

Chapter 12


Vince took a deep breath, slightly out of breath as he walked towards Helena's office. His face was slightly pale from using a lot energy and was really sore in the stomach, but was relatively fine. (I'm glad that I blew up the building. It was a good distraction incase there was any reinforcements and I'm positive there was reinforcements on the way.)

[Vince you really should take a break. You haven't rested ever since you left that facility.] Yume spoke in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to rest after I report to Helena." He said trying to reassure her.

Vince opened the door and walked in. "Hey Helena, I'm back."

Helena looked a little surprised but nodded. "Welcome back Vince."

He walked towards Helena's desk and placed a CD in front of her. "Here's the data on what MIST is doing. I only skimmed through it, but you'll be surprised to find out what they're doing."

"I see. Thank you Vince." She looked more closely at him and frowned. "Is everything alright Vince? You seem to be very exhausted and you're slightly pale."

Vince sighed and decided to take a seat near her desk. "I'll explain what happened."

He then went into an explanation about what happened during the infiltration, leaving nothing out and explaning nearly every detail, only leaving out the part about the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. "...And after that I blew up the facility as a distraction so I can escape without any trying to tail me."

Helena's eyes widened as she heard the story, surprised at what transpired. She then shook her head. "That was quite reckless blowing up the facility like that Vince and it will most likely be on the news."

"I wanted to make sure that no one would try to follow me. The best distraction I could think of at the time was to blow up the building. But either way, I got the data you needed and there's the possibility that Christie is dead." Vince answered with a small shrug.

"I suppose you have a point there. Thank you Vince." Helena spoke with a small smile.

"Your welcome."

"Since you've completed the job Vince, what would do you like? If it is within my power I will do it." She said.

Vince nodded and took the small gear parts and the metal rod from his pockets to show her. "If it's not to much trouble, I would like to have these parts made into a weapon."

Helena's eyes narrowed. "Why would you want to have a weapon created?"

"At the moment, my life is almost constantly surrounded with danger." He said looking at her in the eyes without hesitation.

The continued to stare into each others eyes seriously. After a few minutes Helena hesitantly nodded. "Very well then. I will see what I can do, but what type of weapon would you like?"

"One second, it'll be better to explain it if I write it down." Vince took out a small notepad, a small pen and started writing on it. A few minutes later he finished writing on the paper, took it out of the notepad and showed it to her.

Helena looked over the notepad and looked at him in disbelief. "A large scythe with three forms. One that's a scythe form that can shoot rounds. The second form is a medium-length bolt action-rifle and the third one is a storage mode so it can be made for convenient traveling."

"Is it really that unbelievable? We can already clone people for God's sake." He said with a deadpan expression.

"When you word it like that. No. But a scythe and when would you need two hundred and thrity rounds for?" She asked looking at him.

"You'd be surprised on how many situtations I've been in where I needed that many rounds." Vince retorted.

Helena sighed and shook her head. "This is a very dangerous weapon that will be created Vince, be sure to take good care of it."

"I will Helena."

Vince wrote on a seperate piece of paper on the notepad then handed it to her. "That's my cellphone number."

She took the piece of paper and nodded. "I will call you when the scythe is ready or when I need your assistance again."

"Alright then, later." He pocketed his notepad and walked away.


Vince flinched a little in pain before he sighed and walked into an alley. He took out his gray cellphone and pressed a button on it, as his eyes immediately turned silver. (It's difficult trying to walk with these injuries since my adrenaline wore off.)

[Vince why did you turn into an angel just now?] Yume asked curiously.

"My adrenaline wore off, since my angel body is more durable I'll try to heal my injuries with White Water." He answered.

[Oh I see, it also makes sense since with your control you can use the water to heal yourself, with the exception of Black Water of course.] She stated with a nod.

"Exactly. I just need the wounds to recover a little bit to make the walk a little more bearable." Vince lifted up his shirt and winced a little as his stomach is completely bruised and swollen. He coated his hand in white water with his other hand still lifting his shirt up.

Vince placed his hand on his stomach and breathed a sigh of relief as he felt a cooling sensation in his stomach. (I can normally use regular water to heal myself by using the water molecules to repair any damaged cells or molecules in my body.)

