
Hidden in Time

Awoken in a cave not knowing anything, the main character of this story is on journey too learn and satisfy his curiosity. This is a slow progressing story, if you don't like slow progressing stories dont talk about it, if you don't like it and don't have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. Criticism and advice are accepted but plain out shitting on my work is not acceptable. plain out shitting on anyone's work is not acceptable. dont do it. Enjoy reading if you would and add this too your collection. updates might not always be steady.

xXxXx · สมจริง
14 Chs


tangeled in the vines the boy looked at the bearer of the torch. Looking at the man with the torch the boy saw the worn hunters vest and the tiny bag at the man's hip. For those minutes in silence the man and boy both examined eachother.

Seeing the joy not bothering to ask for help or anything else, the man decided to just leave and keep on looking for what he was looking for.

2 weeks later

After 2 weeks the a routine had been established by the geckos, every day the geckos will go to look for bugs or tiny scarps of meat or plants, everytime they found something they'd bring the food back. Like this the geckos had established a source of food, the geckos would share the food and tat was what was interesting. the reason it is interesting is because normally the geckos wouldn't even share. Another thing that is interesting is that all the geckos would stay with the boy, this showed that the geckos seemed to be more intelligent then the normal geckos. Normally geckos wouldn't share food and something else is that the geckos actually stockpiled food, and like magic all the food and plants around the boy wouldnt die some would even look as though they grew faster or evolved.

Like this several more weeks passed. Surprisingly the scraps of food that the geckos found got eaten but the little berries and plants actually grew fast, this way the geckos actually had a lasting food supply that was self sustained.