

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin found himself pacing nervously around the room of his personal office. It had been hours since he left the magic city and he had missed Sylvanas presence already.

"When had I grown so attached to her?" He thought to himself as he sat down. "She is carrying my child for lights sake, perhaps that is the reason why." Or was there more to this relationship than Anduin thought?

Had it been in the jungle of that light forsaken planet or had it been when they came back to Azeroth. He knew he had cared for her before, but now he felt a deep love for her that even surprised himself.

As Anduin drew deeper into his thought he suddenly heard a light knock at his door.

Anduin moved to open the door to see one of his guards nervously standing in the doorway."Johnathan what is the matter?" Anduin asked, curious as to why his guard would be bothering him at this time of night.

"My apologies king Anduin but lady Tyrande wishes to speak with you, it's only for just a few minutes she says."

Anduin sighed, "What on Azeroth could she want at a time like this." He thought.

"Fine send her in." he answered as the guard nodded and motioned for Tyrande to come in.

Anduin raised a slight eyebrow at her as she seemed angry and riggied with first glance. He knew of her plans to go against his will and track Sylvanas. Although certainly as king and leader of the Alliance he could have made a bigger issue of the matter. However at the moment it wasn't the right time.

" Leave us." Tyrande spat before the guards hurried away but not before closing the door behind them.

" I heard you made a truce with that animal Saurfang and he wants to aid us in taking out what he calls the false horde." Tyrande glared.

" Yes I did, unlike you I view any sentient race of azeroth without any bigotry. I judge them based on their actions and character."

" Oh how marvelous king Anduin and what would a child like you, who has only lived for twenty one years know about the judgment of one's character?"

Anduin sighed turning his back to her, " Is this all you wanted to talk to me about? If not then you can leave lady Tyrande I have need to sleep."

Tyrande rolled her eyes as she lightly touched his shoulder, almost testing the waters. Wanting to see his reaction which was a sudden jerk to her touch.

" You forget yourself lady Tyrande!" Anduin gasped moving her hand away from his shoulder.

" Just wanted to get your attention and it was awfully rude to turn your back on me child. But as I have said before,I have a great concern about your new Allie."

" Of course like many others in the alliance,but for once I would like you all to just trust my judgement instead of thinking that i'm just a naive boy. He could have killed me in the battle of undercity but he didn't."

Tyrande shook her head, " Perhaps by accident, I assure you most orcs are just pure animals."

Anduin sighed looking at the time, " Lady Tyrande I am not going to keep arguing with you about my decision to let Surfang out of prison. I expect you to fall in line with my decision, otherwise we will have a very uncomfortable conversation concerning the kaldori's place in the alliance."Anduin asserted only to see the women smirk.

" Understood king Anduin, just don't come crying to me when the mad orc tries to kill you again. Genn may not be there to protect you."

"You can see yourself out." Anduin spat.

Before Tyrande headed towards the door she suddenly grabbed Anduin by his chin almost in a show of dominance, however he quickly grabbed her wrist before she could make any advances. She was so close that he could smell her natural fragrance of the forest on her, It seemed to drive his nose mad. It was so enchanting that he thought he may have been bewitched by the elven ruler.

" Mhm I like your beard, keep it king Anduin it suits you very well. Oh yes, one last statement. My gut feeling tells me you're trying your best to maintain peace, am I right?" Tyrande asked only for Anduin to shoot an intense glare her way. "Their cannot be peace as long as the mongrels on the horde are left alive to breed, always remember that Anduin." She said before she finally let go of his chin leaving the young king very shocked and uncomfortable.

"By the light what is wrong with that mad kaldorei?" Anduin thought. "It seemed as though she just came here to mess with my head."


"Lady Sylvanas it is time to meet with the forsaken." An Elven soldier announced as he watched the warchief prepare herself.

