
His Only Obsession

Hi i am dipra Kakaria... The writer of this book named His Obsession... Now by the title itself you must have understood that this story is all about dark theme... This story will revolve around Mark The Mafia King Of Italy... And his love of life Emma... Emma is a girl with dreams who wants to be a doctor... But to their lovestory they meet with my challenges thrown to them by the destiny of their's.... The rivals of Mark is his own father.... But why...? The second rival of Mark and the person who Emma hates to her core is her father.... But why..? Tune in to the story to know all the secrets of this story..!

Dipra_Kakaria · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs


Emma's Pov:

Mark and Elena told me everything about my past. I realized that I didn't even knew half of the things. The information that I had was completely wrong. It was the moment when I was meeting the darkest truth of my life. Soon I knew how my mother died, why Elena hates dad, why aren't we together, who is Mark, how did my dad and his dad knew each other. Soon I had answer to so many questions but for a moment I wished that I didn't knew the answers. I gave a tight hug to Mark.

Mark: Calm down Emma you are safe no one will ever harm you. I am here to protect you from everyone and everything. You don't need to worry.

Elena: Emma I hope now you know why I always feared telling you truth. I knew that you would end up in this condition.

Emma: I am sorry Elena because I never took you seriously and always shouted you for talking abusive about dad.

Elena: I never paid attention to your talk because I knew that you don't know the truth so you don't need to worry.

Emma: Guys I don't know how much but I will try my best to help you guys to fight against Teflon and Christopher. I will help you so that we can give death to them because that's what the brought to our mothers. We shall kill them brutally.

Someone was hearing all of this conversation from outside the door.

The guy: Sir, What happened there? How is Mark still alive?

Teflon explained him everything.

The guy: Oh no! Now all of them are planning to have a attack on you sir.

Christopher : Keep us updated about their each and every move.

The guy: Yes sir I shall perform my duty properly.

Till then someone kept a hand his shoulder.

Daneil: What duty are you talking about?

The guy: Well daneil it was just about my duty towards you guys and Mark.

Daneil: So who were you talking too?

The guy: I was talking to one of my friends but Daneil I don't think that it is any of your business to know who I am talking to and what I am talking. You are not our boss you are just an orphan to whom Mark has given shelter. So mind your business.

Daneil: I am brother of Mark Rivera so I have right to ask questions to his commando and his commando has to answer to those questions. You know about the past incident right when I found you with our rivals and they were going kill you. It was then that you begged me so much that i didn't take  your life and brought you back to Mark. So better shut your mouth otherwise you won't be able to think what I cam do with you.

By saying so Daneil went to see Emma , Mark and Elena.

Daneil: Why didn't you took me with you? I mean I could be of some help to you atleast.

Mark: Well Daneil Rupert told me that you were busy with some other important work so I and Elena took some men and left to attack those bastards.

Daneil: Why does Emma looks so petrified?

Mark: Because sow she knows the entire truth and now we need to start making plans.

Emma: But Mark we won't take Rupert in it.

Daneil: Yes Emma is right.

Mark: Why so he is one of our best commandos?

Emma: The bracelet I had seen thatday in washroom was peeping out of his hand too.

Daneil: Even I don't feel safe about the idea to including him in our plans.

Mark: Since that we don't have proper proof against him we can't take any actions but we shall not include him or any other person in our plan. We'll make sure that no ones know about our moments.

Elena: So let's take the revenge of our mothers.

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