

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
31 Chs

Chapter 9

It's been 6 days since the exams and during these days I went for a walk/coffee with Toru and Kyoka twice. Fun days but still, I was getting bored of training by myself.

Aster: Uuugh...Maybe I should find a sparring partner. Ordis, you've seen me in action, how do my moves look?

Ordis: Every time I see tou in action -MY SENSORS ARE BLEEEDIDIIN- am pleased with your progress.

Aster: Really?

I ask energetically ignoring the glitch.

Ordis: No!

Aster: Why you bully me?

Ordis: Operator, you should either find a sparring partner as you said so that you would have someone notice your mistakes and weaknesses or go to a dojo and study there.

Aster: Then it's decided!

I quickly get up from my bed.

Aster: But who should I ask for help?

"I might as well use this as excuse to call her"

I think and then make a phone call. Few rings later, I heard her voice.

Toru: Hello?

Aster: Hey Toru! It's me, Aster, how are you?

Toru: Aster! I'm great thanks! What's up?

"She seems cheerful. More than usual."

Aster: I'm sorry to bother you but here's the thing. I need a sparring partner for martial art and I'm wondering if you can point me at a good dojo or something.

Toru: Really? Just wait a sec!

She said and muted her phone.

"Huh? What is she doing?"

Not even half a minute passed when I heard her again.

Toru: Hey Aster, are you still there?

Aster: Yeah, shoot!

Toru: I'll send you a message with an address to a dojo. Be there there at 17:00

I checked the clock on the wall. 16:00

"I have enough time"

Aster: You're a lifesaver, thank you!

She chuckled.

Toru: Don't mention it! Oh no, have to go or I'll be late! Later Aster!

Aster: Bye bye!

We ended the call and I leaped out the door. Transforming to Excalibur I jumped from rooftop to rooftop towards the address.

"I find it kinda funny that people see someone jumping from rooftop to rooftop and no one bats an eye."

I arrived at my destination 20 minutes early thanks to my speed and the almighty GPS.

It was a traditional dojo but I didn't see anyone there. I walked towards the door and a tray with a steaming cup of tea caught my attention.

"Someone was here..."

Aster: Hello?

I tried to speak again but I felt something on my back. A strange sensation.

"Killing Intent!"

I quickly morphed to the more tanky Frost and used the mist of the transformation as a cover and rolled away from the intent.

???: Not bad kid! Good reflexes but if I wanted to hurt you, just good reflexes wouldn't be enough.

A male voice was heard. I quickly made a solid Globe with a radius of 2 meters around me and started looking around.

???: This is a nice ability and all but what happens if I'm already inside?

The voice was heard from right behind me. I was about to backhand him when I head another voice.

Toru: Dad! I told you not to do that!


I transformed back and the globe disappears.

Aster: Toru? What's going on?

She sighed and came closer.

Toru: Well...my dad wanted to meet you and you said you wanted a sparring partner. My dad here is an excellent martial artist so everything was supposed to work out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

???: That's how it is! And I wanted to test you for a bit. Sorry about that!

"Is this guy for real?"

I turned and saw floating clothes. A long beige trench coat, white shirt with a thin tie and black pants

"Oh, so she gets her quirk from her father"

Aster: It's ok sir, no harm done.

???: Hahahaha I'm glad to hear that. By the way, you can call me Taketora.

Aster: I'm Aster! It's nice to meet you sir!

Taketora: So about training how would you like Wednesdays and Fridays? Maybe till school starts. If you're accepted that is.

"Oh I WILL be accepted"

Aster: Sounds good to me mr. Taketora.

Taketora: Good! Now let's go inside and check where you stand.

Aster: Right! By the way, Toru, are you going to join us?

Toru: No, I'll just watch!

She said enthusiastically while we went inside.

"Great I'm gonna have my ass kicked in front of the girl that I'm interested in...and by her dad no less"

Aster: mr. Taketora, is it fine with you if I use part of my quirk? It will help with my training.

Taketora: If you don't use special moves that will make the training meaningless then I don't see why not.

Aster: Thanks!

I transform to Excalibur in a flash of light.

Toru: Wow! Aster you look so cool! I couldn't see you before with that sphere thing but...wow! So this is your quirk.

She looked very excited and her hands moved energetically.

Taketora: This looks different than before.

He said as he saw my other warframe.

Aster: Please don't mind it.

I said and got into a fighting stance.

Taketora: Alright then, Come!

I charge at him and threw a punch. He dodged and returned the favour with a roundhouse kick. I managed to block his kick with my left hand and swiped at his legs but he quickly moved back and dodged it.

I went for a high kick but he swiped my other leg effectively tripping me and while I was still in the air, he pushed my chest downwards. I hit the floor with a thud but I quickly rolled and jumped to my feet.

Taketora: Again!

I lost count of how many times something similar happened but I endured it for three hours. After that, he left with a "See you next time". Toru offered me a hand and helped get up.

Aster: Thanks!

Toru: You know, your voice sounds really c-cool when your like that.

Aster: Ah, Ahahaha I-uh Thank you!

I let out a nervous laughter and said while scratching the back of my neck.

We stay there in silence for a bit. Then it became awkward.

Toru: So ehm Aster should we get going too?

Aster: Yes! Yes, we should...

We went out and I helped her lock the dojo. I offered to escort her home but she said that her house was close while her sleeves moved in a way that I couldn't understand. We then said our goodbyes and we went home.

Hope you like this chapter! I got inspiration about Taketora's kinda laid back character from Azazel of Highschool DxD

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts