

While our Little Chaos was training hard, 'Little Apple' was learning how to improve her charm from her mother in law.

Her mother in law chuckled, "since our little Apple is a natural beauty, there is no need try hard, you just need to show your beauty once in a while."

"But make sure to save some charm for emergencies, true feelings only develop in these emergencies, so it is very important to leave you mark on him at that point."

Little Apple nodded her head, her mother in law was the most beautiful person she had seen in her life. Even her elder sister who was banished to the neverlands was not as beautiful as her mother in law.

Her mother in law was her idol, she was beautiful, powerful and loving. In the past, her mother in law had taught her a lot of things, most of them were about how to charm your husband though.

But she loved being taught by her, she loved it when her mother in law spoiled her. It was also due to her mother in law that she agreed to her son's fiancée.

Right now, they were outside the small house, sitting on the grass. Little Apple was sleeping with her head on her mother in law's lap. It was so peaceful that little Apple's heart felt warmth.

Time slowly flowed, little Apple felt the warmth and closed her eyes.

Suddenly her heart was gripped with endless sadness, she looked at her mother in law, she wanted to believe she sensed wrong, but looking at her mother in law only made her even more sad.

She slowly closed her eyes and a drop of tear fell down from her eyes. "mother in law, you are going to die aren't you?" she asked feeling extremely heartbroken.

Her mother in law stroked her hair gently, she did not answer little Apple's question, she just stroked her head. This only confirmed little Apple's guess.

" is it because you used the Ancient Forbidden Arts for so long?" Little Apple asked, she could guess a few things due to her innate ability.

Her mother in law smiled at her, "silly girl, remember this! Unless I want to die, no can kill me, even the high heavens." Her words were domineering, but little Apple felt these words were not lies.

This only increased her worries, dying is the not the worst thing that can happen, losing your soul and being discarded from the cycle of rebirth, that was the worst thing that can happen.

And in order to balance the power system from not producing infinite number of powerful souls, all the powerful souls were half destroyed before they were allowed to reincarnate.

Her mother in law was most adept at using Ancient Forbidden Laws. These laws go against the heavens confronting them head on.

A legend about her mother in law stated that when the heavenly tribulation descended from the high heavens during her ascension to 'Chaos dragon', she used a strange hand seal to capture the tribulations and absorb it slowly.

Heavenly tribulations are the judgement of the heavens. To go against the judgement of the heavens was not as easy as her mother in law showed the world.

There are not many things in this world which can take her mother in law's life, but now she could feel her mother in law's vitality rapidly evaporating.

Even though her mother in law's 'Truth laws' were decreasing the rate of losing her vitality, it was still in a dangerous position.

At this rate she would only live for a maximum of four years before her soul completely disintegrates. Little Apple suddenly hugged her mother in law, crying like a small kid,"why is this happening?, mother in law is the strongest! Why are you leaving me?"

She cried her heart out.

Her mother in law sighed, she also did not want to die, she wanted to live so that she can take care of her son, see him get married, maybe give her a grandson, but she already paid the price, there is no going back now.

She hugged Little Apple, " silly girl, when my son comes out, he will be the only one in your eyes. You will soon forget this stupid mother in law of yours."

Little Apple wiped away her tears., with resolution in her eyes she left her mother in law's arms and got up. She now had something to do.

She will save her mother in law, this new plan of hers highly depends on her future husband. She was prepared to find enough sacrifice so that her mother in law can be saved.

She looked at her mother in law and asked, " when is mother-in-law's son going to marry me?" In order to complete her plan she needs complete trust from him.

So she was even more anxious about her marriage now, her mother in law smiled and said, "when our little Apple can proudly announce to the world that 'you are his fiancée', that... that would be the moment he earned your hand in marriage."

Little Apple was dazed for a second, "when I am able to say, ' I am his fiancée '." She murmured to herself a few times before nodding and turning to leave. She had to prepare sacrifice, and this sacrifice was not something that falls out of sky.

" don't you want to see him?" Her mother in law asked as she was about to leave. This question made little Apple shudder slightly. Without turning back, little Apple answered, "the day I am able to say I am his fiancée will be the day I see him." She left with no more words.


Little Chaos did not know that little Apple had already left the forest in search of sacrifice. He just continued his hunt for eggs.

When he asked his master about the incident with the mother beast, his master just told him that he saved him, and that he just lost consciousness due to excessive blood loss.

He could not refute his master, since he was barley able to move when he woke up. So he believed his master. It took him two whole weeks of rest to recover to his optimum condition.


Six months passed since he left the Deity kingdom, now he looked six years old even though he was just approaching four, this was due to excessive nutrients of growth present in all the eggs.

His physique has undergone huge changes from the time he fought the mother beast. now, his body was able to accept Chaos even more efficiently.

But he was struck at Chaos Elephant, not knowing how to advance to the King realm. His master had told him that everybody can reach Chaos Elephant as long as they put in some effort,

But to advance to the king and the higher realms one must comprehend the meaning, in order to advance to the king realm, he must understand what it means to be a king, what defines a king, in his own perspective.

Little Chaos was now trying to comprehend the meaning of the king. He had the perfect reference, his mother, so he was trying to see what makes his mother a king,

This was not something he could achieve just by thinking, so even though he spent some time on it, he did not force it. Instead he concentrated on strengthening his physical body.

His appearance was not the only thing that changed, His body had been immersed in grass juices for so long that he did not need them anymore. He smelt like the forest now. The beasts also acknowledged him as one of theirs and would not disturb him unless he provoked them.

Once in a while the kid would go to the beast colonies and challenge their young beasts for a match . The beast's instinct had written 'only the strong rule' in their minds, so they encouraged these matches to show off strengths.

Little Chaos would fight the young beasts of equal power and would be riddled with injuries every time. But he did not lose his spirit, he would recuperate, then form a strategy and would challenge the beasts he lost to once again.

He would do so until he wins against them. Though these beasts showed disdain when he loses, they bow down when he wins. This straightforward character of the beasts started influencing the kid's behaviour, which visibly become one that of a beast.


Author's note.

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