
The Powerful Philosopher's Stone

นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"Why do you ask?" asked Nicolas Flamel, looking surprised and curious.

"I don't have enough magic," Ivan said, sighing with frustration.

Too little magic? Nicolas Flamel stared at Ivan in amazement. Ivan seemed to have seven or eight times the magic of his peers, enough to be squandered.

Ivan was forced to explain that he had mastered several powerful spells, and that his magic was not strong enough to support a large battle.

More than a month ago, he was lucky enough to have defeated Lord Voldemort, but if the latter hadn't been frightened and had come to test the waters, he would have been completely out of his depth… so he desperately needed to find a way to greatly increase his magic in a short period of time.

At Ivan's explanation, Nico Flamel nodded.

He questioned Ivan about the events of the day at Knockturn Alley, and knew that Ivan was no match for Lord Voldemort.

It was only because Ivan happened to be in some sort of magical outburst that he managed to scare off Voldemort.

Ivan did not explain why a fifteen-year-old young wizard's magic suddenly exploded. It is said that even he had not yet figured out how it worked.

Nicolas Flamel did not question her, as he could tell she was telling the truth.

"There are many ways to improve one's magic in a short period of time, but most of them involve dangerous magical transformations. I'm afraid the rest are not very suitable for you," Nico said after a moment.

Ivan sighed in disappointment. He knew there was no such thing as a risk-free method of increasing one's magic.

To Ivan's surprise, however, Nicolas-Lémer continued after a pause. "If all you want is to get plenty of magic in a fight, there are tricks…"

Ivan's spirits lifted, and the disappointment on his face vanished. He looked at the alchemist in front of him and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

Magic was his last weakness. If he could solve it successfully, Ivan estimated that he would be able to fight Voldemort with his unlimited use of blood magic and alchemy tools!

Niko Flamel smiled and dropped the subject. "That would require the use of the Stone's powers!"

The Philosopher's Stone?!

Ivan was very excited when he heard this. His alchemy had just broken through Level 7, reaching the minimum requirement for making a Philosopher's Stone!

Ivan's original plan was to quickly gather the required materials and create his own Philosopher's Stone, then activate the money-printing machine to mass-produce gold to supplement his household expenses.

He did not expect that this thing could solve his lack of magic…

Now that he thought about it, it made sense. The Philosopher's Stone was what Nicolas Flamel called the ultimate alchemical creation of alchemy. It could not possibly have only two uses: turning a little stone into gold and making the Elixir of Life.

It could only be said that these two functions were the most attractive…

After a few moments of excitement, Ivan gradually calmed down.

Although he had the recipe for the Philosopher's Stone, it was not safe to only know the recipe for such a high-level alchemical creation. Who knew if there would be mistakes in the making? It would also be a problem when it was finished.

All of this had to be done with the help of Nicolas Flamel.

Therefore, Ivan quickly calmed down and asked Nicolas Flamel, "What exactly should I do, Professor?"

"Continue to study alchemy step by step. With your current level of alchemy, you still have some homework to catch up on. You should be able to do that by the time you master enchantment," Nicolas Flamel replied.

Ivan frowned and stopped himself. There were only ten days remaining until the beginning of the next term, and he was worried that he would not have enough time to master enchantment.

After all, he had used up all his GPA…

Making the Philosopher's Stone was the most urgent matter at the moment, as it concerned his ability to deal with Lord Voldemort's attacks!

All these worries flashed through Ivan's mind, but he was unable to voice them.

Because Nicolas Flamel was equally aware of the threat posed by Lord Voldemort, the fact that he chose to let him learn enchantment first proved that a key step in the creation of the stone might be needed.

"I understand, teacher. I will master the enchantment within ten days!" Ivan was determined to master the spell within ten days without the help of the system.

If she failed, Ivan would have to resort to a last resort — claiming ill health and taking a few days off to attend Hogwarts.

Alternatively, you could skip some of the less important classes and go to Hogsmeade and then Disapparate from there into the safe house.

Unaware that Ivan was prepared to face death with equanimity, Nicolas decided to play hooky. In his opinion, Ivan was extremely gifted in the field of alchemy and would have no trouble mastering the basics of enchantment in ten days.

Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, the two of them chatted as they walked towards the living room.

After a quick dinner, Ivan did not rest for a moment, but immediately immersed himself in the study of alchemy.

Instead of going through the usual esoteric books on alchemy, he asked Nicolas Flamel how to use enchantment.

Time was limited, and he did not want to waste a moment.

Knowing exactly what Ivan was thinking, Nicolas-Lermé spent hours explaining how to use it and what to look out for.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, Ivan, self-conscious of his theoretical knowledge, eagerly entered the lab for his first attempt.

"Hold the Conducting Material in the palm of your hand and engrave the runes on it with your mind." Ivan silently went over the steps in his mind.

This method is easy to say, but difficult to implement.

Normally, he would use a special carving knife to inscribe magic runes on alchemy tools. Now, he needed to remove this step and use his mind to drive magic instead of the carving knife to complete the task. No wonder he could complete the enchantment in an instant.

Ivan tried to pick up a piece of mithril metal and hold it in his palm, but when he tried to start, he was stopped by Nicolas Flamel.

"Give me a moment to set this up." Nicolas Flamel pulled out his wand and waved it. The tables and chairs in the lab automatically flew to a corner. He then placed a large number of defensive barriers around the room to prevent the entire lab from being destroyed.

"If you sense that something is amiss, remember to throw away your mithril metal at once!" Nicolas Flamel warned solemnly.

'That bad?'

Ivan looked at the thumb-sized sheet of mithril in his hand and swallowed…
