
His dark allure

He brought her nothing but his darkness. But then she brought him light. Brilliant light that blinded him into falling for her. Larissa had grown into a beautiful young woman who was admired by many men. Her aunt always pushing her into the ones of the highest ladder but she was never interested until she met him. Good looking he was, but then all his other qualities had a sharp contrast with what she had always dreamt of. A cold blooded murderer whose heart had been frozen upto the point where it could never melt but then she was the fire that slowly melted him. In a society where class mattered and with different races of humans, vampires and witches, she did not reach the expectations when it came to him but in the long process of having to see him every morning, she made a mistake that she should have never committed. She fell for him even though she knew it was a mistake. Was it worth to fall for a person who seemingly carried no emotions within him or was it wise for her to just step away....

Rityshah · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

An esteemed visitor

It was one of the cold evenings in the kingdom of

Arthena. While at most time the kingdom was filled with warmth, that day was different and Larissa who held a heavy basket filled with groceries lifted her face to look at the sky which was dull and sunless.

Quickening her footsteps, she started to leave the town behind and when the sky gave out a scary growl, she started to run so that the rain would not catch her while she was outside.

Even with all her efforts to run back home without getting wet, the superior thick, smoky clouds did not give her time and instead, she heard them rolling like boulders ready to crush anything in their way. The darkness was engulfing and seemed to fully consume any spec of light.

Any last hope was gone and without a warning, the water came gushing down, throwing itself on the Guage knife_ like rocks.

"Oh no! Why couldn't it just wait?!" Larissa whose clothes were starting to get wet muttered under her breath.

Not finding a place where she could shield herself from the rain, she continued with her pace. Her once clean shoes had begun to become muddy and the ground bacame slippery but even with all that, she did not stop.

By the time she got to their house, her clothes and her hair were fully drenched. Unhooking the chain that secured their small wooden gate, she finally got inside but before she could get inside, she found her aunt standing at the kitchen door.

"What took you so long?"

The middle aged blonde woman inquired and before Larissa could respond, the woman added,

"Why am I even asking. If I'm not wrong, you were busy trying to flirt with men. You know, you are no different from your mother."

The woman stated in a tone that was filled with disdain.

Grabbing the basket from her hand, her aunt got into the kitchen.

It had been her sixth month living with her aunt and uncle and everyday had turned to be more painful for her due to her aunt's remarks.

She would have wanted to give her aunt a piece of her mind but she knew better not to do that because the last time she did it, she had received a beating from her uncle.

Lowering her head, she started to make her way towards her room so that she could change her clothes and before she had taken three steps, she bumped into her cousin Maya who was almost the same age as her.

"Why is it that you don't always watch where you are going?!"

Maya exclaimed and not being in the mood to argue, she walked past her.

She was hurt by her aunt's words that always cut deeper into her heart than a knife. This was the sixth month that she was living without her mother but each day had always turned out to be much unbearable.

When she got into her room, she closed the door and leaned against it for support and she recalled the words that had always been said by her mother. "Sometimes when the people you love the most hurt you, it's better to stay quiet because if your love wasn't enough, will your words matter."

If she could, she would just leave this place but then, where would she go. The only family she knew was this one.

Dragging her feet towards a cupboard, she picked a blue faded dress and after drying her hair and changing, she started to feel much better.

Having supper with her relatives only happened in rare occasions and knowing that they would not care whether she would eat or not, she headed towards the bed but her peace was short lived due to a loud knock on the door.

"Riss... You should join us for dinner "

It was her aunt's voice and taking her own time to respond, she spoke,

"I am not hungry."

"Who cares whether you are hungry or not. The duke's son is in the house and you wouldn't want to tarnish our reputation with your childish tantrums, would you?!"

"Alright, I will be there."

When she got into the dining room, she saw her cousin sitting next to the duke's son while her a uncle had taken his usual head seat.

Walking towards the table, she chose to sit on the opposite side such that she faced her cousin who was busy trying to make conversations with the young man and not a moment later, her aunt brought the food from the kitchen.

"Sir Leon. It's a pleasure to have you in a humble home. If we had known that you would be visiting, we would have prepared the best meal." She heard her aunt say and Leon who was speaking to Maya turned to look at the lady of the house.

"You did not have to stress yourself for anything Mrs Campbell. I just came to pass this letter to Larissa."

"But it would be terrible for me if I did not at least give you a glass of milk. It is not everyday that we are graced to have such a visitor."

Saying that, she served the young man a salad and a chicken thigh..

With everyone served, Mrs Campbell sat next to her husband and every now and then, a conversation was made but Larissa did not involve herself in it.

When the time of supper ended, the family stood up and for the first time since Leon got into Campbell's home, he finally turned his face to look at Larissa.

The two were acquaintances as they had met a few times in the market but other than greetings, they never spoke much

In their locality, Leon was every girl's dream. He was rich, young and handsome. Perhaps not in the convensional sense but he had an appearance that made him stand out in the crowd.

"Larissa, if you don't mind, can I talk to you.." trailing his words, his face turned to look at everyone in the room and then he continued, "Alone."