[Wow, the White Water is healing faster than the regular water you used to heal yourself with.] Yume said in a surprised tone.

The large bruise and slowly disappeared as Vince coated his hand more in White Water. "I know, it's surprising. It usually requires a lot of concentration for me to do it with just regular water and it takes a bit longer." He replied sounding also surprised.

[It probably has to do with the nature of White Water since it's pratically the opposite of Black Water.] She answered.

"Probably. I'm not going to try healing myself with Black Water though." Vince said as he closed his eyes.

[Good idea, with Black Water you'll most likely hurt yourself.] Yume replied, agreeing with him.

"By the way Yume, when I channeled lightning into the Totsuka. Why did it feel like it was missing something?" He asked her.

[Was your first time using it Vince. You probably have to work at using it's power a few times before you can get it right.] She answered.

A few minutes later Vince opened his eyes to see the large bruise on his stomach mostly gone, with only a small bruise remaining. "Meh, good enough. It'll probably heal after a day or two."

He pulled down his shirt and pressed the button his cellphone, causing his eyes to turn back to normal. (I should probably go now, it'll be eleven at night soon.)

[Are you ready to go home Vince?] She asked him.



Vince opened the door and raised an eyebrow when he saw Rias reading a book on a chair, wearing her glasses and a negligee."You're still up Rias?"

"Yes I have." Rias closed her book and turned towards him with a frown. "Where have you been all of this time?"

He shrugged and walked towards the kitchen. "Well, I spent most of my time in Shibuya and then I went to Tokyo."

"Shibuya and Tokyo?! Geez, did you at least find your friends?" She asked shaking her head in disbelief.

"In a way, yes."

Rias walked towards to the kitchen and pulled out a large bowl from the refrigerator. "That's your dinner, I left it for you incase you came back. And what do you mean by that?"

"Thanks." Vince placed the large bowl into the microwave and turned to Rias. "I've found them, yes. But I now got to bail them out of a situation they've found themselves in."

"What happened?" She asked.

"Not telling Rias." He replied to her.

"Why not?" Rias asked sounding slightly annoyed. "Is it really that important that you skipped most of the day?"

Vince said nothing but look on his face was enough of an answer. He shook his head and took out the large bowl from the microwave. "Moving on, what happened with you today? It looks like something serious happened if your reading with your fake glasses."

"My glasses aren't fake." She replied pouting.

"Uhuh." Vince ignored her pout and took a bite out of his food. "So, what happened today?"

Rias' expression turned sad as she spoke. "Kiba is going to probably start in trying to get his revenge."

He said nothing and continued eating. After swallowing the food he raised an eyebrow. "Revenge for what?"

"Holy-sword Project." She said seriously.

"You mind explaining it to me? I'm not exactly knowledgable on the crap the Three Factions do." Vince said as he finished eating.

Rias' eye twitched at him indirectly calling the Devil's Faction crap but continued. "Holy-swords are the ultimate weapons against devils. If the devils, touch the holy sword then we will burn ourselves. If a devil get cut by it, then they will be terminated without a trace. It could be called the ultimate weapon for those who believe in God and see devils as an enemy."

"I understand the concept about the holy-swords Rias. I was referring to the project itself." He replied with a sigh.

"I'm getting there Vince." Rias said before she continued. "Even though there are numerous holy-swords originating from all over the world, I still think the most famous one would be Excalibur. Even in Japan, it comes up in many books. It's a holy weapon that is created through means of magic and alchemy by those who reach the territory of God. But holy-swords choose their wielders. I hear that only one person in a decade or so gets chosen."

"Excalibur is a bit overrated if you ask me." Vince said surprising her. "There are plently of other holy-swords that have done just as much if not more than Excalibur."

"While I do admit Exaclibur is a bit overrated like you said, but there's hardly anything that can compete with Excalibur, the same thing applies to Durandal or Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi because these holy-swords are too powerful. It's the same with the demonic-swords."

Vince wordlessly looked at his katana and looked at her. "What about the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi?"

Rias raised an eyebrow at the question but nodded. "The Totsuka-no-Tsurugi is a holy-sword that can compete with Excalibur, Durandal and Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi, but that sword has been lost and was never seen again."