" Thank you solider." She replied out of respect despite finding herself very annoyed at the moment. Today was the day she was finally going to meet with her champion and the forsaken and her mind swelled with thoughts. She felt something long forgone in her body and that was anxiety. Her heart raced just simply thinking about the ocean of question that awaited her. After a long and tedious preparation Sylvanas gave the order for her servant to escort her to the meeting room.

" Will Lor' themar be attending the meeting?" Sylvanas asked as they approached the meeting room in the palace.

"Yes warchief, Nathanos and the rest of the forsaken have already taken their seats along with Lor'themar and I have heard that your personal dark rangers will be there as well." The soldier answered professionally in a monotone voice.

" I see, thank you soldier you have served your warchief well, I will make sure you are compensated for your service."

The soldier was taken aback but nonetheless said thank you in appreciation as they finally came upon the meeting room. Sylvanas first entered in with a calm calculated deminor, already preparing her statements and lies.

" Dark lady…" Nathanos gasped at seeing Sylvanas as she once was decades ago. He had heard rumors,but he didnt think them to be true. A feeling of heated hatred rose in his already dead body. What right did a light being such as the naru had in restoring her body? The audacity and invasion of one's life was simply disgusting to him,It reminded him of the lich king. She was no longer forsaken, no longer under a curse of undeath and the darkness that they all feared was far from her. He felt a hint of envy almost, but he had a far more important question in his mind.

Sylvanas sat herself next to Lor'themar as he began to address the forsaken.

" Welcome to Silvermoon, we are graced to have you as guest and are happy to aid you in whatever need you have. Although we are all here to aid our warchief which involves helping her piece together the timeline of events in her unfortunate absence."

After Lor'themar had concluded, he could see the very shocked and astonished expressions on the forsaken who still had enough flesh on there face to express emotion. He could read sadness, envy, confusion and surprisingly a little bit of bitterness and hatred.

Sylvanas not being one to shy away spoke first with urgency, especially with an intense need to rest because of her pregnancy.

" Silence is not what I expected it's quite concerning. How have you been ruling my horde Nathanos? Have you brought the alliance dogs to their knees in my absence or do they still fight us to a stand still?" She asked in her Dark lady tone which she knew would get most of them in line. However Sylvanas could also sense feelings of envy and bitterness in her forsakens hearts.

Nathanos was the first to speak as he cleared his throat. "Forgive us dark lady it's just that we weren't used to your new appearance. We all had heard the rumours but didn't believe them until now."

"I suppose that is reasonable, but more importantly how have you been as a leader?" Sylvanas asked with a raised eyebrow.

" In there boy kings absence, the alliance seemed to fight harder and more vicious. More than likely an influence of the dog Greymane! But I did what I could with what I had Dark lady, the Azurite proved to be effective but after past accidents

I ordered the weapon production to cease." Nathanos answered.

" And why is that?" Sylvanas asked out of curiosity. She knew the research on azurite had started when she disappeared but she assumed the weapons would be in full production within the two years she was gone.

Nathanos shook his head." The chemical compound proved too explosive, we used azurite in many battles and succeeded in causing mass casualties for the alliance but…"

" It always caused many deaths on our side as well, many eleven rangers had been stationed around area during the battle's and after the explosion went off they were all dead." Lor'Themar chimed in before continuing.

" Sylvanas, over the past two years the Queldorei birthrate and population became very low due to the war and that's not considering what Arthas did to us decades before. Some even suggested we mate with humans to jump start our race numbers again. But putting that ridiculous notion aside, I couldn't stand for more lives to be lost so I laboured for the horde to stop using the Azurite until more research is done and it's made safer. Lor'themar said.

" Although I didn't think it was a good idea I agreed and soon after production stopped." Nathanos said looking over to his dark lady to see what her response would be.

" I agree with Lor'themar, if the compound causes to much death on are side then it should be stopped until further notice. But despite that I am understanding that at the moment the war is at a stand still correct?"

" Yes, warchief." Nathanos answered.

" I am disappointed but not entirely, you have served well in my absence Nathanos however I sense you have questions for me along with the rest of the dark rangers."

They all nodded in unison before she gave them permission to ask.

