
THE PAST-1 (How he found out the truth)

When one has something precious, one would never know. But once that special thing is gone, regrets comes after.

Dante might have regretted Isla and Damien's disappearance, but the happiness he felt with Annalise and her child, his new family, was more than the regrets. Even if he missed the feeling of holding his child with Isla, he thought he could feel the same with Annalise's child, since that child was also his son.

Dante never knew how wrong he was…until that day.

The relationship between Assyrian and Asterian empire was good because of the relationship between the Asterian emperor and Assyrian crown prince. Though things were a little shaky because of the blame Assyrian nobles pinned on the Asterian empire for killing their first crown prince. Nevertheless, the relationship was still strong…at least that was how most commoners saw it.