Vince nodded but was inwardly chuckling. (I always knew you were a great trickster Yasaka.) He then looked at Rias. "So is this your way of implying that Kiba can use holy-swords or something?"

Rias shook her head in response. "Yuuto couldn't adapt to the holy-swords. Not only Yuuto, but it seems like everyone who received a treatment similar to Yuuto's couldn't either..."

Vince's eyes narrowed, already starting to piece everything together. "So they killed of Kiba because he couldn't use it, am I right?"

"...Yes, most of the people experimented on were killed including Yuuto. Only because they couldn't adapt to the holy-swords..." Rias said sadly.

He raised an eyebrow at seeing her sad. (Even though she's a Devil she still feels sad for Kiba. I knew Rias was kind, but I didn't think it would affect her this much. I wonder if this has to do with the affectionate trait from the Gremory clan.)

"When I reincarnated Yuuto into a devil, that boy was swearing for his revenge even when he was in a critical situation. Because his talents were being used for holy-swords since he was born, I wanted him to use his talents as a devil. Yuuto's talent at using swords would be a waste for only using it for holy-swords." Rias answered.

She sighed and shook her head. "That boy couldn't forget about it. The holy-swords. Those who were involved with the holy-swords. And the people of the Church..."

Vince snorted, "Nobody would forget something like that Rias. You can distract them at best, which you did in Kiba's case."

"Anyway, I will just watch over him for now. Right now his head is full of the feelings he has towards the holy-swords. But I hope he returns to his usual self." Rias replied with a sigh.

Vince walked to the kitchen and placed the large bowl in the sink. He took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and took a sip from it. "Who knows? Maybe this is Kiba's true self and the one you knew was just a facade."

"Don't say that Vince, not even joking." She said with a frown.

He shrugged but continued to drink from his bottle of water. (Well, it's a good thing that I didn't tell anyone about me having the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. I'll try to keep it hidden, but if I have to, I will use it.)

"Vince. Is there someone you know who is related to the Church?" Rias asked him.

"No. But my mom does go to church occasionally, I don't think she would know about this though." He answered.

"I see."

(Wait. Now that I think about it. There was a woman I used to see when I was younger, it was when my mom used to drag me to church. I her name was Gabriel... Wait, isn't one of the Seraphs from Heaven named Gabriel?) Vince thought his eyes widening slightly.

Rias noticed Vince's eyes widening and looked at him. "Is everything okay Vince?"

(I'm not going to bother with that for now. I have more important stuff to deal with.) Vince shook his head and sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine Rias."

"Let's go to sleep then. Even if we think about it, it's not like Yuuto's behaviour will go back to normal." Rias stated.

"For the record, I don't care much if about Kiba's behaviour." He replied.

"What, why? Isn't Yuuto one of your friends?" She asked frowning.

"And? The guy isn't stupid, he can take care of himself... At least I think he can. Besides, I have enough on my plate to deal with already. I'm not gonna bother with this unless it's necessary." Vince retorted with a shrug.

Rias looked at him in disbelief, "You really should care more about your friends more Vince."

Vince shrugged again before he walked up to his futon. "By the way, you'll be sleeping in the guest room."

"Why? I want to sleep with you." Rias asked as she took of her negliee, causing her breasts to slightly bounce.

Vince glanced at her breasts but shook his head. "No. Also can you at wear something to cover yourself?"

"No I can't sleep without being naked." Rias said surprising him.

"You're weird Rias, very weird." He said bluntly.

Rias frowned, "Weird? That's a harsh thing to say Vince. Besides, you've already seen me naked before."

Before Rias could respond Vince moved Rias to the side, then quickly closed and locked the door. "Don't care. Go to bed in the guest room Rias."

Vince went into his futon and shook his head. (I swear if this keeps up I might actually sleep with her. I don't mind doing that, but if I do, I know that I'll be held responsible by her family and then I'll be forced to really marry her.)

[You should go to bed Vince, it'll be better if you do.] Yume advised.

"Point taken." Vince covered himself in a blanket and closed his eyes. (I can't believe I'm dealing with this crap at sixteen years old.)

