
Hidden in Time

Awoken in a cave not knowing anything, the main character of this story is on journey too learn and satisfy his curiosity. This is a slow progressing story, if you don't like slow progressing stories dont talk about it, if you don't like it and don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. Criticism and advice are accepted but plain out shitting on my work is not acceptable. plain out shitting on anyone's work is not acceptable. dont do it. Enjoy reading if you would and add this too your collection. updates might not always be steady.

xXxXx · สมจริง
14 Chs

The Lights Pt. 1

Now that the boy had lost sight of the little lizard after it scurried into his hair the boy stopped worrying about it. Continuing to crawl without a specific destination.

For hours the boy had crawled, what is strange is that the boy had not once actually looked fatigued or seemed fatigued. even the lizard that had been in the boys hair had actually fallen asleep. Currently it was sunset and the boywas actually nearing a cliff.

Reaching a part of the cliff the boy could actually see the sunset over the wide expanse of forest. Even more interesting is he could see more creatures, he could even see what looked like mini suns which were really torches. Another strange thing that happened on the boys journey is that he had only seen many of the small lizards like before. A lot of them stayed still throughout the time the boy was nearby, but just like the first lizard some of the lizards the crawled onto the boy. Most crawled to different parts of the boy's body. Some even left the boy later on in his travels. But one thing that remained consistent through the boy's journey is that not once was there any other creature.