
His To Marry

“Do you, Tay Payne, take Olivia Ferguson as your lawfully wedded wife?” Olivia Ferguson is perfect in the eyes of the public but she is weeping on the inside. Best selling author yet unknown. Parents who will do anything to look good in the media. Olivia just graduated from the Universityof Johannesburg and is set to marry a successful entrepreneur Tay Payne. She is instantly attracted to him on the first meet but she doesn’t want to be involved with him romantically because she has a devastating past and only living because she opened her eyes in the morning. Tay Payne is a young powerful billionaire, the eligible bachelor of Sandton and he knows it. His brothers are everything to him. She is a puzzle to him and he is determined to complete the puzzle no matter what but he is not without his faults. Join the world of secrets, lies, passion and betrayal

PearlMampetlana · สมัยใหม่
39 Chs

chapter 12

I couldn't believe what was happening. Tay is kissing me, and this time, I was kissing him back. He pulls me even closer, as if there was a gap between us. My hands move up to his neck, and I earn a moan from him. I haven't realised that his breath smells like spearmint. I guess I was busy overthinking about the kiss the other day that I missed it. He squeezes my bottoms and I moan and he slips his tongue in. His tongue moves along with mine, and the feeling is indescribable. I tug the roots of his hair.

"Olivia," My name comes out as a moan. I bite his lower lip and his hands move up my torso. Our lips move in synchronization like they were made for each other. I'm running out of breath, but I don't want to break the kiss yet. The sparks that are running through my body are incredible; I have felt nothing like this! If a kiss feels like this, then —

"Oh, God! Please, not on the kitchen counter. I cook there!" Nana's sweet, horrified voice says from behind. I break the kiss and bury my face in Tay's neck, panting and embarrassed. Tay chuckles while his thumbs circle around my waist.

"Love?" Tay says in a soft, sweet voice.


"Nana wants to cook." I can feel my cheeks turning red all over again. To say that I am embarrassed would be an understatement.

"What did I miss?" Nate's voice asks from behind. Great, now I have Nate on my case. As if I wasn't embarrassed enough, he's going to make it worse.

"God! Where are you when I need you?" I quote Nate exact words, making him laugh out loud.

"I didn't know you were a copycat sister-in-law," Nate says and chuckles.

"That's enough Nate. She is embarrassed already." Tay scolds Nate.

"Love come on?" Tay pleads, and I lift my head from his neck. His eyes held in amusement, and I wanted to disappear from the face of the earth. He backs away, and I get off from the counter.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Andrew asks. I mentally thank him for drawing attention away from me.

"There's a new movie I want us to watch," Nate suggests.

"I have nothing to do so yeah, I will join you," I tell Nate.

"Me too," Andrew says.

"I have some calls to make. I will join you guys later," Tay says, and plants a kiss on my temple. I bite my lower lip to hide my blush.

"I have to cook; I just hope I don't keep seeing images on the kitchen counter." Nana says with amusement.

Nate, Andrew, and I walk to the living room. As always, Nate chooses a movie about fast cars. I should have known. So much drama has happened today that I forgot to ask Tay about his uncle. What went down between them? That made Tay loses his temper like that. I knew Tay had a temper, but I didn't think it was that bad. He also contained it, but yesterday, it was a completely different story. I didn't realise that I hadn't said a word until Nate asked me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why are you asking?" I ask.

"You have been quiet since the movie started. It's so unlike you." Nate states.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." I say. He nods and gets back to the movie. I realise Andrew also has said nothing too; I turn and find him texting. Whoever he's texting knows how to put a smile on his face. He is like a little kid that just got his first kiss. I rest my head on Nate's shoulder and continue with the movie. But somehow my mind can't seem to focus and takes me back to my mom. I feel terrible for calling her a bitch. She might not be the mother I wished for, but she gave me life. If she wanted, she could have aborted me, but she didn't. At least that gives me hope that somewhere deep down she cares about me. I lift my hand and touch my cheek where she left her mark and whimper to touch. It hurts like hell.

