
His Luna : Sequel of His priority

And the life of Elisabeth, Ruby, Andrew, and Ethan continues. Elisabeth’s life was ruined by non other than Lacey herself. What will Ethan do as a revenge for her? What will he face? What other plans does Lacey have? What will they do to face it? What preassure does she get Elisabeth into? What will happen between the four of them? Will they break apart? But what happens to Ruby and Andrew? Will they stick together or…? What abour their dad? He chose power over his family, what will he do? Read this book and you’ll know it! Don’t forget to read the first book (His priority) or you’ll be confused.

LozBeannie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

~10~I need you to be okay

Ethan's POV

Last night was weird because Lizzy says that she saw me, on the kitchen with her meanwhile I was on the shower. I told her the real story which made her even confused. My heart ached when I saw her almost killing herself. I wanted to help her get through this, but she was sitting on the corner all day. She ignored me when I tried to talk to her. I'm sad when I see her like this. I sat on the end of the bed sighing to myself. I looked at her and was about to talk when our door knocked. I snap my head to the door glaring. I looked back at Lizzy. She didn't jump nor reacted. I walked to the door opening it with my cold glare stare. The guard looked at me terrified as he started to shake "What" I said coldly as he flinched "I-I'm sorry s-sir! But the k-king requested your presence at the meeting tent i-immediately" He stuttered "Tell him that I'll be there in 10" I said still glaring at him. He looked at me and quickly bowed before running away.

I closed the door and turned to Lizzy. I sigh again before walking towards her and lowered my head to her level. "I'll be back in a sec okay?" I whispered and kissed her head. Her body stiffened as her reaction. I stand up and walk towards the closet to change and headed out giving Lizzy one more kiss on her cheek. I walked out the door with a heavy heart. "What does dad want now?" I mumbled to myself. I started to walk to the meeting tent still mumbling to myself. After some minutes, I finally reach the meeting tent and went inside to dad talking to the constructors while My brother is at the corner arms crossed against his chest. I stand beside him. He noticed me immediately "My bro!" He slapped my back.

My joyful brother, like always. "Hi" I said flatly. He gave me a look "Okay, what happened?" He fired. I shrugged "Nothing, I just had a bad day" His expression changed "Mhm, with Liz around you? Nope, as far as I know, your bad day turned to a good day everytime you see her. Literally" He said. "I just have a bad day, Andrew" I said coldly "Damn, you don't have to be so cold to your brother like that just because of Li-" I cut him off "This is NOT about Liz, it's just me! Okay? You don't have to give me a speech on that" I shouted as all eyes are on me. Andrew's eyes widened. I give them all an annoyed stare before walking away stomping at the floor furiously. I glared at all the people that are blocking my way as they all walk away with a terrified look in their eyes. I reach my tent and swung the door open to see Lizzy staring at me. I stared back at her.

She looked at me before she walked towards me and wrap her hands around me. My eyes widened. She pushed her head against my chest like I would disappear any second. My wide eyes is replaced by a teary eyes. I lowered my head to her shoulder and hugged her back. "Y-Your back" I said sobbing into her shoulder. She pulled away putting her hand on my hair before stroking it and looked at me with tears in her eyes "Yeah... I'm sorry" She said as I shook my head "No, I'm sorry for letting you go just like that" I grab her face with my hands gently and wipe away her tears. Her jaw clenched when her eyes looked to behind me. I turned around to see my dad "Why are you shouting at-" I closed the door on him and turned back to Lizzy again to hug her. "Open the door son!" He shouted "I'm busy!" I shouted back at him "You better-" I flung the door open again "I said, I'm busy dad" I glared at him as he finally backed away "Very well" He said before walking away.

I watched him walked away as I felt a pair of arms around my stomach. I looked down at the hands and looked back at her closing her eyes. "You're tired are you?" My eyes softened at her as she nodded against my back. I closed the door and turned to her. I lifted her up as her eyes widened. I looked down at her "Just take a rest okay?" I smiled for the first time today. She looked at me and wrap her hands around my neck as she snuggled her head to my chest "Good night my lady" I said as I kissed her head. She smiled to me "Heyy, there's that smile" I said. She giggled "You made my day" She said. I looked at her. I love you, I hope you know that. My smile widened. I carried her to the bed and lay her gently. I walk to the other side of the bed and crawled in. She throw her hands around me and put her head just below my chin. It's been so long since we slept like this. I wrap my hands around her waist and let sleep take over us.

Andrew's POV

I was energized this morning but all my energy were drained when Ethan yelled at me. He never been like this before especially when Lizzy is around. I know that he always have a good day when he has Lizzy. Thoughts spin through my head that I didn't realize that I was already at the front door of my tent. I sigh to myself and went inside to see my sweetheart in the kitchen cooking something with her hair tied up and apron tied around her. My heart melted and my eyes softened when I saw her. She shouted when the hot oil accidentally splash her. I chuckled my way to her before wrapping my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. She jumped in shock and pulled away from me before raising her wooden spoon on me. Her eyes glaring. I raised both my hand "Woah, it's just me" Her eyes softened as I sigh in relief. She raise her spoon on me again as I raised both my hands again immediately. She laughed "I'm just playing with you" She goes back to her cooking.

"How's your day?" I said "So far so good, I'm just trying a recipe Liz told me when we were kids" She said smiling to herself "I bet she likes cooking then?" I asked "She loves both cooking and baking" Her smile widened. "She would told me about her recipes and she once told me that she always wanted to own a bakery shop herself" She looked at me "How's yours?" My body stiffened "You okay?" Her expression changed to a concern one. "Y-yeah I'm fine, It's just...Ethan yelled at me today" I said looking down as her eyes went wide "What? Why?" She asked me "I don't know exactly why, but I think he has a bad day" I said "With Liz around? I don't think so" She said looking at her pan "I know, that's what I thought too. Maybe they both have some trouble" My eyes went round "Maybe" She said "Maybe we should stop by and asked?" I said as she shook her head "No, maybe we just need to wait until Ethan or Liz started talking to us again and wait for explanation?" She suggested "I love your idea"