(Next Day: Morning)

Vince groaned and turned to the side of his futon. His hand stretched out and grabbed something. (It's very soft and for some reason I feel very warm...)

He pressed his hand against it again and heard a loud moan. (...Wait a moan?)

Vince opened his eyes to see himself groping Rias' breast with one hand, while the other hand is currently holding her intimately close to him. He took his hands away from her and quickly jumped back. "What the hell Rias!?"

Rias looked at Vince annoyed with a blush, "Why did you stop Vince?"

He looked at the door and saw that it was still locked. "How and why did you break into my room?"

"I couldn't sleep without you Vince and I just used a magic circle to get in your room." Rias answered.

Vince facepalmed, now knowing that locking the door is useless. (That means even if I buy a new lock she would just teleport herself in my room with the magic circle. Dammit.)

Yume yawned loudly and gained the two's attention. [What's with the screaming?]

"Rias teleported into my room and slept next to me." He replied dryly.

"Fufufu, you're very good with your hands Vince. You really know how to wake up a girl." She answered smiling.

[What?!] Yume shouted.

"...Whatever." Vince walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom dressed in his school uniform. "Hey Rias, I already set up the bath for you. You so you can go take a bath."

"Really thank you-"

Vince immediately picked up Rias bridal style and carried her to bathroom. She blushed at this. "Is there a reason why you're carrying me like this Vince?"

"You'll find out in a moment." He replied walking into the bathroom, carrying her.

Vince walked towards the bathtub and spoke up. "By the way, the water's cold."

Before Rias could respond, Vince dropped her into the bathtub with a smirk on his face. "Payback."

"Kyaaah! It's cold!" Rias shouted as she grabbed her self and started shivering.

"I know, that's what I just said. Have fun with that Rias." He said walking out the bathroom and closing the door, still smirking.


"So remind me again, why do I have to come to the club just because of two representatives from the church wants to negotiate with you? I'm not even a devil to begin with." Vince asked in a annoyed tone.

"But you are a part of the club Vince, you should be present and you are my fiance." Rias retorted.

"Only in name Rias, besides I'm neutral when it comes to this type of thing." He countered.

"I know that, but you should still be there." She said to him.

"Troublesome tomato." Vince muttered under his breath.

Rias' eye twitch as she heard him. "I'm not a tomato!"

"Really? Your hair convinces me that you resemble a tomato." He said with a small smirk.

Rias gained a tickmark and pinched Vince's cheek. "You shouldn't say something like that Vince."

Vince poked Rias' forehead with his index and middle finger causing her to yelp in pain and let go. "Don't pinch my cheek Rias."

(ORC: Clubroom)

Vince leaned against the wall as everyone else sat down on the sofa. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Kiba glaring at two young woman from the church. One of them with light brown hair and violet eyes with her hair tied into twin side ponytails, while the other young woman with brown eyes, chin-length blue hair with a green fringe on the side. (Huh, so his hatred is strong. Either way, if I recall correctly from Rias. The girl with the light brown hair is Irina Shidou, Issei's childhood friend. Huh, I'm a little glad Kasumi and I aren't in opposite sides.)

"Recently the Holy-swords Excaliburs that were kept by the Catholic Church Headquarter Vatican, Protestant Church, and Eastern Orthodox Church were stolen." Irina spoke seriously.

Seeing Issei's look of disbelief Vince spoke up. "Somebody was smart enough to break the Excalibur in a war. It's now in multiple pieces, hence the reason why she said "Excaliburs"."

Rias immediately spoke up after Vince. "I'm sorry. One of my servants recently became a devil, so can we continue this conversation while explaining about Excalibur?"

Irina nodded and turned to Issei. "It's just like what he said Issei-kun. Excalibur broke in a war a long time ago and now it's in pieces."

"Now it looks like this." The young woman with the blue hair got up from her seat and removed her weapon that was covered in a cloth. "This is Excalibur."

With the expection of Vince, the club members in the room immediately stiffened as they saw the Excalibur. The blue haired young woman continued to speak. "Excalibur was broken into pieces during the war a long time ago. The fragments were collected and turned into a new form by alchemy. It was made into seven swords. This is one of them."

