This is a fan-fic on Highschool DxD. In this fan-fic Issei will be having some extra skills. Issei wont be overpowered but would be little more strong than shown in cannon. The story will follow the events of novel. Try it, if you like then continue. All the credits about it belongs to the author Ichiei Ishibumi-sensei.
Alone in the world of full of darkness and light a lone soul was hovering like he lost something. Suddenly two lights emerged at one point in the place in front of him. The soul just stood there motionless, just watching the phenomenon in front of him. The light and darkness which believed that couldn't co-exist together started to form a spot. The light asked the soul
'Little one aren't you curious about the phenomenon that is happening in front of you? Don't you have any questions?'
'I am nothing, but a pathetic little soul. What would I gain, what would I lose, what will I take and what will I leave, it doesn't matter even if I know or don't know, In the end, it doesn't even matters'
'Well said child but I can feel the doubt in your conscience, besides nothing is hidden from me, after all, everything originates from me as well as ends within me. I am the one they call god, also I am the only one they call demon. When I am needed I am a god, while when I am not needed I am a demon, I am light as well as darkness. What is light! What is darkness! I am both. While I am them, at the same time they are also me. Light and Darkness are nothing but one and the same two sides a same coin unknown to each other yet exists in symphony. Can't co-exist together but can't exist without each other. Doesn't have meaning alone, always come in pair, they are never alone, yet they are very lonely. And I am the light as well as the darkness.'
'In short you are the one who resides above all. Neither known nor believed, but yet exist.'
'Exactly. You catch on quick little one' said the spot.
'Why do you seem to be upset little one?' asked spot.
'You know it all, don't you?' said the soul.
'But want to hear it from you, what do you seek most' said the spot.
'I just..... I just want to….... I just want to be happy and be loved. Is it that difficult!' said the soul.
'Little one since this is your wish so I will fulfill it, since you are the first and last one to climb up here. Go little one live your life happily. You may find true love but to nurture it will depend on you. You will get many opportunities yet it will depend on you to grab them. You would definitely be happy but the intensity of happiness will depend on your efforts. You may remember everything from the previous experiences and may even gain skills according to the situation, yet you may never remember this place….. yet you may never remember this place...… yet you may... n…eve..r rememb..err this pla..ce.....' said the spot.
And the soul wondered to an unknown direction for vast amount of time in the void of light and darkness slowly descending down the line.
Just below the void there was a thin boundary line where consciousness of five individual were arguing. The consciousness seemed to be very much fragile just like they would perish at any moment and were holding off on the last straw of their conscience just through sheer will.
The soul descended and glanced at them and watched them arguing. But unknown to him those five consciousness were actually analyzing him and his past life after some moment these consciousnesses came to same conclusion 'What a poor soul!' exclaimed the five at once.
'Even his mother didn't loved him!'
'He had a bed but no sleep
He had wealth but no desires
He had a house but no home
He had family but no love
He had passion but no means
He had friends but no aids
He had everything offer yet nothing
He just desired love and care but received selfishness and despair '
Discusses the consciousnesses among them, and here the soul was just watching them, unable to remember what happened to him or where he was for past long time. He knew he was somewhere but the memory of that point was just a blank. Clear blank.
At that moment a conscience said to the soul.
'Little one, aren't you going to ask where you are or who we are?'
'I am nothing, but a soul, what does it matter, I know I am dead from a long time and there is no fuss in making about it' answered the soul.
Ignoring his reply a conscience started to explain him.
'Little one, we five are the enemies or at least were, rather to say five I and these four were enemies. We were brothers of same origin, yet we were unable to understand it and soon forget about it and became bloodthirsty of each other. But now after our deaths we realized that the life we lived was nothing but a pathetic one. We even died by each other's hand. Little one, taking into account your past life, experiences and all the desires we will be sending you to the world where we existed.'
'Little one, we are hanging on this last straw of our conscience as we are dead a long time ago. So after this deed we would be cease to exist neither in conscience nor in will. So, we will be imparting our skills in you and you will be able to unlock it when the time comes and when it deemed to be necessary'
After that a conscience shone in more bright light, while other four in more darker shade and just them the light got absorbed into the soul, the consciousnesses became more thinner and paler and were disappearing.
Finally the soul asked
'Who are you seniors, if I may ask?'
'Ha ha ha, in this end moment little one you ask about it. Well, its not too late, then let me introduce ourselves, I am the incarnation of light, the world I am sending you know me as 'God' or rather specifically 'The Bible God'. This four are the incarnation of darkness, known as 'Devils', in that world they are known as 'The Great Four Demon Kings' named as Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodeus.'
'Since you are the last one we can see and had a good time with before we part, do you have some wishes you want to be granted before you go to the world that we have decided so that you won't feel unfair?'
'Life has always been unfair to me and I am used to it. But if I am going to ask anything I want to ask that how many wishes can you grant me or I am allowed to wish?'
'Manifesting and combining all of our current strength we can grant you three wishes of total'
'If that's the case then I want a happy life, I want a loving family and I want people who would care for me even if they are only few.'
'Little one, this we can't grant as this will depend on the ability and your karma but due to my blessings and 'curses' of four fools you will definitely get a happy life and true people around you in long term.'
'As for a loving family we can grant it but they would love you but they can't be always with you, if you are fine about it then I can grant your this wish, as we are not in our prime and in our body so we don't posses much power to satisfy your wish even if we consume the energy for the other two wishes.'
'Its fine I wish for a loving family even if it means that they won't be with me always'
'Say your remaining two wishes'
'I want sharingan with all its types of mangekyo sharingan as well as rinnegan with all of their abilities without any of the drawbacks'
'This we can grant but you will unlock the forms of mangekyo as you progress and become strong. You will be starting with the base 'one tomoe sharingan' '
'Its alright'
'Fine then state your next and final wish'
'I wish to have ability to think and strategize as Light Yagami and Lulouch Vi Britania '
'Fine, you will manifest their abilities as you grow up little by little, well then little one, have a happy life'
Saying this the five consciousness faded and vanished for eternity.
Just as they vanish a portal appeared and sucked the soul into it.