

This story is about how people, when faced with loss, turn back to Allah and find the right path for themselves. Often, we desire things in our lives without realizing that Allah knows better than us. We may beg Allah for things that are not good for us, but He gives us what's truly better in it's right time. When something is taken away from us, it means that Allah is preparing something better for us than what we had before. Therefore, we should trust in Allah's plan because we don't know what He knows. we beg for a single flower but He gives us the entire Garden. so this story is basically revolving around the characters Helena, Zaim, and Alex Helena, a Muslim girl, falls in love with Alex, a Christian. However, Alex deceives her by having another affair. Zaim, Alex's best friend, falls deeply in love with Helena and yearns for her for a long time. Eventually, Zaim ends up with a girl chosen for him by his father. Can you guess who she might be? This story is worth reading. Though it may seem long, it offers many lessons and will capture your interest with experiences that you may find familiar. Many of you might have already encountered similar incidents in your own lives. I hope you will enjoy it. Regards: Ann

Author_ann14 · คนดัง
23 Chs

Part 10: Everything happens for a reason

Everyone kept looking at his going figure in wonder then John chuckled awkwardly while handling the situation making sure not to give anyone a chance of any gossip.


Zaim approached to the cafeteria and settled into a chair, anticipating Helena's arrival for lunch. He took a cigarette from his pants pocket and started to light it, also there was a soft drink placed on the table.

Meanwhile, Helena was feeling unwell as her headache was getting severe so she decided to head home. She had already called Faris, and after finishing her three lectures, she made her way to the parking lot, where she waited for Faris.

Zaim's gaze fell upon Helena's standing figure, he abruptly stood up from his seat intending to approach Helena. Then he saw Faris approaching in his car and stopping near Helena, Faris stepped out of his car and asked Helena in concerned,

"Are you okay Helena? You don't look alright, should we go to see doctor ?"

Helena shook her head slightly and replied while lowering her gaze,

" There is no need Faris, I just want to go home then I'll be ok."

" But Helena....."

Before Farris could finish his sentence helena looked up at faris then she said again,

"Don't worry Faris, I just need some rest."

Then Faris hummed in response.

Helena moved towards the car's gate to open it, suddenly Faris opened the gate for Helena, gesturing by hand to make her sit and bowed a little to give her a princess treatment then he said with a smile,

"Your highness, would you graciously honor me with your presence by taking a seat?"

Helena smiled a little at Faris's gesture then settled into the car as Faris closed the door, He then moved to the driver's seat , as he did, Zaim and Faris made an eye contact for a moment but Faris ignored him and settled in the car.

Zaim was observing the whole scene, feeling his heart racing faster than ever and with that his anger rising. Eventually, he got into his car and sped off swiftly, his emotions swirling inside him.

He was driving aimlessly, his fist placed on his forehead. His gaze fixed angrily on the road ahead then he thought about Faris whom he knew nothing about, and this thought was enough to make him crazy. He then clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth in frustration then he said while hitting his palm against the steering wheel,

"Who the motherfucker he was ahh???"

He shouted his voice filled with rage,

Then he stopped his car on the roadside and shouted again while gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands,

"Why does he always show up to pick her up?"

He placed his both palms on his forehead and grabbed his front hair tightly then he said again,

"Why do you keep tormenting me, you bastard? agghh damn my brain is gonna explode."

Afterthat he stepped out of his car and took in some fresh air as he was feeling distress, with both hands placed on his waist.

After spending half an hour he went straight home. As he entered his home he heard his stepmom saying,

"Where are you coming from Moon."

He stopped in his tracks and looked at his stepmother,

He heard again her saying,

"Come and have lunch I've prepared it for you."

However He ignored her and headed to his room then he went to the bathroom and took a hot shower.

As It was 11 in the night. Helena finished her ibadah, and went to her study table then she realized that she hadn't completed her presentation that was held on Friday as Friday was the Due date of the project. Due to her illness she left many topics unfinished.

Helena was so engrossed in her project that she didn't realize she spent the whole night completing the remaining topics and preparing the presentation. As she heard the Fjr adhan. She glanced at the clock while yawning, then stood up from her chair and went to the bathroom to perform ablution, after returning she performed Fajar Salah and felt a sense of peace in her heart after praying..

Then she went to bed and fell asleep.

As it was Thursday everyone gathered in the library to do a final check on their project because they had to submit them the next day (Friday)

Helena was lost in making circles on her notebook while Zaim was looking at her with his innocent eyes and noticing her each and every action. He wanted to talk to her, to ask her about herself but he didn't get a chance.

Just then John asked Helena a question while shaking his pen although his eyes were glue to the laptop,

"Helena you know the question? I couldn't figure it out, please help me with this so we can wrap it up then we only have the presentation left."

