, they gradually recovered. Michael continued driving, but his eyes fell on Professor McGonagall through the rearview mirror from time to time.

Professor McGonagall returned to her human form and said to the two:

"The purpose of my coming here today is to make you believe in the existence of wizards. Altaïr needs to go to Hogwarts to learn how to become a wizard. He has magical power in his body. If he does not control himself, he will die. In the future."

Michael and Jimmy naturally don't want Altaïr to die, not to mention that Altaïr has now become a wizard.

This is the first wizard the Shelby family has ever had!

There's a wizard in his family!

Michael and Jimmy looked at each other and laughed excitedly.

"If Altaïr were a wizard..."

The two men chatted excitedly.

Professor McGonagall's face gradually became serious, because the words of the two men in front of her became more and more outrageous.

What about capturing Birmingham, occupying London, controlling England, irradiating Europe, etc.?

"I'm sorry, gentlemen."

Mag interrupted the discussion between Michael and Jimmy and said seriously:

"The wizarding world has strict regulations. Any wizard who tries to break the regulations and do evil will not end well."

Professor McGonagall not only intended to warn Michael and Jimmy, but she also intended to defeat Altaïr.

Even if she didn't know much about muggles, she could now tell that Altaïr seemed to come from a hostile family.

It is very likely that the existence of this family in the Muggle world is similar to the dark wizard family or the Death Eater family in the wizarding world. She wants to teach Altaïr as best as possible before he grows up.

"Oh, of course, of course."

Michael scoffed and looked at Jimmy.

"Uncle Michael, the fact that I have become a little wizard and am going to Hogwarts to learn will be a family secret from now on. No one else can know except you, Uncle Jimmy, and my father."

Altaïr warned, and Professor McGonagall looked at him with satisfaction and nodded slightly.

"Only Altaïr's guardians have the right to know some things about the magical world, so I hope these two knights do not spread the word. If others find out, they will be cursed."

In order to scare these two guys, Professor McGonagall told a little lie.

Michael and Jimmy shuddered. When they heard the word curse, they realized how evil and terrifying the legendary witch was and quickly responded.

Finally, the car stopped on the grass in front of the central castle.

Everyone got out of the car, Michael respectfully leading Professor McGonagall, while Jimmy stopped the others behind.

The four of them entered the reception hall and took their seats, the maid brought desserts and drinks, then she respectfully left and closed the door gently.

"Professor McGonagall, I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made some desserts and black tea. Oh, Jimmy, I remember you also picked up a bottle of brandy that is a hundred years old..."

"No, Mr. Michael."

Mag interrupted Michael and said with a smile:

"Only black tea."

"Well well."

Michael nodded, took a sip from the teacup, and then asked:

"I wonder how much tuition costs at your school? When will it start? What do we need to prepare?"

"That's what I'm here for."

Professor McGonagall looked at Altaïr next to her and said:

"Hogwarts will start school on September 1. Little wizards should take their tickets to platform nine and three quarters at King's Cross Station and take the Hogwarts Express to school."

Professor McGonagall took out a bill and handed it to Altaïr.

"It's been haunted there. Only people with magic can pass through this platform without Muggles noticing. Well, Muggles refer to people who don't know magic."

Professor McGonagall looked at Michael and Jimmy and continued:

"As for tuition, don't worry. Hogwarts is free and no additional tuition is required. However, the little wizard needs to prepare the textbooks, books and various necessary accessories and supplies."

"These things can be purchased in Diagon Alley. The currencies of the wizarding world are gold galleons, silver sickles, and copper knuts. However, as a Muggle wizard at Hogwarts, you can use sterling at Gringotts Bank every year. In exchange for 100 gold galleons, it would cost five hundred pounds."

Professor McGonagall's words surprised Michael and Jimmy.

Is it so cheap to train a little wizard?

To be honest, Michael was even willing to pay ten thousand pounds or even one hundred gold bars, but in the end he only needed five hundred pounds.

"The entrance to Diagon Alley is on Charing Cross Street in London. There is a Leaky Cauldron there, which is also haunted and Muggles cannot see it. However, a little wizard without a wand cannot get through to Diagon Alley alone." A magician is required. He just leads."

Professor McGonagall paused and looked at Altaïr.

"Tomorrow I will take you and another little wizard to Diagon Alley to buy the necessary items. Like you, she is also from a Muggle family. Maybe you can take care of each other at school in the future."