" How does it feel to be alive again?" Nathanos asked bluntly but with a great amount of respect.

She paused for a few brief minutes, contemplating what she was going to say. What could she say at time like this?

Sylvanas inhaled deeply. " I can feel my heartbeat along with the blood that now rushes through my body. I can finally find rest when I sleep along with the taste of food that enters my mouth. Air enters my lungs and escapes with every breath I take. This experience brings back so many memories that I thought were lost forever." She answered as she saw the forsaken look at her with odd expressions.

" is it more of an insufferable experience than that of being forsaken?" Nathanos asked.

" I would be lying if i said it doesn't feel more enjoyable to be alive again. What Arthas took from me was something precious and now that I look back on my life I took many things for granted, as many Queldorei often do."

"Having an extremely long life span can do that. Our people have a hard time accepting death especially untimely ones." Lor'themar added.

Sylvanas nodded, " yes it can, but as I have said before I am still experiencing and reminiscing on my condition."

Nathanos nodded with certainty however he sensed that some forsaken didn't like her answer. They most likely wondered if she could empathize with them and the curse of being undead. But he to found a hint of envy spring forth in his heart. Oh how long he wanted to find life's embrace again. To feel his heartbeat and to taste the foods he ate as a child but could no longer taste.

" Sylvanas has done many questionable things but why did she receive such a gift,even if it was forced upon her. No, I must not question the dark lady but why her?" He wondered but was soon brought out of his thoughts by Sylvanas.

" I will continue to rule over as soon as my body feels ready…"

" What about us Sylvanas ?" An undead ranger shouted from the back. It had been Thandor Sunstrider an particular rebellious ranger who in life had often disobeyed orders from authority. He seemed to be the only one in the entire horde who stood up to Sylvanas at times but his skill was bar none, coming in only second to her and even she could see him becoming a better archer in the future. Thandor was simply too valuable to kill or lock away even more so than Nathanos and his explorations into the dark arts of necromancy made him even more important to the forsaken and the Horde.

" Thandor how good it is to see you again." Sylvanas spat sarcastically, noticing his dark pale skin and white hair however unlike the rest of the dark rangers he had blue eyes. Most likely an influence of Arthas from his time as a death knight.

" I see your looking very well.. alive unlike the rest of us Sylvanas, however you are free from this curse of undeath and with the valkyrie gone we are set to be flung into the darkness. While you are off on your way dark lady."

"Thandor shut your mouth! You are talking to the honorable warchief of the horde." Nathanos replied sharply.

"She is no longer the dark lady Nathanos,as much as you don't want to admit it. I can even sense that you have been touched by the light Sylvanas." Thandor said begrudgingly.

Sylvanas eyes sharpened, " I am still the ruler of the horde and rightfully so Thandor, and you would be wise to respect that or you will feel my wrath."

Thandor chuckled, " Sylvanas I have known you for years even before Arthas killed us and I know when you can't make due with your threats. Maybe two years ago you would have been a dreadful challenge but now you are no different than any other Queldorei women."

" Do I hear treason in your voice Thandor." Nathanos threatened as he reached for his dagger.

Thandor grinned, " Nathanos the other dark rangers agree with me just look at their face's." he said as Nathnos looked to see the determined faces of the dark rangers who became increasingly angry but not at Thandor but towards Sylvanas, there emotions got the best of them at the moment.

" I have been your shepherd for decades I dare you challenge my authority I cared for you all like my own family. I will always be forsake.."

" You are no longer Forsaken Sylvanas, the Forsaken needs a ruler who is one of us." Thandor challenged.

" You Bastard!" Sylvanas exclaimed as she stood to her feat and her red markings became increasingly hot to the touch, they brightly radiated holy light which quickly brought the forsaken to their knees in agony . Sylvanas became confused as she looked at her arms and the painful expressions of her forsaken and the shocked facees of the Queldorei around her.

" No I didn't mean to.." Sylvanas gasped before she the light receded.