Helena looked up at John and moved the USB towards him and Said,

"There is no need for that, I've already prepared everything, just check it out if there are any issues we'll sort them out now."

Everyone looked at Helena in wonder then Mia asked,

"Babe that was a lot to cover how could you manage to cover everything in just one night?" Mia glanced everyone and then shifted her gaze back to Helena and heard Helena saying,

"I was free yesterday so I thought I should complete it, why wait until the last day huh?"

Then Helena lowered her gaze and Zaim read her face that the spark Helena had was gone. He got even more worried after seeing her like that. After a little while Helena stood up to leave for her home and everyone did the same.

As Helena walked through the corridor she noticed the boys from the incident night laughing at her. Helena approached near them, she overheard one of the them said while looking at his other friends,

Boy1: "Look at that hijabi girl, attending parties while wearing a hijab. How hypocritical."

Boy 2: "What hijaab man? Is she hiding a bomb? She probably a terrorist?

He said with a dramatic gesture."

Boy1: " Some Muslim things man you know who doesn't know the fashion and wears hijab everywhere."

Boy 3: " Maybe we should give her some fashion tips huhh? yah come-on help her out." He laughed.

Boy 2: "Or just snatch it off and watch her freak out, he winked while giving high-five to the other one."

Boy 3: "Hahaha! That'd be hilarious. Let's do it."

He agreed while laughing.

Helena's anger surged upon hearing their words, she stepped closer to them and slapped the first boy's face as hard as she could, then she pointed her index finger at them while saying with wide angry eyes,

"Dare to make fun of my hijab ever again or I'll dig you all in the grave in front of everyone."

Everyone looked at Helena in shock, not understanding why she had slapped the boy, as they were unaware of the conversation that had taken place.

Boy 1 attempted to come closer to Helena, rising his hand to hit her but Zaim stepped in front of Helena to defend her and Alex swiftly approached the boy and punched him hard, then pointed his index finger in front of him while warning him,

"Don't cross your limits man or otherwise you know me well."

The boys ran from there and Helena's gaze fixed on Alex ,

Zaim and Alex then moved towards Helena. Zaim asked her with maintaining a distance,

"Are you okay ? Let's go sit somewhere to calm your nerves Helena."

However Helena kept looking at Alex.

Helena's attention was drawn back to Zaim's words, she moved her eyes towards Zaim and replied,

"No I have to go somewhere, don't wait for me." Then she left and headed towards the principal's office with that anger,

She knocked the door and heard principal voice,

"Yes, Come in."

"Assalamualaikum Sir, I need to talk."

She said as she entered the room,

Principal Kim Taehyung bowed a little and gestured for her to come and take a seat.

She took a seat while saying,

"Thankyou sir"

"Yes go ahead what do you want to say."

Principal Kim Taehyung inquired,

"Sir I want to file a complaint against some boys who harressed me."

Helena stated firmly.

Principal Kim Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion suddenly his mind hit the realization he recalled Zaim's conversation on the other day.

"Did Zaim send you here?"

He asked,

She got confuse by his question , raising her eyebrows then she replied,

"I didn't get you sir."

"Oh, it's nothing, just write an application and email it to me, I'll see what I can do for you."

the Principal said dismissively.

Helena's confusion deepened at his response, stepping forward a little then she said,

"Sir I need justice, they harressed me, made fun of my hijab, I can't let them off easily, I want them to be punished."

Then Principal Kim Taehyung asked, "What's your good name?"

"Helena Ahmed."

she replied.

"And your major?"

"Business Administration, Finance."

"Just write a letter and email it to me, rest I'll handle" the principal instructed.

"Ok sir thank you."

Helena said, feeling determined as she left the office with the same anger fueling her.

As she reached outside Zaim, Alex, Mia, and John approached her. Then Alex asked,

"What happened Helena? Why did you slap him? You know he belongs from which family? His father is a politician, you've messed with the wrong guy, girl."

"Helena glanced him in anger, then she replied with a loud but maintained voice,

"So what huh? Actually he messed with the wrong girl Alex, I am alone enough to handle him and his whole family, What could they do to me huh? If anyone will lay a finger on my hijab I'll deal with them all."

Zaim kept looking at her with affectionate eyes but remained silent, admiring her bravery. Then he heard Helena say, "I'm going home now that we've completed the project. See you all tomorrow."

With that she left for home.

As it was Friday the last of submission of the project, everyone gathered in the auditorium and ready to present their project. Helena felt a bit nervous as she was going to present on behalf of her group.

Professor Seo-jin called Helena's name on mic, then Helena ascendant the stairs and began her presentation, starting with Bismillah.

Everyone looked at her with admiration, impressed by her confidence while Zaim's eyes were fixed on Helena as he was admiring her each and every action.

After everyone had finished presenting, professor Seojin provided feedback in which he appreciated Helena and her group for the conceptual quality of their project.