Vince rolled his eyes at seeing the sword. (That's it? Even if it is a fragments, it looks kind of underwhelming to me.)

"The Excalibur I hold is "Excalibur Destruction". It's one of the seven holy-swords that were created. The Catholic Church is in control of it." The young woman said as she wrapped her sword in the cloth.

Irina took out a long piece of rope, Issei's eyes widen as he saw the rope change into a katana. "Mine is "Excalibur Mimic". I can change its shape into anything I want so it's really useful for carrying around. Just like this, each "Excalibur" has its unique ability. This one is in the possession of the Protestant Church."

Vince looked at Excalibur Mimic with more interest. (That actually sounds useful.)

"Irina... There's no reason to tell these devils the ability of Excalibur, is there?" Xenovia spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Ara Xenovia. Even if they are devils we still have to form a trustworthy relationship with them in this situation. Also, even if my sword's ability is revealed, I won't fall behind all the devils here." Irina said confidently.

"So this is "Excalibur Mimic" huh?" Vince said, now holding Irina's katana in his hand after taking it from her hands.

"Ah, yes it is!" Everyone's eyes widened greatly and realization quickly dawned upon Irina. "Hey, give that back!"

Vince examined "Excalibur Mimic" for a moment before he swung the katana once and twirled it in a 180 degree angle and gave it back to her. "Take it, at least it's ability is useful."

Irina quickly took back her katana as Xenovia' eyes narrowed, while Kiba just stared at him. "How can you wield an Excalibur?"

"Well for one, I'm not a devil, I'm a human. Two, I just easily took it from her hand." Vince said dryly.

Xenovia frowned at his answers but nodded. While Kiba stared at Vince, with a small glare. Vince noticed the glare from Kiba and shot him an even bigger glare at him, surprising the others.

Seeing the tension in the room Rias cleared her throat and spoke up. "...So what does the stolen Excaliburs have to do with this country located in the east of the World?"

"Catholic Church was in possession of two Excaliburs including mine. The Protestant Church also had two. Also in the Eastern Orthodox Church there were two as well. The last one went missing in the previous war between God, devils, and fallen-angels. One Excalibur was stolen from each Church. The ones that stole them escaped to Japan, and brought them to this town." The blue haired young woman explained.

(What was her name again? I nearly forgot... I think Rias said it was Xenovia.) Vince thought to himself.

"Looks like my territory is full of incidents. So who are the ones that stole the Excaliburs?" Rias asked with a sigh.

"The ones that stole them were the Grigori." Xenovia answered.

Vince's eyes narrowed as he paid attention to the conversation. (So Kokabiel is the culprit behind this. He's one of the leaders of Grigori, I wonder if Azazel already knows about this. Either way, it's a little surprising to see that the church doesn't believe the devil faction did it. Then again devils pretty much wants nothing to do with holy-swords.)

"We sent priests, exorcists, to this town secretly but they kept getting killed." Xenovia stated, before she continued. "Our request... No. Our order is to not to have any devils intrude in the battle between us and the fallen-angels for the Excaliburs. In other words, we came here to tell you not to interfere with this incident." Xenovia stated seriously.

"Such manner of speech. Is it restraint? Are you thinking that we might collaborate with those fallen-angels? Perhaps that we might team up with them to do something with Excalibur?" Rias asked glaring at her.

"The headquarters think that it might not be impossible." Xenovia responded.

"The higher-ups don't trust devils and fallen-angels. We were ordered as "If the holy-swords are taken away from God's side then the devils would also be happy right? The fallen-angels would also profit from it. For those reasons it won't be weird for them to form an alliance. That's why we are giving you a warning. If you form an alliance with the fallen-angel Kokabiel then we will eliminate you all. Even if you're the little sister of the Maou, by our boss." Xenovia explained casually.

"...If you know that I am the sister of a Maou, then it means that you have lots of connections with the higher-ups in the Church. Then I will say it. We will not form an alliance with the fallen-angels. Never. In the name of the Gremory house. I will not do something that would tarnish the name of our Maou!" Rias declared.