Thandor held unto a desk as he gasped, " You are unstable as always and look at what you have done to your dear Nathanos, he is unconscious! Quick get him up and we shall go,Sylvanas is not fit to rule the forsaken anymore."

Sylvanas watched as the other forsaken in the room grabbed Nathanos and usher him out as more of her once loyal dark rangers exited the room. She suddenly found herself lost for words, Thandor had gained more loyal followers because her accident and heart began to sink. The forsaken had been the only family she had known since she became free from Arthas grip and now they began to walk out one by one. Of course Sylvanas had been stern but she knew she loved her couldn't give a damn about the rest of the forsaken,he only wanted power and she knew this.

" I will have your head for treason Thandor, don't not go against the horde." Sylvanas threatened with every fiber of her being.

" Your threats are empty Sylvanas I suggest you worry more about the boy king who presents an important challenge now that he is back. But since you appear to be unstable even before your accident,I took the liberty to send out forsaken assassinations to cut him loose from this world."

Sylvanas heart skipped a beat and her blood boiled, she would sooner take Thandors head now if she didn't have to keep up appearances. She wouldn't let him harm a hair on her husband's head even if he was an annoying pest, Anduin was the father of her child and he belonged to her. Sylvanas exhaled, calming herself before she spoke.

" I didn't order the assassin of the boy king, you dare go against me and the rest of the Horde!" Sylvanas said.

" We will see who follows your lead when the war is won and Anduins head is on a stake, Sylvanas." Thandor said before he left along with the rest of the forsaken.

Sylvanas felt her hands tighten at her sides before Lor'themar came beside her, " Should I send someone to keep tabs on them Sylvanas."

"Yes that would be wise Lor'themar,but for me I will retire to my quarters I need rest." Sylvanas said as she felt her headache worsen and her stomach churn.

Lor'themar nodded before Sylvanas returned to her room.

" I miss Anduin and I can't believe I'm saying this aloud." Sylvanas mumbled as she undressed herself and got into bed. The afternoon air had been a wonderful comfort to her already nauseous stomach, she hadn't been showing yet and that was a good thing. But soon she will have to put in for a leave of absence. Although this may win some of her people over to Thandor however she knew her child's safety was a top priority. Before she went to sleep she mentally connect with Anduin as the shamen had told her to just focus and a telepathic pathway could be opened.

" Anduin." Sylvanas thought aloud and she could only hear silence for a few brief moments but soon after a sleepy sounding Anduin had suddenly answered through there pathway.

" Sylvanas by the light,how are you in my mind?" Anduin gasped as he sat up in bed and could see the blue markings on his arm light up in the darkness of his room.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes as she turned over in bed, her red markings lighting up in response to Anduins connection to her.

" Remember what the shamen had told us about the markings Anduin, we can talk telepathically even as far as the two kingdoms."

" Oh yes I remember now, but you certainly picked an odd time." Anduin chuckled pulling the covers over himself.

" I needed to speak with you Anduin." She said.

"Is the child okay I pray there aren't any complications?" he blurted out

"Yes our child is fine and the growth is stable."

Anduin yawned, " What is it Sylvanas? Are you alright?" he asked with great concern.

"Yes I am fine at the moment, just a little sick. But I wanted to urge you to watch your back one of my enemies has sent assassins to deal with you." She warned.

" I am not worried Sylvanas,until the light has called me home I might as well be invulnerable." he lightly chuckled.

Sylvanas scoffed at his bravery or rather foolishness. " Just please listen to me for once Anduin." Sylvanas said before she held her head in slight pain. " These headaches from the pregnancy are starting to piss me off!"

Anduin scratched his beard in deep thought, " You must go see a healer, matter of fact I know one who could help in stormwind."

" And how are you going to sneak me in Anduin? You know I was simply joking about the dyeing of the hair." she chuckled.

"Oh I have I plan lady windrunner just wait." Anduin smirked.

A/n been a while since iv updated but I had to take time out to focus

on school so my update schedule should be back.