Everyone was thrilled to receive such positive feedback from the teachers.


Everyone was sitting in the cafeteria, basking in the happiness of their project's success , just then Mia suggested,

"We should celebrate our success, what you say guys?"

" Yeah that's a great idea Mia."

John replied, nodding in agreement.

"But where should we go?"

Alex asked, getting curious about their celebration plans. Suddenly Zaim suggested while looking at Helena,

"Why don't we go to Jeju island and celebrate there?"

Helena looked at him with a confused looked then suddenly Zaim shifted his gaze towards Alex, John, and Mia and said again,

"I know some beautiful spots there, we will spend the whole day there."

Zaim wanted to spend some alone time with Helena and talk to her however he couldn't talk her properly.

"That's a wonderful idea bro."

John replied, enthusiastically.

" Let's go on Sunday." Alex agreed in excitement.

"Sunday will be a funday wohoo." Mia exclaimed as the excitement was evident on her face.

"Ahh I couldn't join , I'm sorry guyz."

Helena said after observing their conversation.

Suddenly Zaim's expression shifted to confusion as he heard Helena,

"But why, don't you like Jeju island, we can change our spot if you don't like it."

He asked quickly and suggested.

Helena shook her head then she said,

"Ah, no it's not like that , Actually I can't manage on Sunday."

"But why babe, please don't deny this, we'll have a great time there."

Mia insisted while making a sad pout.

At that time Zaim's gaze fixed on her, he bit his lower lip in curiosity and heard Alex saying,

"Yah Helena com'on girl , manage it for us."

Helena felt her heart racing so fast at Alex's statement, before she could say something Zaim spoke up again,

"Come with us Helena if its not suit on this Sunday, so we can arrange it to the next Sunday huh?"

John and Alex looked at Zaim in wonder as Zaim never change his decision, not even for Alex and John.

Helena looked at Zaim, right then Mia insisted again,

"Yah Helena if you won't come with us I'll never talk to you."

She made a sad pout then Helena said while smiling because Helena knee that Mia always compelled helena through her blackmailing.

"Okay okay drama queen I'll come but I can't manage this Sunday, I'm engaged somewhere. Let's make this trip for next Sunday."

Everyone cheered at her agreement, and a grin appeared on Zaim's face. After that they all headed to their house.

~Helena's POV~

It was Sunday when Zohan and his family reached at my house. They all sat in the living room, with Zohan busy with Faris and his wife engaged in conversation with mama. Ibrahim, their younger son had formed a great bond with me although they had two other children but I had a special connection with Ibrahim as he was particularly attracting me so much then I asked gently,

"What's your name baby?"


He replied in his sweet baby voice,

"Aww that's so cute Ibrahim."

I replied, adjusting his glasses that were slipping down his nose.

Curiously He asked me,

"What's you name girl?"

I laughed at his use of term "girl" and replied, pulling him onto my lap,


"Hel what?"

he asked, his expression was unsure.

I laughed again at his cuteness then I said,


He made an unsatisfactory look, then he said,

"I'll call you Ena."

His cuteness melted my heart, then I kissed on his cheek, and aid, "Okay, my baby, as you wish."

We shared a wonderful bond with each other then mama called us for dinner,

As everyone sat at the dining table, Faris asked Zohan,

"Yah bro why didn't you come last Sunday? I was waiting for you."

"Ah actually I had some urgency and I forgot to inform you."

Zohan replied,

Faris gave him an understanding nod and gestured for everyone to start eating.

I fed Ibrahim with my own hand as he was not eating much so I offered him,

"Yah baby eat it up na, if you finish your food I'll give you a chocolate."

He smiled widely then he ate from my hands while everyone admired our bond.

Then Mrs Zohan remarked,

"You are lucky Helena , he never make bond with anyone like he shared with you."

I smiled then I said while looking at Ibrahim affectionately,

"My cute baby."

After dinner, we all gathered in the living room and shared some talk,

Mrs Zohan asked Ibrahim while gesturing her hand towards me,

"Tell Ibrahim, who is she?"

He looked at me then he replied while smiling,


Everyone laughed at his statement then I said while pointing my finger to Mrs Zohan,

"She is your Mama, just tell me who am I?"

He made a thinking pout then he said in his baby voice while smiling again,

"Ena mama."

I couldn't help but laugh so hard at his statement then I lifted him onto my lap then I kissed on his cheek. He grinned and asked,

"Ena mama, where is my chocolate?"

I smiled at him and went to the refrigerator to get him some chocolates.

He smiled widely after receiving chocolate from me then hugged me tightly, I hugged him back, feeling a strong connection with him.

He was just 4 years old but he and I shared a great bond with each other.