"Fu. Hearing that is good enough. I had to warn you just in case that Kokabiel is hiding himself in this town along with the three Excaliburs. If something were to happen I would be the one to be hated by the bunch in the Church headquarters. Well, we won't ask for cooperation. If you were to form an alliance with God's side temporally, then it would affect the balance of the three factions. Especially if it's the little sister of a Maou." Xenovia answered.

Vince folded his arms. (I know this is a serious situation, well for them. But their reactions are a bit dramatic.)

Xenovia laughed in response. "Fu. Hearing that is good enough. I had to warn you just in case that Kokabiel is hiding himself in this town along with the three Excaliburs. If something were to happen I would be the one to be hated by the bunch in the Church headquarters. Well, we won't ask for cooperation. If you were to form an alliance with God's side temporally, then it would affect the balance of the three factions. Especially if it's the little sister of a Maou."

"Where is the person the Orthodox Church dispatched?" Rias asked curiously.

"They have that person put on hold for this case. They are planning to protect the last Excalibur if Irina and I fail." Xenovia answered.

"So it's just the two of you? You are going to retrieve the Excaliburs from the leader of the fallen-angel with just the two of you? How reckless. Are you trying to die?" Rias asked sounding amazed.


"I have the same view as Irina, but if it's possible I don't want to die." Xenovia said.

"...You came here to Japan prepared to die? The belief in your teaching is extreme like always." Rias replied.

"Don't talk ill of our beliefs, Rias Gremory. Right, Xenovia?" Irina asked looking at her.

"Right. Also the Church decided that it would be better to eliminate all of the Excaliburs rather than letting them get used by the fallen-angels. Our minimum objective is to get the Excaliburs away from the fallen-angels. To accomplish that, it's okay for us to die. The only way to fight against the Excaliburs are Excaliburs." Xenovia answered.

(It looks like the church isn't as innocent as it tries to be and the logic is questionable. Since Kokabiel is after the other Excalibur fragments and I'm pretty sure these two can't beat him on their own.) Vince thought as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Is it possible with only the two of you?" Rias asked Xenovia.

"Well, we won't die in vain." She replied.

"You seem confident. Do you have a secret weapon?" Rias asked, trying to find out more information.

"Maybe. I will leave it to your imagination." Xenovia answered.

"So this basically means that church as not only made you two messengers, but also cannon fodder, am I right?" Vince asked bluntly.

With the exception of Kiba the club member's eyes widened as Xenovia and Irina turned to Vince with a frown. With Xenovia speaking. "Do not talk of our church like that, we are not cannon fodder."

"Uhuh, sure." He replied with a tone full of disbelief.

Xenovia stared at Vince for a few moments to which he didn't flinch or look away. She then got up from her seat. "Then we will take our leave now. Let's go Irina."

"So you won't drink your tea? I can prepare a snack for you." Rias said.

"I don' need it." Xenovia declined while waving her hand.

"I'm sorry. See you." Irina apologised, also waving her hand.

As the two were about to leave they turned and looked at Asia, as Xenovia spoke up. "When I saw you in Hyoudou Issei's house I thought that maybe it was you. Are you the "Witch" Asia Argento? I never expected to meet you in a place like this."

Asia body started to shake as Irina now spoke. "Are you the rumored "witch"? The former holy-maiden? You are said to have the power that can also heal devils and fallen angels, right? I heard that you were sent somewhere after getting exiled, but I never thought you became a devil."


Vince noticed how Asia started to shake more, and went towards Issei. He lightly elbowed Issei, who looked confused until he gestured towards Asia, to which Issei immediately nodded.

(Asia is trembling from being called a witch. The memories must be painful if she's having a reaction like that.) Vince thought with a frown.

"It's okay. I won't tell the higher ups what I saw here, so rest assured. People who were around the "Holy-maiden Asia" will also get shocked as well." Irina stated.

Asia looked completely perplexed as Xenovia continued. "But to become a devil. The one who was called a "Holy-maiden". You fell to the lowest place you could. Do you still believe in our God?"

"Xenovia. There's no way that she, who became a devil, still believes in God." Irina said sounding amazed.