"Are you okay?" Tay asks out of nowhere. I didn't even hear him walk in. I drop my hand from my face and nod.

"Come on, that needs to be treated." He doesn't wait for me to answer, and drags me up the staircase to his room. He makes me sit at the edge of the bed and he fades away to his bathroom. Seconds later, he comes out carrying a small medical bag and kneels so that we are facing each other. I watch as he cleans my cheek and later applies an anointment. An idea pops into my mind.

"You know? I know nothing about you, yet, I have told you my darkest secrets," I say and make myself comfortable on the bed.

"So, what do you suggest we do about that, then?" Tay asks, and makes his way back to the bathroom. What I'm thinking right now will probably backfire on me, but if I want to get answers, then I have to do it. Tay walks out of the bathroom and stands just a few feet away from me.

"Twenty-one questions?" I suggest. He stays quiet for a couple of minutes, thinking.

"Okay, but I feel I'm going to need something strong for this so, I will be right back." With that, he exits the room. I pull the pillow down and make myself comfortable with it. Tay walks in with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He also sits on the bed, places two glasses between us, and opens the bottle. He pours for himself a drink. "Want some?" Tay asks, gesturing the bottle and I shake my head no.

"I don't drink," I tell him.

"I guess I'm going to drink alone then." He gulps his drink.

"Let's start," Tay says.

"Favorite color?" I ask and mentally smack my head for asking such a stupid question. I should have asked about his past, but no, my stupid mind just stopped thinking straight.

"I'm not picky; I wear anything that catches my eyes." Tay answers.

"How did you get to the hospital with no one helping you?" Well, he doesn't waste time, does he? I don't drink, but right now I don't care. I take the bottle away from him and take a large gulp. I close my eyes at the burn in my throat. Shit! It hurts like hell even though I don't know how hell feels like.

"Pass," I tell Tay.

"Take off one of your clothing," Tay says, and I glare at him.

"Is part of the rules," He smirks and I take my blouse off. Great! Tay takes a sharp breath and brings the bottle to his lips, gawking at me. I knew this would backfire on me.

"Who is Emily?" I finally ask that has been dancing in my head. Tay's grip on the bottle causes his knuckles to turn white.

"Pass." Tay takes off his shirt and takes a sip from the bottle.

"Favorite meal?" he asks.

"I don't have any. I'm not picky" I copy his words.

"What is the feud between you and your uncle?" I ask.

"Pass." He takes off his belt. And take another gulp from the bottle.

"Why didn't you open a case after what happened to you?" Tay asks.

"I. I didn't want anyone to judge me. I have seen a lot of girls being blamed for being raped. That it was their fault for wearing short skirts, and I wasn't ready for that kind of judgment," I let out my fears. We live in a society where girls are blamed for being raped. Where wearing a short skirt is asking for being raped and when we speak out, they use what we wear against us.

"You are beautiful, pure. That bastard doesn't deserve your tears. He is a coward; he doesn't know how to deal with his peers instead he targets defenseless women. Don't ruin that beautiful face of yours. Let's finish the game?" Tay says, and I nod.

"Why don't you want to talk about Emily?" I ask.

"Pass." He pushes his pants down. And God! Is he trying to kill me? I have hormones for goodness' sake.

"Favorite color?" Tay asks.

"White," I reply.

"Why white?" Tay asks, and takes a sip from the bottle.

"That's two questions. My turn," I say and look at him in the eyes.

"Was Emily your girlfriend?" I ask.

"Pass." He takes off his boxers and I cover my eyes.

"Jesus Christ! Are you crazy? You still have your socks on. Couldn't you take them off instead of your boxers?" I ask.

"Relax, you act as if it's the first time you have seen a naked man," Tay says with amusement, dancing in his tone.

"You could have warned me," I say, still covering my eyes.

"You made your bed, so lie on it. You started this game; I'm going to finish it."