After some time, they prepared to leave. As I saw them off, I couldn't help but make a sad pout at seeing Ibrahim go. I carried him in my arms, kissed him, and said,

"Yah baby just come back soon and meet me hmm? And don't forget to video call me."

Everyone smiled at my gesture, afterthat they headed home, leaving me with fond memories of our time together.


The whole week well spent , Helena formed a great bond with Alex, John and Zaim also her feelings for Alex growing and getting strong with each passing day. Their time together at university was filled with laughter and shared moments that Helena cherished deeply.

Alex began to show interest in Helena through his flirtatious words that made her think that he might like her too. This realization brought her joy, but also a sense of conflict because As a devoted Muslim, Helena knew she needed to be careful with her feelings. She decided to keep some distance from Alex, until he embrace Islam. This was hard for her, but Helena wanted to make sure she honored both her feelings and her faith. she often found herself unable to resist her feelings of admiration and love for him. Despite her efforts, thoughts of him frequently occupied her mind.

It was Sunday morning, when everyone was ready to head off to Jeju island by 8am. They went there by ferry. Helena wore blue baggy pants over a pink top with a white hijab that complemented her outfit.

As they reached there they decided to go to the hotel first to freshen up. They stayed there for two hours and had their breakfast, they headed to the pool area right then John spread his arms, inhaling the scent of the Jeju air then he exclaimed,

"Ahhh man the damn hot scent of Jeju, I can never get tired of coming here."

Everyone laughed at his statement and then Alex said to John and Zaim,

"Guys let's get in the pool huhh? so hot here."

Meanwhile Mia and Helena were sitting on the sun loungers, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Alex and Zaim took off their shirts, while they already wore shorts and John wore tank top and shorts then they jumped into the pool together, and swam. While helena engaged in conversation with Mia.

After swimming Alex then took out his half body from the water, resting his arms on the pool's edge. He then pushed his hair back and wiped the water away from his face, he looked at helena and called Mia and Helena who were sitting on the sun loungers,

"Yah Helena, Mia come inside."

Helena felt her cheeks get burned at Alex's statement then she quickly covered her face with her palm to block the view as he was half nude she moved her body a little to the other direction in embarrassment while shouting ,

"Yah Alex have some shame, move away or else put on your shirt."

Alex chuckled at Helena's reaction and asked. "Who swims in the pool wearing a shirt, pretty Helena?" he teased.

Helena pissed off at his statement, he smiled again after seeing her reaction then he stepped out of the pool while his body was dripping the water. However Zaim was unaware of the situation because he was swimming at a distance.

Alex approached near Helena's sun lounger while he was all wet , then he asked Helena,

"Yahh girl why are you hiding you gaze just take your hands away from your eyes and answer me."

He was playing and teasing Helena then he leaned his body a little towards Helena's direction and smirked then asked while laughing a little,

"Am I not looking hot huh?? Why are you trying to steal my gaze girl, every girl die to see me like this."

He smiled again and noticed Helena's side pissed off profile,

Zaim observed their conversation and Helena's reaction from far then he stared at Alex with narrowed eyes. Helena remarked while placing her hand on her eyes.

"Astagfirullah Alex , stay away and wear something."

Alex chuckled and backed away while saying,

"Ahh damn girl, you are something else."

He smirked right then Zaim approached near Helena before asking something to Helena , Helena moved her hand away a little while turning her face to check if Alex was there then she glanced at Zaim who was standing there. she quickly turned her head and shouted loudly,

"Yah Zaim now what are you doing here go away huhh, you shameless. Lahaula walakuwat"

Zaim was a little startled by her statement but smiled at her reaction while caressing the back of his head and then he walked away from there.

Helena realized that it was time for her Duhr Salah, she went to perform her Salah because she didn't want to miss it at any cost.

Afterwards they headed to the mall for some shopping, Then zaim said,

"Today's expenses are on me." Whenever Zaim, John, and Alex went to Jeju island one of them would cover their expenses so Zaim decided to take care of it this time.

Everyone was excited except for Helena, she shook her head while looking at zaim and said,

"Sorry I can't accept this, I'll cover my expenses on my own."

Zaim looked at her with a serious expression then he replied,

"But it's a treat that we succeeded Helena."

"Yeah but I can't Mohammad Za'im."

Helena replied then she went from there.

Zaim felt his heart skip a beat when he heard his full name from Helena.

He couldn't say anything but kept glaring at Helena as she walked away.



"Everything happens for a reason"

Ps: I decided to add Ibrahim's character because he's one of my favorite kids. I had my encounter with him for the first time when he came at my home as a guest. We formed a strong bond, and I found myself deeply attached to him and his cuteness. All the dialogues I included here are genuine and real.

Ibrahim's narration

I'm here for a reason Noonaas (elder sisters) i will meet you all in season 2 with a surprise, just wait until then😉

Love from Ibrahim ♥️

Love from Ann🤌♥️

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