"No, I can smell the "belief" from her. It might be an abstract way of saying it. But I'm sensitive to these things. There are people who betray the teachings and still have guilt within them because they couldn't forget the teachings. I can feel something similar coming from her." Xenovia stated sharply as she stared at Asia.

"Is that true? Asia-san, you still believe in God even if you have turned into a devil?"

"...I just can't put it aside. I believed in it for my whole life..." Asia replied sadly.

Xenovia then took her sword out from the cloth and pointed it at Asia. "Is that so. Then you should be cut down by us this instant. If it's now, I can cut you in the name of God. Even if you have sin, our God will forgive you."

Issei immediately got inbetween Asia and Xenovia with Vince saying nothing, but keeping a close eye on Xenovia and Irina. "Don't touch her."

"If you come close to Asia, I won't forgive you. You called Asia a "Witch" didn't you?" Issei asked, accusing her.

"Yes I have. Right now she is a being at least fit to be called a "Witch"." Xenovia replied without skipping a beat.

Issei gritted his teeth in anger and glared at her. "Don't fuck around! Not even a single person helped her when she needed help! Those who can't understand Asia's kindness are a bunch of idiots! It's also wrong that none of them tried to become her friend!"

"Do you think the "Holy-maiden" needed friends? What's important is the charity to others. The "Holy-maidens" are finished when they seek friendship and love from others. She could have continued to live with the love from God. So Asia Argento didn't have the right to be a "Holy-maiden" from the beginning." Xenovia said to him.

Before Issei could retort Vince walked towards Issei and Asia and placed a hand on their shoulder. "Let me ask you a question then. If the church cared about the "Holy-maiden" so much, explain how the did a devil get even near her in the first place? Or better yet, explain why nobody noticed a devil near the church to begin with?"

Issei smirked at Vince's retort, while Irina looked away and Xenovia gritted her teeth. "What are you two to Asia?"

"Family. Friend. Comrade. That's why I will help Asia. I will protect Asia! If you try to lay a hand on her, I will turn all of you into my enemies." Issei declared.

Before Vince could answer a ringing noise sounded off. He took out his cellphone and answered it. "Hello? Oh hey Helena. How's everything?"

Rias and Akeno's eyes widened as the others looked surprised. Vince ignored the surprised looks and continued. "I see. I'll go meet you now, I'll be sure to bring it."

He closed his cellphone and placed it in his pockets. "I got to go now, I have somewhere else to be."

"Ara, who is Helena, Vince-kun?" Akeno asked with a smile.

"Helena is a woman I met yesterday. I'm going to go meet up with her now." Vince replied with a shrug.

Rias' eyes narrowed as she turned to Vince. "What for Vince?"

"Yeah... I don't want to talk about it, it's private." Before anyone else could say anything Vince, left the room.

Rias calmly watched as Vince left, but on the inside looked completely furious.


Authors Notes: The chapter itself was a little hard, but it was fun to type. Now for the explanations.

Vince will get informed a bit about the events in the Excalibur arc, but he really doesn't care much about it, since he has his own problems to deal with at the moment and from his perspective his own problem has more priority. That won't stop him from getting dragged into it though.

As for the scene when Vince talked about his reward. Vince did a pretty big job for Helena. He did infiltrate a top-secret facility and stole important data. Though she would be hesistant about creating a weapon for Vince and ask why it's needed.

Before anyone asks, yes it is the weapon Crescent Rose from RWBY. Although I did make sure to have the rounds have an ammo count this time. As for why the ammo count it's two hundered and thirty, it's a subtle reference to a game I like that has a similar max ammo count.

Also, if people are wondering Vince just wrote the basic concept of Crescent Rose on a notepad, he didn't write a mini blueprint or anything. He's not that good.

Vince can heal himself with regular water, but it's pretty much just physical wounds. He has little to no experience in dealing with internal wounds and even then it takes a lot of concentration and energy to heal himself. The White Water basically just speeds up the healing process and even then he didn't completely heal himself.

As for Vince's thoughts with the Excalibur, he really doesn't find it all that impressive. Especially since he has his holy-sword, the Totsuka-no-Tsurugi. But he does think Excalibur Mimic's ability is useful.

That's all I have to say for the explanations. Let me know what you think about the chapter, later.
