
His Only Obsession

Hi i am dipra Kakaria... The writer of this book named His Obsession... Now by the title itself you must have understood that this story is all about dark theme... This story will revolve around Mark The Mafia King Of Italy... And his love of life Emma... Emma is a girl with dreams who wants to be a doctor... But to their lovestory they meet with my challenges thrown to them by the destiny of their's.... The rivals of Mark is his own father.... But why...? The second rival of Mark and the person who Emma hates to her core is her father.... But why..? Tune in to the story to know all the secrets of this story..!

Dipra_Kakaria · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs


Elena: The gambling turned so serious that even I,my mother and your mother were gambled that night. It didn't affected our fathers. I remember how badly we were treated. I would say I people treat animals in a better way that how we were treated. I ran out of that place but my mother and..

Mark: My mother died.

Elena: It didn't end there as I knew about their dark secrets they wanted to kill me and Emma.

Mark: And my father wants my position that's why be want to kill me.

Elena: That's right. That's why there was an attack in club that night so that all of us would die in one night. But by a miracle we are save and sound now. This is why I want to take a revenge from Teflon and will help you.

Mark:Doesn't Emma know about of this?

Elena: No! She is a naive girl. So I never told her about our harsh past. I expect that even you won't tell her.

Mark: But some day or the other she will know about it, won't she?

Elena: I don't know. When she will come to know about this? How she will come to know about this? But I don't want to trouble her at this point.

Mark: But how will you help me? I mean do you have any secret contact in your father's gang.

Elena: Well yes. All the time I was there I made a guy fell in love with me and he  tells me about everything that happens there. I knew that Christopher had a son who was king of Mafia kingdom. I gathered all the information about you and that day I came to the club so that I could meet you. And finally today I meet you and we had a talk.

Mark: Let me call Daneil and Rupert and let's discuss the matter.

Elena: Just call Daneil don't call Rupert. I have seen a tattoo in the hand of Rupert which was imprinted on hand of Teflon and Christopher.

Mark: Well I have not told you but he is our spy. He conveys their message to us. That's why he saved both of you that night.

Elena: I don't fell safe about the idea of calling Rupert. I think we should not involve him in this.

Mark: Okay! Let's do as you say.

Marks called Rupert. Rupert came in hurry.

Rupert:  What happened Mark? Is there anything serious that you called me at this hour of night? Why is Elena here? Is everything alright?

Mark explained everything to Daniel in a summary.

Rupert: What a tragedy it is! Anyway I am so happy that know we can clear all the mess that our rivals have created. But this time we will make sure that those matter is just between three of us because someone from our secret gang is acting as a spy for our rivals. We even need to make sure that no one know about our meet tonight and the plans that we shall make henceforth.

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