
Hitomi's Extraordinary Days

The story of a girl named Hitomi, and her extraordinary high-school days. What to expect; + Mild gore & violence + Magic + Romance & comedy + Nostalgic (Highschool life) Facebook: @hitomidays | Twitter: @ruki_tarin

RuchithJay · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs



The sound of swords hitting each other could be heard early morning, every day at Nakano household. This sound came from the Dojo where Rin Nakano practiced her sword play. Her family had been reputed swords men since ages and is why she's so good at it.

Rin repeatedly ducked strikes from her opponent. Her opponent was though. Sparing with them made her really exhausted with all the dodging. Her opponent suddenly plunged a direct strike at her. There was no way for Rin to block it with her sword.


As she shouted those words, green strips formed all over her left hand. From which she formed a shield blocking the sword's blade, from the strike earlier. The impact of the sword and her shield made Rin lose her balance and fall on her back. The moment she tried getting up, a sharp blade was pointed right at her neck. (All this happened in an instance.)

The person retrieved their sword and placed it in its sheath.

"You've got strong Rin. Well, I guess that's it for today."

Rin frowned, as she didn't seem ready to accept her defeat.

"A-Another round!", Rin stammered as she made herself up.

"I said that's enough. Besides you've got something more important to attend today.", Said the person in front of her.


"What, you forgot? It's your first day as a high schooler. So go get ready for school. I'm off, see you later.", and the person left.

Rin had almost forgotten the fact she had school today. It was her first day as a high schooler. She had been so obsessed with her training, that she'd forgotten such an important thing. It took a few minutes for her to adjust her mind, then placed her sword in the right place and went for getting ready for school.

"My lady, let me assist you.", Said the girl who followed her as she exited the dojo.




Rin was now on her way to her new school. Her family was quite well off, which was why she was heading in a limousine. (It was one of those long black ones.) There were many more secrets about her family and her, but that could wait for now.

Rin was just staring out of the shutter, reflecting on her swordsmanship. Rin wasn't by any means excited about her new school, like any other normal girl would be. As she was the type of person who didn't care much about such things.

"What may be bothering you, my lady?", asked the girl who was seated right next to her.

"Waah! Ichiii, how many times have I told you not to show up so suddenly.", Rin shouted as she was startled by the sudden appearance of a lady dressed as a shrine maiden, who was now sitting beside her.

"Oh, my did I scare you?", Ichi said in a surprised (but sort of teasing) voice.

"Well, whatever are you even doing here? I think I told you not to accompany me to school."

"Oh, come on mi lady, I won't do anything… just wonder here and there. Besides no one would see me. Even if they did, they'd think I'm some lowly ghost."

"That exactly is why I told you not to come!"




"What in the world-", said Rin as she popped het head out of the shutter gazing at the huge spirit barrier completely covering her new school, like a huge purplish dorm.

"Woow interesting", said Ichi who was next to her.

The duo had just arrived at school and was now in front of it, amazed by the bizarre sight Infront of them.

"Now milady, you won't be able to refuse my company, would you?", Said Ichi with a slight smirk on her face.

"Awww this sucks, the first day of school and this sorta mess!", Replied Rin puffing.




Rin was now seated in the main hall among may students. It was the welcome ceremony for the new first years. She had been able to get through the barrier without any problem, as it seemed to be a simple one that just kept out spiritual entities. But some way or another, Ichi was able to enter too. She indeed was a spiritual entity.

This and another thing made her have a worried face. The other "thing" was the person doing the students speech. Ken Amakura, someone who made Rin's blood boil.

"Tch, today's not a good day at all."

Meanwhile Ichi was wondering around the school building. Finding the center of the huge barrier.

* * *

Facebook: @hitomidays | Twitter: @ruki_tarin

Hello there!

In case you're still confused about the plot. It's fine, all knots would be loosened in the next volume. Just a few chapters more to get the story on right track.

Also, please give me your feed back on the chapters so far in the comments/review section. That woud be a big help.

Well then see you later, have a nice day!

RuchithJaycreators' thoughts